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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Time to celebrate!!! How exciting for you! No more noise when you want to sleep, no more disruptions... you won't know how to act. This is fantastic! New buildings, new everything and you will be one of the first to use the facilities!!! It will be nice having your own parking right near your door, being able to socialize when you want and best of all, when you want quiet, you go into your room and close the door. Awesome!!! You really have something great to look forward to for next year. I hope your roommate is able to stay with you all. AND REAL FOOD! I think all of us except Christina are opting out of the meal plan so we can cook dinner for ourselves instead of getting dining hall "food." And even if Christina bails on us, we plan to pull in Lara's friend Kyra, who's pretty cool. And yeah, super excited about my own room. We have control over the temperature in the rooms beyond opening windows too. SWEEEEEEEEEET !!!!!!!!!!
  2. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I must say that wolves tend to have a little bit of the outdoorsy BO. Must be the log living that contributes to this. Regarding your mother, I have no idea exactly what she is thinking, but let us know how the res life meeting turns out.. You have a pretty level head, so I am certain you both will have a conversation that you will be comfortable with. Let's hope it is something that your mother can live with as well. As for next year... let's hope all the unrelatable obnoxious people are grouped together without any room to squeeze you in. A studio apartment would be great for you.
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Time to celebrate!!! How exciting for you! No more noise when you want to sleep, no more disruptions... you won't know how to act. This is fantastic! New buildings, new everything and you will be one of the first to use the facilities!!! It will be nice having your own parking right near your door, being able to socialize when you want and best of all, when you want quiet, you go into your room and close the door. Awesome!!! You really have something great to look forward to for next year. I hope your roommate is able to stay with you all.
  4. But I am not smart. You all are. In fact, I am so accustomed to a laptop, that I can't even work this keyboard. AARRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!
  5. No, you never gave that impression. Hopefully I didn't make you think you did, if so, I am the one to apologize.
  6. How fantastic for Harrison that you are getting him a biggggg cage! He will be so happy. They ideally need about four square feet to run around in. You cannot train a nocturnal animal not to be nocturnal. It isn't healthy. This is just the way he is so you need to accept his sleep patterns. What I would do would be along the lines of something like this... if he wakes up around 18H00 to 20H00, take this time to play with him on a regular basis. If he is a morning hedgehog, then get up earlier to play with him then. Try and work your schedule to fit his schedule. For example, Hercule is an early riser. He is up around 18H00 and it takes him about 30 minutes before he is ready for company. So, somewhere between 18H30 and 19H00, I see when he is ready, then take him out and spend time with him. On the other hand, Horst is a morning hamster, so my time with him is around 07H00. Remember you cannot change the sleep cycle of a nocturnal animal. Please try and coordinate the play time to fit in with his schedule. He will be much healthier if you do.
  7. *gives TBFOF a hug* I won't ask the questions your parents would as I am certain you have already heard them. Are the people he hit, okay? How hard did he hit them? Will they claim medical problems in the future? What does your friend intend on doing? What did the police say? Is your car drivable? To get you out of trouble, he should plan on paying for all the damage to both cars and take responsibility for anything that comes from the people he hit. Of course, he will not have enough money for this, but he should start thinking about how to make restitution. Oh TBFOF, this is almost worse than losing my backpack. *hugs, hugs, hugs*
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Well, I've had it for almost three years, and I take it with me everywhere. It's been turning itself off/on for no apparent reason. Perhaps this might be an easy fix? Hopefully it can be fixed. Three years is still not too old to die. Outdated perhaps, but it should last. Well, the problem seems likely to be heat related. I'm fairly certain that the interior fans aren't running, and the program I have logging the computer temperature says it's almost hot enough to cook on. So, at the moment I'm using my roomie's cooling mat, and planning on dropping it off with dad for a weekend in a couple weeks so he can take it apart and clean out/replace the fan. In other news, today Phil came up with the idea that he's mixing up his priorities between me and maplestory (often not giving most of his attention to the game instead of to me). This is more of a problem when I'm with him in person, but it hasn't really upset me to the point of directly calling him out on it. Either way, I'm kind of glad he saw it as a problem on his own, and really glad that he *wants* to do something about it. Since I need to leave my computer with dad for a weekend anyways, he agreed to try to have a computer-free weekend when I do that. It should be a lot of fun. It also means a lot to me that he thinks he should pay more attention to me than his games (which is kinda obvious most of the time) because he's been a gamer since forever. I'm amazed that we've been going out for almost a year, we've never had an argument, and that this is our biggest problem so far. It is great news that Phil came to this conclusion on his own. Much better than if you had brought it up. A computer-free weekend... almost the equivalent of a television-free weekend for a couch potato. You both will have a fantastic time! Your father is so talented!!! How great that he can work on your computer. I wish I had those talents. *round of applause for Jesusfreak's father*
  9. *gives - Kat - a hug* As Krisluvsdogs said... we are here for you and definitely not morbid. Very real, yet for you very surreal. You and your family are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers, with deepest sympathies during this time. Horatio
  10. When you learn, so will I. Except, my new laptop won't be here until somewhere until the 26th... hopefully.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Well, I've had it for almost three years, and I take it with me everywhere. It's been turning itself off/on for no apparent reason. Perhaps this might be an easy fix? Hopefully it can be fixed. Three years is still not too old to die. Outdated perhaps, but it should last.
  12. We missed you! Glad that you found time for us. Sorry to hear your have so much work to do. Jesusfreak is swamped as well and her laptop might die.
  13. That wish is too good to corrupt. But, here goes... Granted, but then the universe returns to the cave man days and we start all over again. I wish that someone would return my backpack.
  14. How wonderful you are feeling better!!! Fantastic that the new medicine is working! My friends would love for your to visit their cafe. I will get their cards and post the name and addresses tomorrow. It would be so fantastic if you could visit them. I wish I was there with you, I do this one day whirlwind tour of Paris where you see everything. Actually my route is pretty good, even if I don't say so myself. I'm so excited. I've already begun to pack, even though it's nine days away, and I'm bound to need some of the clothes in the days to come. I am excited for you!!! It is certainly great news that your medication is keeping those headaches away. May I suggest that you make a list of what you think you will be taking. Sometimes Paris gets a little cold, so do bring a couple pieces of clothing that you can layer and a jacket. Great walking/running shoes are a must. Don't think about being a fashionista, just bring clothes that are comfortable, warm and that can be traveled in.
  15. How wonderful you are feeling better!!! Fantastic that the new medicine is working! My friends would love for your to visit their cafe. I will get their cards and post the name and addresses tomorrow. It would be so fantastic if you could visit them. I wish I was there with you, I do this one day whirlwind tour of Paris where you see everything. Actually my route is pretty good, even if I don't say so myself.
  16. You, Mushroom_king, write great stories. I am certain Leguan's character will be fantastic!
  17. Today in Narita, Japan (Tokyo), we, FedEx, had an MD.11 crash during landing. Please take a moment of silence and say a prayer for the two pilots who lost their lives. The families and friends of these men will be in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Horatio
  18. Thanks for the hug. I really needed that. Could it have died? It was fully charged at midnight, lost at 01H00, I called it at 02H00, then called it again at 09H00. At 02H00, it rang about three times, at 09H00 it went straight to voicemail. No one else would have called me during that period, so it should have been fully charged for quite a while and probably not have died. Oh man. I am so, so sorry. It's really horrible that all this happens to you. I wish you the best of luck trying to piece your life back together. I don't know what I would do if I lost all these pictures of my grandfather. I really aught to back these up now. Please learn from my mistakes. Back up, back up, back up...NOW!!! I had my music, photographs and address book backed up on my iPhone and the music and photos on my iPod, but everything was lost together. So, today I purchased an Apple 500GB hard drive to back up my new life. Please, if you do anything else on the computer, back up your important things like photographs, contacts, etc.
  19. Beautiful!!! Phil must really love receiving your poetry! This is one of your best.
  20. Thanks for the hug. I really needed that. Could it have died? It was fully charged at midnight, lost at 01H00, I called it at 02H00, then called it again at 09H00. At 02H00, it rang about three times, at 09H00 it went straight to voicemail. No one else would have called me during that period, so it should have been fully charged for quite a while and probably not have died.
  21. D: no no. its true. I don't need any help from you, sir. You, Mushroom_king, have one of the most creative minds. It would have been my guess that you would have come up with a phenomenal name. I didn't even know you could have hedgehogs as pets, so it's not like I could know this oh so important rule that I apparently overlooked. In some states, owning a hedgehog is against the law.
  22. Actually Apple was the rescuer... it was AT&T who was the problem. AT&T wants all the phones activated before they leave the store so that they at least know the serial number and get their money for the initial activation and you have signed a two-year agreement, so they can then go after you for the contract monies. Verizon and Sprint are exactly the same way. They all are trying to protect their bottom line. I've put adverts in the newspaper, on Craig's list and searched up and down. The reward I am offering is way more than they would get trying to sell the stuff. I just want my documents and the old phone. There were thousands of photographs that were not backed up. But when my new computer arrives, I am backing up my life.
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