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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Congratulations!!!!!! Dairy Queen!!!! Time to celebrate!!!!!
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I hope you have better luck than last summer. Of course, I might suggest that if you are working, you will have less time with Phil. LOL Oh... the noise of the icebox is much nicer than the noise from your now 'old' roommate. LOL
  3. That's great! Let me think on this a bit. Hmmmmm. six little words. Opening statement, developed body, completed essay.
  4. This happens every time this year. Except this year seems a lot worse than usual.
  5. English was my worst subject. Do you want to have heart failure?
  6. I don't think I could even come close.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Wonderful! Great news for you! At least you can spend the summer feeling great about next year's housing. Jesse got a studio for next year. I think he will be pleased with this.
  8. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Ouch. One of the problems with the age of technology. Hope the final goes well for you. One question... did you enjoy the course? Abstract Algebra sounds like a course I would really enjoy.
  9. Did you see me waving to you? I will post some pictures to see if you can recognize anything.
  10. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse! How great! You will really love the studio. Good luck on your finals, although you just won't need it. The emotional side will sort itself out. It just takes a little time. Caring is a wonderful trait and I am sure you will find the right balance.
  11. [ Thank you! This is great!!! Hope you had a great sleep. ]
  12. [ Hopefully you will continue this story line. It seems like it is a very interesting one. ]
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish. Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone. Good idea to try and speak with her about your next couple days. Hopefully she will be willing to go along with your plan. Somehow, though, I believe she might agree, then do whatever she wanted. If this happens, please try and not let it disrupt your studies. And then you will be gone! Yeah!!! Nope, she maintained she wanted all of her hours, and then got all annoyed when I said I wanted all of my hours (she's buying back textbooks for a company, and I told her that too many people coming to the room when I'm studying might be a problem). Seriously now, I know it's her job and everything, but that's just stupid. She's playing a game rather loudly right now, I kinda hope an RA yells at her since it's past quiet hours. I hope the RA hears her, but my guess is that she won't get reprimanded. You are far too generous. My guess is that dorm rooms are not intended for business/jobs/etc. She is quite lucky that I am not her roommate as I would have turned her in to the school. You have every right to be able to study without her conducting business. Just my random two cents. Good luck. Well, chances are if I complained to the RA, I would be told we need to compromise and that maybe I should study in the library or something (and I can't concentrate outside the room). We both live in the room, and it belongs to both of us, and I understand she's not getting much time to relax in our room, but still, I have work to do. You are very, very nice. I don't think I would have the strength and character to be as understanding as you are.
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish. Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone. Good idea to try and speak with her about your next couple days. Hopefully she will be willing to go along with your plan. Somehow, though, I believe she might agree, then do whatever she wanted. If this happens, please try and not let it disrupt your studies. And then you will be gone! Yeah!!! Nope, she maintained she wanted all of her hours, and then got all annoyed when I said I wanted all of my hours (she's buying back textbooks for a company, and I told her that too many people coming to the room when I'm studying might be a problem). Seriously now, I know it's her job and everything, but that's just stupid. She's playing a game rather loudly right now, I kinda hope an RA yells at her since it's past quiet hours. I hope the RA hears her, but my guess is that she won't get reprimanded. You are far too generous. My guess is that dorm rooms are not intended for business/jobs/etc. She is quite lucky that I am not her roommate as I would have turned her in to the school. You have every right to be able to study without her conducting business. Just my random two cents. Good luck.
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish. Yeah, thankfully they never did come into our room, but the very concept still annoyed me. I might attempt a talk with her about how for at lest the next couple days, that I'm going to want relative quiet for the next few days even past video game hours, just so I can get my work done. I let her play video games during some of my study hours; it would be nice if she did the same for me sometimes. And after Thursday, she can do whatever she wants because I'll be done, and hopefully gone. Good idea to try and speak with her about your next couple days. Hopefully she will be willing to go along with your plan. Somehow, though, I believe she might agree, then do whatever she wanted. If this happens, please try and not let it disrupt your studies. And then you will be gone! Yeah!!!
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I admire you. She and I would have had a serious row. You have the patience of a saint. When it comes to finals week, drink in someone's room who doesn't care about studying. This girl is seriously selfish.
  17. [ Awesome continuation!!!!!! Thanks MK!!! ]
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Jesse!!!! Good luck on your finals, although I am guessing you will get all A+++++!
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Okay... what's with everyone showing up and lurking around HampsterDance and not posting in their topics? *cough, cough* Hmmmmmm?
  20. The PARIS domicile bid is open. It closes on the 15th of June. Let's see if I am senior enough to hold the bid. I don't think so, but I have my fingers crossed.
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