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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. She sings that song in such a memorable way. She's amazing. I ordered one of her anthology box sets today. I have seen so many of her films in the past month or two and I still have many more to see and I love watching her perform. I saw "Tea for Two" today which had some amazing taps. I've been doing The Charleston all day! Judy is a Punk - The Ramones Hamsters can't dance. Lara Fabian.
  2. I guess that is a positive endorsement! Watership Down is a great book. Glad you liked it.
  3. Those are pretty long and sharp talons. I know... they're pretty long and sharp PURPLE talons now! Now they're SILVER talons! I saw Kate Winslet wearing silver nail polish at the Oscars and decided to get some for myself. My talons look like they're made from glass! And I was cooking. Silver... that has to look phenomenal! I like copper myself.
  4. Looking for trips at work and reading posts here.
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yes, communication is important, but there are times when someone just has to sort things out in their own head. Give him time. If you push, it may only keep him from talking. So, just treat Phil like nothing is wrong and don't worry about him not telling you everything. It will happen, he just needs to know you are there with him and you can give him the support he needs without him spilling his guts.
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Now you know your new career choice... DQ owner.
  7. Good luck with your education. You know what is best for you and hopefully it will all work out the way you want it. You parents might be upset at first, but they will calm down and realize that you have made a decision that is right. That is the British ebay, correct?
  8. Thanks. I needed that. What did you think of that airplane picture? Is there any significance to it? Would that make a difference? I like that old airplane. Is it just an old airplane or is there more to it that I'm missing? It is an old airplane that is called a Curtiss Commando (C-46). It flew The Hump in World War II. This is my favorite airplane of all time. This particular airplane flew in Alaska and then down in Miami. But I must admit, you are pretty intuitive. For other news... for the first practice bid, I can hold Paris. Let's hope this trend continues and I can hold it when the bid closes. June 2nd is the next practice bid. Let's see what happens. How exactly does this bid work? We have a seniority system which means that many of the options we have are handed out in the order you were hired. For example, every month we have a work schedule bid. This means that we have to bid for our monthly schedules each month and in the order we were hired is who gets to make the first choice. On the Airbus, I am bidding about 267 out of 488 captains. So, there are 266 people in front of me that will get to choose which schedule they want to work. That is called the monthly bid. In a system bid, this means that all the pilots are bidding on which airplanes and which seat (captain, first officer, second officer) they want to fly. These are also filled in the seniority order. (First hired gets the first choice.) In the overall system, I am bidding in the low 1300's out of 4700 plus pilots. Now you have to choose between three things, airplane, seat position, and domicile. For example, the MD-11 has three domiciles, Memphis, Anchorage and Los Angeles. The A-300 has three domiciles, Memphis, Hong Kong and the new domicile, Paris. So, you put combinations of what you want to fly and there are a set number of openings in each airplane, seat (captain, first officer, second officer) and domicile combination. When the seats are filled you will get the opening that is available when it is your turn to bid. At the moment, I would be number 27 out of 43. But this is the first practice bid and there will be a couple more before the bid closes. There is a lot that can change. Hope I have not totally confused you.,
  9. Thanks. I needed that. What did you think of that airplane picture? Is there any significance to it? Would that make a difference? I like that old airplane. Is it just an old airplane or is there more to it that I'm missing? It is an old airplane that is called a Curtiss Commando (C-46). It flew The Hump in World War II. This is my favorite airplane of all time. This particular airplane flew in Alaska and then down in Miami. But I must admit, you are pretty intuitive. For other news... for the first practice bid, I can hold Paris. Let's hope this trend continues and I can hold it when the bid closes. June 2nd is the next practice bid. Let's see what happens.
  10. Oh my!!! How did I miss you????????
  11. Thanks. I needed that. What did you think of that airplane picture? Is there any significance to it? Would that make a difference? I like that old airplane.
  12. Well, a tanning bed had a little bit to do with it. Perhaps a LOT to do with it.
  13. You have to name it first. To date, I don't know of any Mac's that are conversational.
  14. I hope both of you continue to post on a regular basis. We need to put some dynamite into some of these posts. You probably did a great job on your test. Let us know your result. A tan already? WOW! I'm impressed.
  15. Thanks. I needed that. What did you think of that airplane picture?
  16. I vote for an 'A' name (for Apple) or 'M' name (for Mac). So, Madi/Madison would be a start. Mac would also be an idea or possibly something German or French.
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    This should be a fantastic summer for you! *waves to Phil*
  18. Great! I think you will have no problem with the Mac. It will take you about three seconds and you will have it mastered. Those three seconds will be taking it out of whatever it came in, opening the laptop and turning it on.
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    So there is something there you like to indulge in.
  20. That's great news!!! What are your plans for the summer?
  21. *adds a hug to Jesusfreak's hug, making a group hug* Getting outside does do wonders for you. You buy Mountain Dew off eBay?????? I do hope you pass. I wish you hadn't started cutting again. Being out of your favourite face cream is a big deal as this is what keeps your face in great shape. Hope things start looking up for you. Please keep us posted.
  22. Yeah!!! I didn't know which to be more excited about... the symphony or you joining the ranks of Mac users! Start thinking of a name for your Mac.
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Congratulations!!!!!! Dairy Queen!!!! Time to celebrate!!!!! lol it's pretty ironic though: I'm lactose intolerant. Yes, I remember you mentioned this last year.
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