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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Would be great. Apropos riding the bike. The Honda CB500 board meeting is soon. I can't wait to go there. I can definitely feel your pain. Please get well soon. The insurance problem only adds to the stress of the situation. Hopefully the university gets everything straightened out for you. Get well soon!!!!! At least your injuries were caused by someone else. At the moment, I was walking into the house and the contractor put some lumber boards just inside the door. Well, I tripped over the stack and went down. Managed to land my shins on the stack of the boards, my knees hit the slate floor, followed by my hands. Dumb, dumb, dumb. I can't do anything for a week or so. My new bike should arrive in November. Look it up... BMW S1000RR. I'm pretty excited. Yeah, I know, another bike. LOL It would be great to ride with you. Thank goodness your Honda was not involved in the crash. Have fun at the meeting.
  2. Just to keep you all informed of what is happening with the board update. Evidently there is another update coming out that will include the View New Posts function, return the avatars to their proper place and replace some of the missing older topics. Videos should be able to be uploaded, but I am unsure of the space alloted, so you will have to check. Hope this helps.
  3. New Paris update... the bid is due to close the 31st of July!!!!! On the 1st of August I will know if I am moving to Paris! WHOOOOO HOOO !!!!!!!!
  4. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Thanks for letting us know your brother's housing situation has been worked out. I was worried about his housing problem. Videos are a request I put in to HampsterKing.
  5. Oh my. *gasp* If that's ranting, your rants are phenomenal!!!!!!!! Amazing writing and a great vent for your emotions.
  6. We miss you too! Have a spectacular time and collect a lot of pictures to show us when you return. Haha, I was just going to say to take pictures. I did good!
  7. We miss you too! Have a spectacular time and collect a lot of pictures to show us when you return.
  8. *sits at airport and waits for something to happen*
  9. Leguan... welcome back. You need to visit your topic more often and keep us informed of what is happening in your neck of the woods. Just to fill you in, we have a Paris domicile that I might be awarded if they could finalize the details. Then I will bring my bike over and we can ride together. How does that sound?
  10. If you manage to watch it in 3D, let me know if it was worth the wait for your reservations.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    63GB of music alone, and another 10+ of pictures, then 9ish of Sims 2 files back to the old laptop's hard drive from the external hard drive. And some other assorted documents.
  12. Here I am in sunny Coconut Grove during the days and the Miami International Airport in the middle of the night. Not much to report. Lexxy... I see you.
  13. Excuse me... the above should read: Maybe I'll be able to log on/post things on Hampsterdance while I'm away. You will be missed. Enjoy the time, if you can. Hope things aren't too stressful with your cousin. We want pictures. Please post some on your return. Forget about your weight. Your mother should not be picking on you about this. You had a most stressful year and stress manifests itself in many ways. Just enjoy your trip. We will be waiting for you.
  14. I'll ask HampsterKing about all of the above.
  15. Walrus. Belts or Suspenders/Braces? Belts. Old or New Layout? Old, at the moment, because it was much more streamlined. I think once HK gets in here and messes around with things it has the potential to be better than the old ones though. plants or animals? Animals. Walk up and escalator or let it do all the work? Depends on how tired I am, but walking is faster for sure. Gummies or fruit snacks? Gummies. Honda or Toyota? Toyota(prius) Computer science or electrical engineering? Electrical engineering. Boeing or Airbus?
  16. I'm getting HampsterKing to see about the old avatars. I lost mine as well and I don't have any back-up photos as they were all lost when my backpack was lost. On the left side is a dark blue coloured folder, this would show where the new posts are. It goes lighter when the posts are viewed. As for the View New Posts, click on those words 'View New Content' at the top right side, this should show you all the new posts. I will make sure it is operational.
  17. No news from Memphis at the moment. This coming Saturday I will be in Miami for a week.
  18. I'm on a Linux right now at MIT. Learning how to do basic stuff, like making/moving directories and stuff. It's fun. ~Liz Awesome! So... are you having a great time?
  19. 'Good choice. Um, um, um.....both? bottles or cans? Bottles. This one is totally random. Solid Print or Pattern (on a couch)? Solid Print. Woods or Desert? Woods. Billie Jean or Beat It? Beat It. 2001: A Space Odyssey or 1984? 1984. Chicken Marsala or Chicken Parmigiana Chicken Parmigiana. Linguine or Spaghetti? SPAGHETTI Sharks or Bears? Bears. Magenta or Lime Green?
  20. 'Good choice. Um, um, um.....both? bottles or cans? Bottles. This one is totally random. Solid Print or Pattern (on a couch)? Solid Print. Woods or Desert? Woods. Billie Jean or Beat It? Beat It. 2001: A Space Odyssey or 1984? 1984. Chicken Marsala or Chicken Parmigiana Chicken Parmigiana. Linguine or Spaghetti?
  21. The regular SATs, which I took in March, I got 740 math, 750 crit. reading, and 800 writing. SAT-IIs I find out tomorrow. ACTs- found out today. 35 composite. (out of 36.) ~Liz I did so poorly on my SATs. I was so shocked when I saw my score. I thought I did fairly well, atleast 2100. I was hoping I would do well, so I could take the SAT II in October, but I can't now, since I need to retake the regular. Oh no! How bad is bad? Are you just being hard on yourself? I'm sorry that you will have to retake the SAT's. You will do great the next time. Under 2000! Ohhhhhh... I am so sorry to hear this. I know you are upset with your scores. Next time will definitely be much better.
  22. I had a creepy guy make a pass at me on MY first night as well. Looks like trauma is THE thing to have before you start your studies! It was just a bit of a shock, really, and it ruined such a good day. I heard about Michael Jackson about 12 hours after the rest of the universe, so it was indeed a real shock. My cousin who I must have mentioned before (who is a MASSIVE fan) was more upset than I've ever seen her: she culdn't stop crying and she NEVER cries. It has been her dream for over 10 years to see him perform and I have never seen her so happy as when I told her that we had tickets to go see him. It was pretty sad, he was such an icon to so many. I'm at home now, preparing for my trip to South Africa for 6 weeks: I'm going on Wednesday. I have so much to prepare it's not even funny. Still, I spared some time to watch "My Sister's Keeper" last night (and gawp with horror at the changed ending as I have read the book with relish in the past) and I just finished "Capote" right now. Too many films, too little time spent buying malaria tablets. Six weeks in South Africa... how wonderful. May I please go with you???
  23. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! MIT has lots and lots of computers. Have a most fabulous time. You will be missed.
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