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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. OUCH!!! I am so sorry to hear this news. How frustrating. Hopefully, it will not happen again. Can you save your typing as you go along? You need to ask for a Time Capsule for Christmas. It is an Apple product, but it backs up all of your data as you are writing. You might have only needed to write a sentence, at most.
  2. Topazia, this is really, really good. Would you please continue? You always leave me hanging.
  3. That would be fantastic. I like this one as well as Jack.
  4. Terrific. This is very fast moving and I enjoyed reading it immensely. Please, please write more!!!
  5. I saw a little two-year old boy who had learnt how to say no, but he did not just say no. He said No thank you. Oh my goodness, this was such an adorable way to a little two-year old to say no.
  6. LOL!!! I had totally forgotten about "pleather". You most definitely made me smile with that. This is not the worst story, in fact, it is the beginning of a really great story. I now want to read the next part.
  7. Happy Birthday to Mindlesschicka and Glowurm. I hope your special day was the greatest and you are having all your birthday wishes come true. I am a little late, but the positive thoughts are there for a terrific year for both of you.
  8. That is a wonderful photograph!!! She looks like she is just enjoying herself so very much. Thank you so very much for sharing this with us. You must be happy to be home with your sweet little girl. It seems like she is growing up so very fast. I am so pleased that you are together with her whilst she is in stage of her life.
  9. This is a very interesting story. Your writing sure has improved. Of course, you cut off the story to keep me hanging. GRRRRRRR! I am going to re-read it again and will think of any constructive comments that I may have.
  10. Yes, the air show was terrific. My friends from Poland came to the USA just to attend the Nellis Air Show. It was terrific to see friends and enjoy the displays. We want pictures. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so please take pictures of our favourite little girl.
  11. Topazia... we were anxiously waiting for the Halloween costume pictures of the Board's favourite baby girl. Did you get her a costume?
  12. As you might have guessed, I stayed for both days of the air show. The first day was sunny and gorgeous. The air show was good. But... Sunday was overcast and the air show was phenomenal! They included a display with six or eight jets, three helicopters, jeeps, men on the ground needing to be airlifted, and it was absolutely incredible. If only this display had been during the sunny skies. Although, I did not mind the fact that I could not get a great sunny picture at all. Just the coordination of the maneuver was impressive. How long was your brother at Nellis? Is you entire family Air Force? Save you, of course.
  13. Here I am in Utah. It was a long drive, but the truck is unloaded and we are getting ready to head to the air show this weekend at Nellis Air Force Base.
  14. Update... The truck was loaded on Saturday, and after feeding my squirrels, woodpeckers, cardinals and titmouse birds, I was on my way. Driving up Florida, into Georgia, I finally arrived into Alabama. Last night I stayed overnight in Alabama. Today I continue my trek west.
  15. Well, we are loading the truck on Saturday. Hopefully, we will get a ton of boxes and furniture out of the house and into the truck. Then it is just a matter of getting up early to start on the drive Sunday. I will let you all know how I am doing with a packing update later.
  16. Good morning Florida!!! I am waiting for a gorgeous sunrise. Yesterday, the sun popped up, as big as Jupiter on the horizon. Of course, I did not have my camera in hand, to document the gorgeous sunrise. But... today I am ready. Only about one hour to go.
  17. I have this wonderful oak tree by my back door. Here are some of the visitors I have on or at the base of me tree...
  18. This picture is not so good, as Delta Airlines has very dirty windows, but here is New York City...
  19. Just a quick picture to share of the Statue of Liberty...
  20. Great news... the insurance adjuster will be here next week to look at our roof. Then, as we are already on the schedule for a roofer, it will just be the waiting time until our turn is here.
  21. Rain, rain, go away, please come back another day. We have three roof leaks, and all I do is attempt to protect our wood floor, keep the water dripping directly into garbage cans, and then keep checking the plastic on the floor to make sure there are no holes. This goes okay, until a new leak appears. At the moment, I am out of garbage cans, plastic buckets and containers. Hopefully the roof repairman will soon be here.
  22. Thank you for the information. I know that you are well-informed, so I know that you do not mind me asking. Clove oils sounds interesting. I am happy to hear that it works. You will have to attach a picture of her tooth.teeth. It is always interesting how much energy little children have. Although they take naps, it still does not make me think that their little batteries recharge that fast. I think the energizer bunny goes into their rooms at night and installs super-charged batteries in them. LOL!!! You have no idea, just how much I appreciate hearing about all of MacKenzie's adventures and growing pains. It is wonderful to be a cyber-part of her life. Last night, as I was walking on a flat surface, I fell off my shoe. As I was losing my balance, I compensated with my opposite knee, and twisted it about two hundred seventy degrees. Oh, did that hurt. Well, now I am unable to walk. The worst part, it was not as if I was walking in super high heels, these were flats, with only about one=quarter of an inch from the bottom of my foot to the ground. So, you ask, how did you almost fall off your shoe? I wish I knew. But... it goes to the top of the list as one of the more stupid things I have accomplished.
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