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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *stands back and watches as - Kat - realizes that the tumbleweed is really a giant pin tac ball*
  2. Sooooo... tell us about it? Do you like the Snuggie? It looks comfortable.
  3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You didn't buy one of those things!
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    We will miss you! We totally understand.
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That's great news! Any word from Phil? We chat every so often in the maplestory group chat on skype, but that's it. No one-on-one or in depth conversations. I know references to Shane have been made a number of times in that chat, so I assume he knows, but I've heard nothing about his reaction to it. Then it appears all is good. Hope Phil finds where it is he wants to be. He'll probably (hopefully) get himself together once he moves out and doesn't have to answer to his grandparents anymore. I believe you are right.
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That's great news! Any word from Phil? We chat every so often in the maplestory group chat on skype, but that's it. No one-on-one or in depth conversations. I know references to Shane have been made a number of times in that chat, so I assume he knows, but I've heard nothing about his reaction to it. Then it appears all is good. Hope Phil finds where it is he wants to be.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That's great news! Any word from Phil?
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Haha, yes, it's quite sad. Except when people fool around with it. My sister is in one such "marriage" currently Yeah, I've seen people do that before lol. I know one couple who once set themselves as married or engaged as a joke, and they are now actually married. XD So... you have not mentioned Shane in a while. How is that going?
  9. [ *sends tumbleweeds rolling across the screen* ]
  10. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You are looking now, so I think this will work out for you. Closer would be very, very nice.
  11. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I'm certain you will find a roommate. How soon do you have to let them know? Social life always seems to be awkward. Yours will smooth out soon. It seems like you are on a phenomenal track.
  12. My internet was off for a few days. How annoying the cable company is. We only have ONE cable company and they act like they are doing us a favour to come out and find the problem. AT&T is supposed to be in our area soon with the cable over the phone lines... watch how fast I switch. Nothing could be worse than our current cable company.
  13. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse... You rock!!! Congratulations!!!!! You are the most awesomest!!!!!
  14. Dear HampsterKing... I am so sorry to be late on your birthday wishes. Counting the days until your special day, when the day came, I totally missed posting this Happy Hammy Birthday topic! Hope your 104th birthday was a spectacular one, with all your birthday wishes coming true. Of course we cannot let you escape the traditional song... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DEAR HAMPSTERKING, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Horatio
  15. so this is about the third time we've been "not selected" for a position. Oh Noooooooooooooooo! I am so, so sorry to hear this. Certainly you all are stunned to hear the bad news.
  16. It was an awesome trip. The ticket just gave me something to make my trip more interesting.
  17. The ticket cost me $150!!!!! I was doing mid-thirties in a 15 or 20, can't remember which. Anyway, it was this freshly paved, smooth, pristine asphalt road, on the longest downhill... a magnificent piece of road and I was picking up speed. Whoa... what a feeling. I guess what really made the officer mad was that I wouldn't stop until I had reached the bottom. Anyway, I blew through the school zone feeling like I was flying. It was awesome! I still remember that feeling as if it had happened yesterday. Then I heard the siren. Never did I think he was pulling me over. He asked for my driver's license and I told him that I didn't have it on me, but gave him all my other identification. If I had given him my driver's license, I am certain he would have tried to put points on it. And just to let you know... this happened in Connecticut. LOL Seriously??? I thought they only did stuff like this in like, Princeton. Where in CT were you? I was somewhere near Yale. It was either West Haven or New Haven, I believe. My journey took me from Long Island across the Sound by ferry, through Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts to Cape Cod, then back through Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, through the city, across Staten Island, into New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland before heading back to Long Island. Wait..... Bike bike, like peDals and all. Or motorcycle? I was hoping you wouldn't correct that.
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