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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Now look what you did D: Shut up. You're the one who died, so it's your fault. Duh.
  2. I know this. I think it's very interesting to see the people 'behind the avatar'. Since you already were guessing how I would look like, I decided to post it. On another board (a german motorcycle board) where I am active was a thread in which everbody could post a picture. Most people looked different than I expected. Even more interesting is to meet them in real life. We had a meeting with about 20 people from the board which now takes place every year. This year for the third time. We rent an accomodation somewhere in the middle of Germany for one weekend. So nobody has more than 600 km to travel. Ok, the few people from Austria and Switzerland have ~700 km. Friday is arrival, a tour and barbecue on saturday and departure on sunday. Next year I want to go.
  3. The Invention of Hugo Cabret sounds great! I will have to add it to my reading list. Thanks!!! You have a wonderful list. Definitely don't mess up the special edition books, get the copy out of the library.
  4. Harrison has a new buddy... your father, when he is not working. Now you totally understand about sleep cycles. How wonderful that he is an ER doctor. That is such a hard job. I admire him for the great work he does. Actually, I don't have that much information, I just have access to some wonderful, generous veterinarians who are very willing to share their knowledge. They always can find time to help people learn.
  5. [ Glow... you are such a phenomenal writer!!! I hope you keep this story going for a while. Outstanding!!! ]
  6. I'm sure he is. Just make sure he is in love in your story.
  7. I'm a slow learner, but you are so, so right. Now I have the apple 500GB storage unit.
  8. Cool, I have to check this story. Some updates: My albino rat made it. Now the last time she got the antibiotic was 12 days ago and she's still fine. Next week she'll get some fellows. The last week I spent my holidays in the Netherlands. Me and my brother rented a bungalow close to the sea. We were lucky. The week before the weather was bad, and now it is bad again. It was again snowing a little bit- and of course lots of rain. However, exactly in this week, the sun was shining most of the time. The house was surrounded by channels at three sides. There were lots of channels and lakes, you can go nearly everwhere by boat. And we did this. A small boat with a 4 hp engine was inclusive. I took some pictures with my mobile. Our house. Photo taken from the boat. This was our little Yamaha. And that's me. As you can see, I enjoyed it a lot. What an awesome holiday!!! I would love living in that little house all the time!!! You looked like you had a fantastic time. Glad the weather worked out for you. You will have to let me know how you worked the good weather in your favour.
  9. Fffffhahaha, yeah. You're making me feel a lot cheesier than I meant to sound. xD But cheesy is good, I guess. = 3= Cheesy is GREAT!!!!!!!! Grasp the moment, matters of the heart are like a roller coaster. Breathe in the smells, get high on the rapidly beating heart, feel the energy. This is such a wonderful post and definitely an upbeat feeling that translated into my day.
  10. How fantastic for Harrison that you are getting him a biggggg cage! He will be so happy. They ideally need about four square feet to run around in. You cannot train a nocturnal animal not to be nocturnal. It isn't healthy. This is just the way he is so you need to accept his sleep patterns. What I would do would be along the lines of something like this... if he wakes up around 18H00 to 20H00, take this time to play with him on a regular basis. If he is a morning hedgehog, then get up earlier to play with him then. Try and work your schedule to fit his schedule. For example, Hercule is an early riser. He is up around 18H00 and it takes him about 30 minutes before he is ready for company. So, somewhere between 18H30 and 19H00, I see when he is ready, then take him out and spend time with him. On the other hand, Horst is a morning hamster, so my time with him is around 07H00. Remember you cannot change the sleep cycle of a nocturnal animal. Please try and coordinate the play time to fit in with his schedule. He will be much healthier if you do. Really?! We got this uber-book from some hedgehog expert people and they've trained all their hedgehogs to be awake during daylight hours And I mean, the people that wrote this book appear to be omniscient on all things hedgehog related Before I wrote my post, I consulted the veterinary hospital and asked for a consensus of opinions. The collaboration of doctors told me that you can get your hedgehog to be awake when you are, but it shortens their life because this is not normal and they will not sleep like they are supposed to. It is almost the same with humans. We are not nocturnal, but there are many of us who work nights. If you look at the group of people trying to switch sleep schedules, we have bags under our eyes, are tired and cranky. No matter how long you try and change to a different sleep schedule, the only this accomplished is that it takes a toll on your longevity. What the veterinarians suggested, and one vet has two hedgehogs, each of her children has one, is to try and analyze Harrison's schedule, and work your play time around his schedule. If he is an early riser, then play early evening. If he is a late sleeper and heads to bed late in the morning, then get up with him and play early in the morning. Unfortunately, some people write books and act like they are authorities, but as nature has made these creatures nocturnal, it is something you will truly not be able to change. I'm sorry.
  11. I'll definitely take you up on the hug offer. Thanks! I needed that. Actually the Mobile Me is what saved me. What I didn't know is that you have what you selected to be stored, somewhere else and you have to input your username and password to access it. My hard drive is encrypted, so if someone was to try and see what was on there, they would be out of luck. Because of Mobile Me, I did save some of my address book. Thank goodness. Also, I had immediately changed my password, so Adam survived, they would not be able to get too much. As for the reason I had all my eggs in one basket... because I usually carry that basket everywhere and it is never out of my sight. As for my luggage, I park that with all the other pilot bags. No one ever touches them, but occasionally someone will grab the wrong bag. The good news is that I am coming up with a way to save this information in another place and a way to access it in case this ever happens again. And... from now on, my iPhone will be somewhere else, not with my laptop. The new iPod, when I get around to purchasing it, if I do, will be left home. But with the capability of the iPhone, I don't see much reason for an iPod. For the past week, I have beaten myself up over this and realized that I must have been in a hurry, even though I didn't think so, because there were a couple things I didn't do, or did differently, which meant losing my bag. GRRRRR to me. The worst or best part, is that all my identification is either in the trash or still in someone's hands. If it is still in someone's hands, then I have offered a "large reward" for the return. I would even let them have the iPhones and iPod, just to have my hard drive and documentation returned. Much, much, much more money than they would get it trying to pawn it or sell it second hand. Thank you for reading and the hug.
  12. Well... I am hoping that my new laptop arrives tomorrow. It was supposed to be here today, but the eruption of the volcano delayed the flight by a few hours. So, I am crossing my fingers for tomorrow. Then, the first thing I will do is get a great art program. I have Corel, but it is the old version. Time for a new one. Any suggestions?
  13. Granted, but then we would make you a moderator and you would be working on accumulating 50,000 + posts. I wish summer was here.
  14. Its a lot smaller than it looks. Built by, and made for two old people, so it... accomodates two parents and a single teenager without many problems. And one hamster? :blink:
  15. Did you SEE the one I posted? Actually, I thought yours was pretty great.
  16. Awesome!!! I am really excited for you as you now have a fantastic new friend!!!!! Being from Austria, Julia probably speaks German, French and Italian, in addition, of course, to English. Time for you to learn a new language!
  17. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Sounds like you have some great choices. An apartment with an RA, might be great for you. As for the distance, in the good weather, can you ride a bike? You can always put a basket on the front or double baskets on the back.
  18. *gives TBFOF a hug* I won't ask the questions your parents would as I am certain you have already heard them. Are the people he hit, okay? How hard did he hit them? Will they claim medical problems in the future? What does your friend intend on doing? What did the police say? Is your car drivable? To get you out of trouble, he should plan on paying for all the damage to both cars and take responsibility for anything that comes from the people he hit. Of course, he will not have enough money for this, but he should start thinking about how to make restitution. Oh TBFOF, this is almost worse than losing my backpack. *hugs, hugs, hugs* It was a parked car. It has 6000$ in damages. His parents only want to pay for the deductible and towing fee. Our insurance is going up 800$ a year, for three years. My car's bumper is slightly broken. I went back to Starbucks today, where it happened, to try to see how it could have happened, but I just can't figure it out. It's such a mess. Suchhhhhhhh a mess. I want to go fall off a clifff. THIS IS THE WORSTTT WEEEK. EVER. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO !!!!! You should not have to put this on your insurance! NO, NO, NO !!! He needs to take responsibility for his actions. His parents need to come up with the $6000 to repair the other car, and the money to repair yours. Please do NOT put this on your insurance! Ask your parents to intervene and get the money from his family. Your friend needs to learn about responsibility and this is where it starts with him being held accountable for the bills incurred while he was at the wheel. Were the police involved? Did he get a ticket for not having a license? Were you in the car? Please... do NOT put this on your insurance. He needs to pay, and then also pay for the three year increase in your insurance costs. Also, very, very important, get at least three estimates for the repair. Not just the one submitted by the people. You need to specifically ask if there was any damage that looked like it was there before the accident. What kind of car did he hit? Did you take pictures? My mother works in insurance, so she is handling the entire thing. I really don't know what to do. His girlfriend is my best friend and I don't want to screw anything up. Talk to your mother and ask her advice on how to handle all this. Then, listen to her advice. As she is in insurance, she will know the right course of action. As for your best friend, if she betrays you because you are asking him to do the right thing, then she is no friend at all. You are not a door mat and should not be walked all over. So, you need to do what is best for you, not what keeps a 'friend', who might not be a true friend at all. This would be a good test if she is a real friend.
  19. Sounds like things are great in your life!!! How is everything else?
  20. Nice photographs!!! You're right, the rain does make the greens and browns more vivid! Can I come and live with you? I love how your home is back in the woods, secluded!!! My dream home. Except, it is kind of big for me. I need something a little smaller. Thank you for those great photographs!!!!!!
  21. *gives TBFOF a hug* I won't ask the questions your parents would as I am certain you have already heard them. Are the people he hit, okay? How hard did he hit them? Will they claim medical problems in the future? What does your friend intend on doing? What did the police say? Is your car drivable? To get you out of trouble, he should plan on paying for all the damage to both cars and take responsibility for anything that comes from the people he hit. Of course, he will not have enough money for this, but he should start thinking about how to make restitution. Oh TBFOF, this is almost worse than losing my backpack. *hugs, hugs, hugs* It was a parked car. It has 6000$ in damages. His parents only want to pay for the deductible and towing fee. Our insurance is going up 800$ a year, for three years. My car's bumper is slightly broken. I went back to Starbucks today, where it happened, to try to see how it could have happened, but I just can't figure it out. It's such a mess. Suchhhhhhhh a mess. I want to go fall off a clifff. THIS IS THE WORSTTT WEEEK. EVER. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO !!!!! You should not have to put this on your insurance! NO, NO, NO !!! He needs to take responsibility for his actions. His parents need to come up with the $6000 to repair the other car, and the money to repair yours. Please do NOT put this on your insurance! Ask your parents to intervene and get the money from his family. Your friend needs to learn about responsibility and this is where it starts with him being held accountable for the bills incurred while he was at the wheel. Were the police involved? Did he get a ticket for not having a license? Were you in the car? Please... do NOT put this on your insurance. He needs to pay, and then also pay for the three year increase in your insurance costs. Also, very, very important, get at least three estimates for the repair. Not just the one submitted by the people. You need to specifically ask if there was any damage that looked like it was there before the accident. What kind of car did he hit? Did you take pictures?
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