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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Outstanding!!!!! I really love this poem. And NO it is not really long. It IS really great! Sadly, it made me think of the people who torture those beautiful butterflies by pinning their wings. You definitely deserve an award for this poem! May I present to you, The Platinum Moon Award!!! Thank you for posting this.
  2. You'll NEVER pay??? No more Monopoly for you!!! LOL
  3. Good luck! What's the test on? ~Liz Two days of simulator tests for work. Good news is that I passed. Even better that the examiner said "Very Good". Congratulations! I was at Barnes & Noble earlier. ~Liz Thanks!!! Much earlier I was in Barnes & Noble, but that was in Burbank, California. Now I'm in Memphis.
  4. Please don't give out too much information. Nothing more than that, don't worry! ~Liz Thanks. Have to check, you understand. You are a mod, after all. ~Liz Only a mod here. But I always have to watch out for all the people here when they wander elsewhere. The internet's a wild place... LOL ~Liz Very, very true.
  5. Please don't give out too much information. Nothing more than that, don't worry! ~Liz Thanks. Have to check, you understand. You are a mod, after all. ~Liz Only a mod here. But I always have to watch out for all the people here when they wander elsewhere.
  6. Good luck! What's the test on? ~Liz Two days of simulator tests for work. Good news is that I passed. Even better that the examiner said "Very Good".
  7. Please don't give out too much information. Nothing more than that, don't worry! ~Liz Thanks. Have to check, you understand.
  8. Thanks for asking. Not missing, just without my new laptop. I am waiting for the delivery of my new, new laptop. Using the phone to try and reply is something I need to work on. The scroll part, where you have to reply downstream is hard for me, but I know that I am missing something. So, at the moment, I am in Boston waiting to fly down to Memphis. Hopefully I will have a new laptop this afternoon. Yay! You're still alive! I was starting to worry lol. No worries... I have my NEW laptop!!! Pretty awesome!!!!!!!! YAY YAY is soooooo right!!!!!! I felt so lost without my laptop.
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Oh no! I was not trying to imply that you were mad at your parents. Hopefully you see a side of Phil that your parents and sister will see later. And yes, I am really proud of Phil to take his studies so seriously and study when he could be goofing off.
  10. Life sounds like it is going great for you! First, your hair is a beautiful colour and that dress looks great! Yes, you have been away for far too long, we have missed you. CONGRATULATIONS on getting into the MIT summer program. I do believe you will have an awesome time! Oklahoma... that had to be a great production and being in the orchestra, viewing what little you can (with your back to the play) is such fun. Fantastic SAT scores!!! CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!!! *hands Dog Lover a box of freshly baked cookiefins* Elton and Billy Joel... I wish I could go too! Facebook, enjoy it, but please don't forget us.
  11. Oh my!!! I was just listening to Daniel myself when I opened up this topic!
  12. The Mouse Guard: Fall 1152 by David Petersen. Wonderful. This is probably the millionth time I have read this.
  13. Please don't give out too much information.
  14. You are also permitted to join if you can draw or can take a picture with a camera.
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You have had enough people sticking their noses into your life, but how about one more hamster nose? First, remember, your parents and sister always are trying to look out for you. So, sometimes this clouds their judgment. Personally, I only have heard one side, but I am going to venture my opinion on the one side. Phil seems like a very, very nice and considerate person. He knows and respects how his grandparents feel and tries to live up to the rules they set and their desires to take care of their grandson. Just like your parents are upset that Phil will not be there for Easter, his grandparents would feel bad if Phil were not at their home for Easter. I think that Phil worked out a great solution for everyone. You two visit on Thursday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday are spent studying and having Easter with his grandparents. He has one priority of studying for quizzes, one priority to see you and one priority to see his grandparents. In this particular case, I think Phil has worked out a great solution. Remember, Easter is just a day and you both can celebrate that "day" a couple days early. Regarding the relationship between you and Phil. You both are happy. Your relationship seems to be working and I think that is what is important. In my opinion, you should just let your relationship continue until you decide it is not good for you. Relationships take effort and I do believe from what you have said, Phil tries very hard to make yours work, so I would see where your relationship goes and if it grows. Last, perhaps your parents are hurt that Phil is not going to be a part of your family for Easter dinner. Well, this will be an on-going problem for the rest of your life. There are two or more sets of 'parents' and they all want the 'kids' to spend it at their home. So, you both will always be choosing what holiday will be spent where. Just remember that people's feelings will always be hurt no matter what you do, so all you can do is what works best for you. Enough said. Happy Easter. P.S. I get the ears.
  16. Thanks for asking. Not missing, just without my new laptop. I am waiting for the delivery of my new, new laptop. Using the phone to try and reply is something I need to work on. The scroll part, where you have to reply downstream is hard for me, but I know that I am missing something. So, at the moment, I am in Boston waiting to fly down to Memphis. Hopefully I will have a new laptop this afternoon. Yay! You're still alive! I was starting to worry lol. No worries... I have my NEW laptop!!! Pretty awesome!!!!!!!!
  17. Thank you so much Horatio! I'll be thinking about you the whole time I'm there! You have no idea just how excited I am for you. Have a great time!!!!! You will be missed!!!!! Take a zillion pictures... please! How awesome that you are going! Have fun and enjoy yourself. I'm home It was the most amazing time of my life, and I loved every minute of this. I fell in loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with all of it, but Nice especially. I want to live there! It's perfect! I took 2361 pictures, and I'll upload them later. How exciting that you had such a wonderful time. Nice is beautiful. We would love to see all 2361 pictures.
  18. When you finally get around to posting a photograph, we will remove you from the position as Queen of the Procrastinators. That is of course if we could get around to voting on a replacement.
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