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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Even when they are old... they still have not matured.
  2. That internship went fast. Yeah for time off! Of course, the 19th will be here faster than you think. Glad to hear that you will be paid to work on your masters thesis. 28" screen????? Whoa! That's huge! What a great day you had at the German Aerospace Center. 100.000 people... horrors! We were going to get the A380, but because of delays in delivery, we ended up with the B777. Pretty much the same size. Amazing that something so big is so quiet and has such performance. I fly the A300 and the A310. Not the VIP edition of course, the freighter line. Cargo does not need luxury. LOL Wonderful news that your last wound has healed. Of course, this would be one of the hottest summers... seemed like torture not being able to go swimming. Somewhere I heard that Vitamin A or E, in ointment or cream, helps the scars go away. My new bike is in production in Germany. I just got the news that my bike is on it's way to being born. What exciting news!!!! Enjoy your time off. The hard work will be here in just a couple weeks.
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    How exciting, on all fronts!!!!! The 5th grade teacher sounds fantastic. I love all the animals in the classroom. How cool is that! Sounds like you did great on your presentation/lesson. I always knew you would be a phenomenal teacher. Congratulations on posting on a new website. Hopefully this guy will be a great friend and something will blossom out of your meeting. Please let us know how everything is turning out.
  4. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    *throws a tumbleweed into Jesse's topic, trapping Jesusfreak in the last post*
  5. I almost posted a picture of myself, but then remembered that I am underage.
  6. *tackles back* I've been really good. in a nut shell, I had a boyfriend for like a ear. we broke up. my brothers' in the airforce, currently in Qatar but actually stationed in england. I'm doing waaayyy better in school. I'm working on set crew in the drama club. I'm in a higher choir. it's greatttt. Lots going on for you. I guess that you are almost over your recent break-up. Hope you are doing okay. Your brother will be in my prayers for his safe return. At least England is a bit away from the Middle East. Glad to hear you are doing better in school. Not too much longer and you will be in college. Working on the set crew... how cool is that! You must be enjoying it! Higher choir... that is an accomplishment. Perhaps you and Jesusfreak can sing us a duet! well yeah, that break up was just torture. thank you! he's on a mission over in qatar so he's not just sitting in england, he's in the action, i text him everyday. even if it's just to say "Goodnight, I love you" i really and enjoying it, haha. it's an easy way to take my anger out before i go home, seeing as i can use tools. though my set crew head usually knows when i'm upset and he tends to make sure i have a job where i and no one around me will get hurt. plus i like him. haha, i love singing. and i do feel like i've acomplished something great by moving up. Break-ups are never easy, some are far worse than others. Whenever the heart is involved... watch out. Tell your brother we are all thinking of him and have him in our prayers, thoughts and heart. If he would like a "Care" Package, just email me with his name and military address and I will put together a great box of goodies for him. (pmajr@mac.com) Tools... Oh, do I understand. My favorite tool is my Stihl Chainsaw. Oh my, what a "power" tool that is. Next in-line might be my linoleum stripper. Wish I could sing. I couldn't sing my way out of a paper box. And no, I do not sing in my sand bath. Only Hampton and the Hampsters can sing. That's why I love my violin. I can play that forever and ever and never get tired. yeah, well things ended horribly then got better then the friendship ended. we send him care packages so we have that covered but i'll be sure to tell him. i just love taking my anger out on screws, surprisingly i've never stripped one. haha. i can only sing and sorta play the piano. Mega Wolf and my friend Jody are the only two people I know that have remained friends with their "ex" boyfriends. Glad your brother has enough goodies. Don't believe that I have stripped a screw myself. I can't wait to see pictures of your set. Perhaps your parents would take some pictures for us.
  7. Unfortunately, those same people grow up to be adults. I understand completely.
  8. I didn't know that we could do that. But thanks. What I forgot to say was that on my way taxiing out for take-off on Friday, we were about halfway down the runway when we heard the Memphis Ground Controller respond to an airport vehicle that "It's on a seven mile final." The "it" was our brand new B777!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here it is on landing. It doesn't look big in the picture, but believe me... it is HUGE! Didn't your parents teach you not to use your cell phone while driving little missy? Well that should apply to planes too! You definitely have earned The Gold Star Award for that post! What I did do was hand the phone over to my First Officer. So my paws were always on the "wheel" so to speak.
  9. *throws a couple of micicles over towards Mega Wolf*
  10. I didn't know that we could do that. But thanks. What I forgot to say was that on my way taxiing out for take-off on Friday, we were about halfway down the runway when we heard the Memphis Ground Controller respond to an airport vehicle that "It's on a seven mile final." The "it" was our brand new B777!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here it is on landing. It doesn't look big in the picture, but believe me... it is HUGE! http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5533&view=findpost&p=150595 looks like a pretty legit plane. o: If you can imagine this... the wing span is 212' 7" across. The tail is 61' 1" high. From the nose to the end of the fuselage is 209/ 1". Between the landing gear, it is 36' 1" from side to side. The airplane can carry 47,890 gallons of fuel which weighs approximately 340,000 pounds. Now the most impressive statistic is the maximum gross take-off weight of 766,000 pounds! They will even let you leave the ramp with 2000 pounds in fuel over this amount should you need it. It's hard to imagine just how big an airplane is that weighs that much.
  11. *slaps forehead* Duh... I remember those little buttons now.
  12. From the day at Cape Girardeau... my number in the parade, The S1000RR, on display, mine will be Thunder Grey. I wanted black, but this is as close as I could get.
  13. I didn't know that we could do that. But thanks. What I forgot to say was that on my way taxiing out for take-off on Friday, we were about halfway down the runway when we heard the Memphis Ground Controller respond to an airport vehicle that "It's on a seven mile final." The "it" was our brand new B777!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here it is on landing. It doesn't look big in the picture, but believe me... it is HUGE!
  14. Electronics... how frustrating. At least you both could listen to it on your iPod. The bracelet sounds really nice. It's always nice to be around people who you don't get to see all the time, it makes the event that much more interesting. Glad to hear that you had a great time!!!
  15. This has been an exciting couple days. As I had mentioned, I took my checkride and passed. Then I flew an "Out and Back" trip from Memphis up to Cleveland and back. We got back about midnight then I was home and in bed by 01H30. The bad thing was that I could not get to sleep until around 04H00. Anyway, I was planning on riding my bike up to Cape Girardeau, Missouri to take part in a Guinness World Book of Records Event. Cape Girardeau is a good three hours away from Memphis on a good day with no delays. Not being able to sleep, I am thinking about cancelling. Turned off my alarm and figured that if I woke up, I would go and if I missed it, that would be okay. Well, I woke up about 08H00, feeling pretty good, I jumped into the shower, hopped on my bike and took off. The weather looked very, ominous. Dark, low clouds were everywhere and there were patches of fog. I saw indications of wet pavement and was waiting for the rains which never came. As I crossed the bridge over the Mississippi River, the fog made the view a Kodak moment. Problem is that I could not stop and taking a picture with the iPhone while trying to ride was not a possibility. Construction crews are working on the bridge and both sides are down to one lane. Passed into Arkansas and the weather started to look better. It looked like I would get there with about 30 minutes to spare. The cut-off time was twelve noon. Because I rushed out of the house, I had not had my morning coffee, which by now was important and very much on my mind. Looking for a Chevron or BP gas station get off the freeway a couple times, only to find the station closed and the building empty. No gas, no coffee. I venture into Blytheville, Arkansas and ventured right out as quickly as I went in. No BP and I don't think that the entire state has a Chevron. After four failed attempts, no gas, more important, NO coffee, I finally stop at a truck stop and get gas, coffee and the worst cinammon roll cupcake I have ever attempted to eat. The coffee was downed as fast as I could possibly stand and the cinammon roll cupcake was tossed into the trash after attempting to take one bite. The theory here being, if it looks like you shouldn't eat it, don't. Moving on, I had just about one hour traveling time remaining, and now I was one-half hour late on my schedule. I arrived, registered and was issued #189. Happy to have at least made the registration for the parade, I now had time to wander around for about a bit. Nate Kern, currently the only person permitted to ride and race the S1000RR for BMW, was there and I got to meet him. Terrific guy. Had my second cup of coffee and went out to sit on the new S1000RR. Got my picture taken sitting on the new bike! SWEEEEEEEEEET! The owner of the Grassroots BMW Motorcycle shop advised me that my bike has now begun production. My number is in red, signifying it will soon be born. How exciting. I have never followed a bike from the order, to a collection of parts to the finished product before. It should be ready to ship to the USA in November. Then is just a matter of paying for it. Unfortunately that is the only downside. There were a couple bands, lots of food and the rumour that the registration had exceeded the number of preprinted stickers. This meant that we had passed the 200 mark. At least I had just made it. An announcement is made for everyone to gather for the instructions on how to proceed. Guinness Book of World Records has a strict procedure that must be followed or else you don't get recognized. Now to suit up and get on our bikes. Let the fun begin! The police had the two mile route set out. We're off. The coolest thing is that there were lots of people who came out of their houses, cars pulled over on the side of the road, and just others who were there to watch. There were lots of other type motorcycles, but they were not permitted into the parade. Only BMW's. We followed the two mile route, passed back in front of the shop, which was required, then into the parking lot. One idiot pulled off to the left about 100 feet prior to passing the shop, so he was eliminated from the total count. WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!?!?!?!? He was unable to rejoin the group as the rules were strict. So... instead of 242, we ended up with 241 BMW motorcycles in a two mile parade. We had broken the record by almost double!!!!!! Got some food, another cup of coffee, then joined the group for the door prizes. Usually I never win, so I don't pay attention. Well, I hear my name being called and won a fantastic bag that sits on the tank of my motorcycle!!! I was totally stunned! After all this, I decide to head home. After thanking the owner for all his efforts in organizing and putting on this event, I met up with another lady for the ride home. It was a great ride home, except for the part when we are getting ready to cross the bridge over the Mississippi. We got separated, and I ended up well ahead. The traffic compressed from three crowded lanes into one. That took forever. Okay, now comes the stupid part... after crossing the bridge, the lanes opened up. I ended up in the wrong lane and started heading wrong direction. Not a big problem, but it will now add time onto my trip. Then I make another wrong turn. Ugh! It took a while, but I passed Graceland, waved to Elvis then got back on track. Arrived home, after having a phenomenal day. There will be a couple pictures posted of the group and my sticker later.
  16. Nashville is a great place to look. I'm checking Memphis and Orlando for you. It just occurred to me that I have a friend who has access to lots of musical instruments, here in Memphis, I will ask him to be on the lookout as well. Happy Friday back to you.
  17. Hope you have a great time Saturday. The anime convention should be terrific. I'm certain you both will enjoy yourselves. You certainly put a great deal of energy and thought into your CD. That's fantastic. How about making me a CD for running in my wheel? I just need a constant beat.
  18. Yesterday was my simulator checkride. Yippee!!! I passed with "no debrief" items. How happy I am. You have no idea just how hard I worked to make that a smooth ride. Anyway, that is over and I have already printed out the new curriculum for my next checkride. That one is six-months away, but I am already starting to prepare. Today I have a afternoon trip to Cleveland. This will be nice.
  19. Unfortunately, we are having the same exact weather. I don't mind humidity in Florida, but in Memphis it is down right awful.
  20. Just one post a day, keeps the moderator at bay.
  21. Now that '57 Stratocaster would be a great find! But for the price, perhaps as you say, any old Stratocaster will do. Keep looking, you will find the right one. Also look in the Classified Section of your newspaper. Sometimes people need to sell something and do not necessarily go on-line. I'll keep my eyes out looking in this area and if I find anything, I will let you know in your topic. In Memphis, sometimes things pop-up that you least expect. There was even a guitar that Elvis used for sale.
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