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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Now I'm impressed! Thank you for attending and letting us all know how it went. I assume his PR people saw the flyers someone posted in the dining hall about all the idiotic things he's been quoted as saying in the science/religion field (though how accurate the quotes are, I'm not sure. One of them quoted him as saying stem cell research is a form of Islamo-fascism. ) In his entire talk, he never mentioned stem-cell research or abortion (though there were lots of references to how every life is valuable and such). He talked a lot about how the current generation in power is messing things up for my generation with the absurd national debt, and was talking about things like tax reform, health care, and education, all sprinkled with working hard to keep our country a good place to live and national pride and such. Religious views aside, he's really not that far to the right (which is probably another part of why he didn't end up as president). Huckabee's problem, I believe, was that he spouted so much religion, that no one could see past that. Interesting that he is on a speaking tour. Does he plan on another presidential attempt? Please let me know what your class discussion centers around. I would be interested to hear the opinions of your classmates. I think that was exactly his problem. I don't think he plans on running again, though he did say he had fun doing it. Our class last week was actually dismissed early because he didn't give us anything Bible-related to talk about. From what I heard though, it seems like pretty much everyone in the class still thinks he's an idiot, and more or less ignored the very valid points he made. :closedeyes: Once you alienate a group of people, it is ten times as hard to win them back. Huckabee has done this with so many people that it wouldn't matter what he said, people would either not listen or not take him seriously.
  2. Not probably... definitely! You are a multi-talented, pretty, intelligent person with so very much going for you. Please never sell yourself short.
  3. Thanks for asking. Not missing, just without my new laptop. I am waiting for the delivery of my new, new laptop. Using the phone to try and reply is something I need to work on. The scroll part, where you have to reply downstream is hard for me, but I know that I am missing something. So, at the moment, I am in Boston waiting to fly down to Memphis. Hopefully I will have a new laptop this afternoon.
  4. yeah, that was cute... *gets sucked down the vortex of humans, hamsters and cars of youtube...* You tube... what a great place to go for all sorts of entertainment. YTMND is also a good site for entertainment, but a lot of the funny may be lost on most folks. True.
  5. Well, the transition goes like this... since you were responsible and a good kid, keep on doing the same thing, except now you are held accountable in the eyes of the law. If you were a bad kid, I would suggest that you think about each and every action because your parents can't get you out of trouble. But this doesn't apply to you. So, with this in mind, I would say enjoy your day, and keep on making the same responsible choices you always have. You are doing great!!!!! As for the poem... *hands Krisluvsdogs The Platinum Moon Award* What a fantastic poem!!!! You are such a talented poet!
  6. yeah, that was cute... *gets sucked down the vortex of humans, hamsters and cars of youtube...* You tube... what a great place to go for all sorts of entertainment.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Great test grades. Your studying did indeed pay off!!! Although today will be busy, you will be thinking about the weekend, so I am certain it will go really fast. Then your computer will be with your father and you will be on your way to a 'electronics-free' weekend with Phil. I'm certain you are excited about this weekend!
  8. Now I'm impressed! Thank you for attending and letting us all know how it went. I assume his PR people saw the flyers someone posted in the dining hall about all the idiotic things he's been quoted as saying in the science/religion field (though how accurate the quotes are, I'm not sure. One of them quoted him as saying stem cell research is a form of Islamo-fascism. ) In his entire talk, he never mentioned stem-cell research or abortion (though there were lots of references to how every life is valuable and such). He talked a lot about how the current generation in power is messing things up for my generation with the absurd national debt, and was talking about things like tax reform, health care, and education, all sprinkled with working hard to keep our country a good place to live and national pride and such. Religious views aside, he's really not that far to the right (which is probably another part of why he didn't end up as president). Huckabee's problem, I believe, was that he spouted so much religion, that no one could see past that. Interesting that he is on a speaking tour. Does he plan on another presidential attempt? Please let me know what your class discussion centers around. I would be interested to hear the opinions of your classmates.
  9. Now I'm impressed! Thank you for attending and letting us all know how it went.
  10. This advert is awesome!!!!!!! Has anyone seen the Kia Soul commercial? If I could find a way to post it here I most certainly would. Let me know if anyone else has seen it and what you think of it.
  11. Nothing like an interesting April Fool's Day. LOL
  12. Granted, but you will have to move to New York City and either take the subway or walk. I wish that TBFOF would put me in his pocket and take me to Paris with him.
  13. Thank you so much Horatio! I'll be thinking about you the whole time I'm there! You have no idea just how excited I am for you. Have a great time!!!!! You will be missed!!!!! Take a zillion pictures... please! How awesome that you are going! Have fun and enjoy yourself.
  14. Florence and Christian, Carole's sister and brother-in-law, own Le Parisien, which is a cafe - brasserie, located at 54, rue du Four, 75006 Paris, with a phone number of And Carole's parents own, Le Suffren, a brasserie, located at 84, Avenue du Suffren, 75015 Paris with a telephone number of This brasserie is not too far from the Tour de Eiffel. It is only about a five minute walk so you can see the sights and then have some great food. If you want just to have a cup of coffee or soda, stand at the bar. The tourists sit at tables and the price is a lot more expensive for the same cup of coffee. The prices vary from the bar, inside seating to outside seating. If you want to see and be seen, then you will be paying the most for an outside table to drink your coffee. If you are just having coffee or something to drink, then stand at the bar. On the bar are croissants and other things to eat, these are NOT free. So, if you grab one, you will be paying for this as well. Have a wonderful time!!! Take lots of pictures and don't forget to bring your medicine to keep the headaches away. Also, very, very important. Drink more water than you ever imagined on the flight. You need about one small bottle per hour plus. You will have to purchase the water after you pass through security at the airport. Yes, you will pay an outrageous price, but it is well worth it. There is just not enough water to go around on the airplane and the flight attendants will never give you enough to prevent dehydration. Dehydration can also bring on a headache. So, please, please, PLEASE, buy about five or six bottles of water for your ride each way.
  15. And no picture? Your hair must look great!!! Well, you can start with the minimal French and follow with the German! LOL
  16. In this case, I do believe that he feels that you were worth the trouble. So, he can't 'just get over it'. You are selling yourself short.
  17. 1) Give me a year before I offer an opinion. 2) I like most of it; the High Speed Rail Corridors is a particularly nice idea, but I'm always amazed that the US has never attempted to create a single transcontinental railway (I believe the current system is that you have to do a ridiculous number of changes between rail companies to get from one coast to another, as opposed to getting on a train in New York and getting off the same train in Los Angeles?). Likewise for projects such as the fibre optic broadband drive and other infrastructure projects, however I question some of the vagueness about a "smart grid" for energy generation and renewable energy. It rather begs the question of what specific projects are going to get funded. I especially liked some of the environmental restoration work, which I believe effects California and the Gulf Coast the most (this is where the Republicans get to scream about $ millions going to Pelosi's mice). I am inclined to agree with Krugman though; more could have been done. And it strikes me as undemocratic to have a system where Maine controls the rest of the nation (Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins being the "dealmakers" for the Stimulus in the Senate). All in all, seems pretty good. Regrettably, the High Court is up in arms about the US DoD issuing a threat to the Court that if they published information about torture of a Gitmo detainee and British citizen, the would cut off intelligence to the United Kingdom or to put it in official language "re-evaluate our intelligence relationship with the United Kingdom." Effectively, a court of law in this country was stopped from publishing evidence of torture based on a threat from the DoD. 1.) Sorry, no waiting a year. Throw out an opinion, please. 2.) High speed rail is something that is long overdue. The problem is that we have special interest groups who want to line their own pockets and have the local politicians squash any notion of implementing something such as this. For example, in Miami, the owners of the taxi-cab companies, banded together when they were putting in a local train system and would not let it anywhere near the airport. It would take you within about twenty blocks of the airport, but the train was never permitted to have a stop at the airport. Of course, if you did take the train, it cost you more money to go from the closest stop to the airport, then if you hired a taxi-cab from your home. Totally sickening. Perhaps this time the train will make it off the drawing boards to reality. In Orlando, Mears is the transportation company that carries busloads of tourists from the airport to the cruise ships. A train, which makes so much sense, running from the Orlando Airport to Port Canaveral, would virtually end 75% of their business. They are fighting it tooth and nail. The politicians only listen to where the big money is coming from and not to the majority of the people. 2.) Cont'd. Look back at the establishment of the rail system in the USA. Private individuals such as Flagler and Rockerfeller, were willing to operate train companies if the U.S. Government built the infrastructure. Same thing as today with T. Boone Pickens operating the wind farms and the U.S. Government laying the transmission cables. 2.) Cont'd. The projects that are environment based are ones I would like to see backed. They ultimately are good for the world. Not just America. Unfortunately, the back-room deals are something that need to be eliminated. Get rid of all the back-scratchers in Washington. Have to run... will finish the rest later.
  18. don't worry, only 20% or less of the stories posted here actually get finished. and im no exception to this. seriously i think invision is the only story that's really lasting right now and boy is it lasting i kind of never want it to end, i have to be honest U: [Whenever I think of Invision ending, I become sad because then I realize I only have ADRPG and possibly Giza in terms of novels.] [unless I write spin-offs, which is EXTREMELY likely because I enjoy writing about Invision so much.] [ Which is good for us, as you are so talented!!! Yeah for spin-offs! ]
  19. Elizabeth's first words... "bye, bye". Not momma or dadda, but bye-bye. I already like this baby! Alex's belated birthday party... well, next year he can have a real party. Let this one become a memory.
  20. Unfortunately, after some break-ups, friendship is never an option.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Actually you have been more than willing to give in to her on more occasions than you remember. College is for learning, not playing video games. Your roomie is not only demanding, but inconsiderate. Due to the fact that you were studying and she was goofing off, she should be the one to compromise in this situation. You both had worked out a time for video games and this was not the time. In this particular instance, I must side with you as the first priority should be of the person studying. Please try and put her selfishness behind you and focus on the homework. As for the paperwork for the honours society, perhaps you can turn it in late. I'm sorry that your mother was upset and hung up on you. That didn't help with your focus and concentration. Hopefully you will be able to get something done after all the distractions. You really are doing a great job with your grades, homework and all else. I hope you can look at this side of things and realize the positive accomplishments. As for the honours society, well, after you get out of school, nobody really cares about whether or not you were in the psychology honours society, so put that behind you. You can do it next year. You are doing great and I am really proud of you. Keep up the great work.
  22. Great news!!! My new laptop has arrived! Any ideas for a new name?
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You are so organized! Hope you get the essay done!
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