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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Would you notice if I registered as a newbie and then posted a comment?
  2. It has been stored electronically and on paper so you will not be able to escape!
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Whoo hoo!!! I like him already!!! Have fun at the Halloween party!!!
  4. What a spectacular week! Enjoy it!!!
  5. Jeapody??? My grandmother's dog would howl when the music of Final Jeopardy would come on. Nothing else would make him howl... just that song.
  6. I am saving this email to show you just in case you forget.
  7. Sometimes my mind works faster than my paws can type, so I think I have written something and there is a blank in my thinking when someone else reads it. Ann Rule writes a segment (number of chapters) from a date in the past, to a particular place just after the murder, for each point of view. Then she finishes the last segment with everybody together. This segment starts at the point where she left off then continues until the crime is solved and then some to make sure all the loose ends are tied up. Either way you decide to write, I am certain it will be wonderful.
  8. *gives TBFOF the biggest hug* Stress can kill you. I am so very sorry that you have so much stress in your life. Being sick is awful, having knee problems makes things even worse. For some reason I think you will have to lose the stress to feel better. Do you think you could ask your Calc teacher to give you some time after school to help you catch up? Certainly it would not take you much time to bring you back to the class level. Maybe Jesse could help you. After all... he is a math genius. TBFOF, we are thinking of you. Please get well soon.
  9. Hope your feeling much better now. How sad that you missed the play and taking pictures. This was so disappointing for you. Single again... that's tough. What kind of job? As for your relationship with your parents... please be patient with your mother. Watching you grow up is hard for her as well. Oh those poor squirrels... I want to see the photo of your dog in the squirrel costume.
  10. Whoo hoo!!! am waiting still... Am also waiting.
  11. I will buy a copy of your first book. Please update your poem file.
  12. What Ann Rule does in her true crime books, is to write the point of view from the victim or victim's family, the point of view from the killer and the point of view from the police and investigators. I think you should follow her method and write the guy's point of view next. This is fabulous and I have wanted you to continue and now, hopefully you will.
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Ah... the witness. You are right, that would keep the stories straight.
  14. Please do find a couple minutes for us. We miss you when you when you are not around.
  15. Thanks!!! Horst is in hammy in the middle and Hercule is the hammy on the bottom.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    WOW!!! The guy who wrote the WinZip program. Now I would have found him very interesting! As for the flying stories... think fish. The stories are quite similar. Happy Birthday to your father. We had hot blueberry pie with vanilla bean ice cream in his honour. Well, the flying stories are mostly about crashes and emergency landings, which you can't really make up. (Like the time my parents made an emergency landing on a pier on the Hudson River, the police wouldn't let them take off after the problem was resolved, but they took off anyways. Or how dad was the first one to accidentally land his PPG in the water, and one of the fire department boats that was trying to "rescue" him started sinking because they forgot to put the plug in it. ) I wasn't implying that the stories were made up, it's just that after working with pilots, the "fish" seem to get bigger with time. That was all. Of course, you can't land an Airbus on a pier, you have to use the Hudson River, so your stories are much more interesting as they are PPGS. My apologies if you misunderstood what I was trying to say.
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    WOW!!! The guy who wrote the WinZip program. Now I would have found him very interesting! As for the flying stories... think fish. The stories are quite similar. Happy Birthday to your father. We had hot blueberry pie with vanilla bean ice cream in his honour.
  18. I love that drawing!!!!!! It brought a smile to my face! *hands Wildcat The Platinum Moon Award* Glad life is treating you well.
  19. One of my faults is to not communicate thoroughly. My first comment was meant exactly as you explained. Lately our immigration policies have changed immensely. Nothing has been exempt from scrutiny when it comes to revising our immigration policies. University attendance from foreigners has dropped to excessively low numbers. A five minute commute to work is ideal!!! Mine is twenty to thirty minutes depending on the traffic and whether or not I stop for coffee. The lab sounds fantastic. This positive environment will be great for you accomplishing all you desire and your colleagues sound like a terrific group of people. People who have worked for large companies in applied research have won The Nobel Peace Prize. It just may happen to you. In the meantime, when you are ready for the job market, select a company that you desire to work, if you get hired and don't like it, don't be afraid to change. If you are going to be somewhere for 25 plus years, it should be somewhere you are happy. When you go, watch out for that Australian killer spider that gets into swimming pools. It has the ability go underwater and bite unsuspecting swimmers. If you are bitten, you can die in about ten minutes.
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I always wondered where that came from. It's fantastic!!!
  21. Ah, for Christmas and other assorted winter holidays I assume. That's exciting to know it's being worked on now though! Exactly!!! If I hadn't dragged my feet in deciding exactly what colour, options, etc. I wanted, I would have had some of the first numbers. I am kicking my self that I procrastinated for so long. But... I am still one number below the first third cut-off, so I am happy.
  22. Received an email today with some good news and some bad news... my bike is production number 174, out of a possible 525. *applause* The bad news is that the factory will work the first two weeks of December, then resume in January. My bike won't be born until February. I am sooooooooooo looking forward to having delivery of my new bike.
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