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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. A motorcycle would be too small for all the stuff we have to carry. We have to carry everything we need with us... We'll probably buy a Holden Commodore or Ford Falcon as station wagon. These cars are big enough to sleep inside. I don't like to sleep in a tent. I'm a little bit afraid of all the animals in Australia. In Germany we have nothing which could be harmful to humans (except for some wolves which are coming back from eastern Europe after they were exterminated a long time ago here), but in Australia you have all these poison snakes, spiders and so on. What a great offer. But as for my studies, it is not possible to go somewhere else anymore since I started today in the new lab. I also have a contract there since I get money. Even if I had more time to prepare it would have been hard to study in the USA (legal reasons, money...). For the working holiday, the USA would also be a nice place. However, this is impossible. Germany has no bilateral agreement for a corresponding visa with the USA. There are agreements with Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong. Of course I could come to the USA as tourist, but this would be too expensive. In Australia I can work to finance the holiday. Furthermore, there's some rain forest in Australia. I always wanted to see this. What's the matter with the immigration heads... it would be fantastic to have a bilateral agreement with Germany for studies. Sometimes I wonder about the leaders of this country. Hope the new lab is all you expected it to be and that it works out well for you. I am so very proud of you and all that you are accomplishing. You have and are studying so hard and this takes lots and lots of dedication. Perhaps you will become famous and win the Nobel Peace Prize. My door is always open to you.
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yes it will. I have total faith in you.
  3. We were all set to go and something came up. I want to see it before it leaves town.
  4. Please keep us posted on how your friend is doing. I am so sorry to hear about the accident. Of course, she will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers for a speedy recovery. As for rushing your life, I am really sorry to hear that your parents have taken that viewpoint. Jesse is graduating a year early from college and a girl I know from Memphis has been home-schooled and she is going to college a year early. But your parents know what is best for you, so you have to abide with their decision. The house and being home is definitely boring, but a relapse is 1,000,000,000 times worse. So, please take care of yourself and get well soon. The 26th will be here before you know it.
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Let me begin by saying... I am soooooo happy for you!!!!!!! It is wonderful to hear Shane is all you expected, then some. We'll get back to this later. It doesn't matter what the agreement was, I think for you, you need to tell Phil yourself. This will be difficult for you, but once you get started, I think Phil will be happy as well. He really hasn't been there for you, 100%. He has had things he has needed to take care of before he could find where he was. Your relationship has been gone for some time, but you always gave him the opportunity to try and pick things back up. Please give him a telephone call and let him know that you need to move on, that you will remain friends and wish him well. It doesn't have to be that you met someone else, it can just be that it is time for you to end the relationship. Now as for Shane... I would not think that you are on the "rebound" as your relationship with Phil was over when he could not find time to be with you. You must take the time you need to feel comfortable, but I believe your heart is already telling you the direction you need to go. Shane sounds like a terrific guy... go for it!!!!!!!!!
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Can't wait to hear how it went. I'm sure the news will be all smiles.
  7. Absolutely, positively the most stellar!!!!! If I was receiving that for my birthday, I would feel like someone really cared. She is certain to love it. The design is terrific. Sorry to hear you were injured in it's making, but it is a labour of love.
  8. Thank you for letting me know, I really want to see this movie.
  10. I was mad when I found out. My next orthodontist appointment is Monday, so I'll have a chat with her then, and I'm sure my mom will jump in. I did stay home today. I'm at least going for a half day tomorrow so I'll be able to help at the play, but if I can't help I'm at least sitting in the audience with my parents. I had a productive day of napping and coughing today. It was nice, well the napping part was. I hope the college plan works out. I wanted to graduate early, but my parents wouldn't let me. At least I have another year to work out the details and such. Let us know how your orthodontist appointment works out on Monday. Good luck. Naps are quite nice. Staying home was very important as this helps your body recover and get well. Please don't overdo it tomorrow as you want to continue your road to recovery. Why did your parents say no to your graduating early? I'm sorry you are not getting to go early. A year goes by fast.
  11. Cool. You probably can't wait for the news that it is going to be shipped. Today I mounted a stageless controller for the handle heating on my bike. That was necessary. Last week I was still sweating at 25°C, now we had the first frost. The weather changed rapidly. On monday I'll start with the last module of my studies and then the thesis. In 8 months it is over. I already haver a plan what I'll do after this. I'll apply for a working holiday visa for Australia. B) Finishing studies is a great chance for a time off. Later when I have a job and so on I'll never have this opportunity again. Also the age for the visa is limited to 30. That will be an experience I'll never forget. I'll go together with my brother. He'll finish his apprenticeship next year. If we like it we stay for up to 1 year. I'll sell most of my stuff before and keep the rest in my parent's house. In Oz we'll buy a car. I already checked the costs- cars are very expensive there. A car which would just be scrapped (due to age and kilometrage) over here still costs 2000 Dollars and more in Oz. The old Opel Omega (which is similar to the Holden Commodore) which my parents scrapped some months ago to get the "Umweltprämie" (similar to the cash for clunkers program in the US) would cost more than ~3000 Dollars there. But a car is necessary. This will be a cultural shock anyway. Australia has 4 times less inhabitants compared to Germany but is about 20 times larger. Soo long distances to travel. The day the bike is shipped is the day for celebration!!! Heated handgrips... so very, very nice and something I would never do without. Glad to hear you have those on your bike. The weather is crazy. One day hot, the next seems like the first day of winter. Australia... unbelieveably phenomenal!!!!!! What a spectacular idea and even better to share this experience with your brother. You will have to look up Vixen (Lee). That would be such an awesome idea for you two to say hello. My thinking is that you both will have the time of your lives AND accomplish your studies. We fly to Sydney. A car... yes, one is most necessary, especially if you want to all parts of the country. The cost of a car was shocking to me as well! Perhaps you will consider a motorcycle. LOL I was thinking you might come to the USA to finish your studies. You and your brother would have a place to stay and you could ride one of my bikes. Of course, you might not get too much studying accomplished this way. But we would have a great time riding together.
  12. I flew to Charlotte and back to Memphis this morning.
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Italian is a wonderful language! I'm certain when he was flirting with you, it must have made your heart skip a beat. Shane's open and direct approach to his feelings will certainly be good for you and this will let you know exactly were he stands. The one problem is that you have more information than you are ready for at times. Personally, I am excited about Shane coming into your life. As for the chinchilla, I was not trying to imply that your friends had killed it. I was just offering a contact, should they desire to expand their knowledge or have a problem that they needed answered. As for the cage, I was trying to make sure that they had washed the cage really, really well before putting their new chinchilla in it.
  14. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Clearly, you've never had science textbooks. Yes, I have had lots of science textbooks and the accompanying lab book. It always seemed like my statistics, calculus, etc. books were massive. Of course, now that I think of it the psychology books were just as large. But then I have a friend who thought law school books were the worst. LOL
  15. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your permit! Now you should be feeling pretty good. Sorry that fall break is over, but drama club will make you smile! As for all the other news... glad things are going great for you. Thanks I do feel good, well minus the fact that I'm sick. Technically I'm not supposed to go to school tomorrow because I have a fever of 103 but if I don't go to school then I can't go to opening night, and they need someone from set crew, and I said I could be there, but that was before I got sick. So, this could be problematic. But, there has been A LOT going around my school. Mono. Which I've already had, and would prefer to NOT get again. Whooping cough. Swine Flu Flu I've had my fill of that for the school year. Cold Bronchitis Strep Pretty much the whole deal. Plus I'm a T.A. (teacher's aid) for the English teacher I had my freshman and sophomore years, and she was counting on me being there, tomorrow. On the bright side, if I end up not going tomorrow, I won't have to make up any tests. OH! and I've decided on the college I wanna go to. (I have back ups) but if I get in I can get Scholarship money for choir and I already know the choir director, because she's done a couple of workshops at my school. She went to high school with my mommy too. so it's weird, to me. Annnnnndddd Their choir is amazing, and it's close to home and I won't have to pay room and board if I go with the work and learn program and get the Scholarship money. I have braces now and i have an expander (expander since May, and braces since July) well I have crowns. Well, the expander had to be glued in, and today my dentist discovered that my orthodontist used to much glue or something, and the band popped off and took the crown with it, so my tooth is exposed and extremely painful I told my orthodontist about the sensitivity each time i went in and she shrugged it off and said it was just pressure from the expander and didn't look at it. This could all have been prevented if my orthodontist had been concerned about her patients comfort. > I do wish people would do their job... referring to your orthodontist. Having your tooth exposed is very, VERY painful. Glad she didn't superglue it. Just kidding. Braces are painful enough, no need to add more exposed tooth pain. With a fever of 103, I'm fairly certain your mother will not let you go to school. Just my guess. Of course, opening night only comes once, so I know just how much you would like to be there. Good luck with the college you have selected and the scholarship. I hope you get everything you desire. You totally deserve it!
  16. How phenomenally beautiful your new guitar is!!!! And yes, it is totally okay to think someone of any age or sex is cute, interesting, etc. He sounds like he could teach you some great things on your new guitar. Appreciating someone for who they are, looks included, is possibly bringing a new friend into your life. Have a visit at Jude's restaurant. You might just have a really fun time. As for schedules... here's to have a day of goofing off. They don't come too often, so enjoy them when they do arrive. You make my heart happy to know that life is treating you well.
  17. *cries* Those are sooooo beautiful. You definitely deserve The Red Rose Award for those beautiful works of art. *hands award to Krisluvsdogs*
  18. When I found the Elton John album, I also found a two year old issue of People Magazine with a picture of Elton getting married. Awesome! ~Liz If you would like it, your mother or father will have to email me: pmajr@mac.com. If they approve, I will sent it to them at let's say, your father or mother's work address. It is imperative that they know that I am in no way trying to contact you directly.
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