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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. ALl??? I think not. - Kat - still has not posted. Yeah, but we know she's, like, taking a break and stuffz. I don't think she will return. For some reason, I think she used that as a way to leave without feeling bad. Of course, I have no idea if this is true or not, I just feel this in my gut. It's called HGF or Hammie Gut Feeling. I don't see why she would. Plus, using "I'm just taking a break" as an excuse to leave would be even worse, because then she would have the guilt of lying to us and leaving us waiting for her return. So when do you think she will return? Eventually. I don't know, but I think that she will come back at some point. I will have to ask her why she left. I think if she does return, it will only be to say "Hi - Bye". Why? You sound as if you have something against - Kat -. NO! NO! NO! I absolutely miss - Kat -! She is a really fantastic addition to the boards. I just think that whatever is going on, she has decided not to be here and that makes me very, very sad. I believe she is probably one of the nicest people to come to the boards. I agree with everything said except for the lack of her return. I am glad I found her somewhere else. Lucky you, unlucky me. You see, this is an example of what I was talking about when you said that it would be great to give out other places for people to meet. You have the ability to still have her friendship and we here, miss her. I will make sure to tell her that, next time she logs on. I helped her with an chinese dynasty project on monday. xD
  2. I would have been on around that time, but my dad stole the compy. I was up til like, 12 last night. xD
  3. ALl??? I think not. - Kat - still has not posted. Yeah, but we know she's, like, taking a break and stuffz. I don't think she will return. For some reason, I think she used that as a way to leave without feeling bad. Of course, I have no idea if this is true or not, I just feel this in my gut. It's called HGF or Hammie Gut Feeling. I don't see why she would. Plus, using "I'm just taking a break" as an excuse to leave would be even worse, because then she would have the guilt of lying to us and leaving us waiting for her return. So when do you think she will return? Eventually. I don't know, but I think that she will come back at some point. I will have to ask her why she left. I think if she does return, it will only be to say "Hi - Bye". Why? You sound as if you have something against - Kat -. NO! NO! NO! I absolutely miss - Kat -! She is a really fantastic addition to the boards. I just think that whatever is going on, she has decided not to be here and that makes me very, very sad. I believe she is probably one of the nicest people to come to the boards. I agree with everything said except for the lack of her return. I am glad I found her somewhere else.
  4. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Yeah. Watching your friend nearly suffocate isn't fun. And I told him not to eat it. He never was good with following directions. o.O The liquid benadryl apparently works faster than the normal kind, and apparently for some reactions, you can stop them with the benadryl. The the "epi" in epi-pen is short for epinephrine, which makes your blood vessels open up and helps the allergen (whatever is causing the reaction) to get out of your body, and helps you breathe better. They can be used for any allergy like that, yes. But they apparently hurt really really bad. Because it's baasically this giant needle that gets jabbed into the outer side of your thigh, about half way between your knee and hip bone for at least 10 seconds, 15 if possible. Basically, epi-pens save lives. If your friends have allergies to stuff like that, ask where they keep their epi-pens. Thanks for the great information. We watched a girl run into a stop sign after she was stung by a bee and she had a really bad allergic reaction. If I had known what to ask I could have possibly helped her. Instead we just called 911. I felt totally helpless in this situation. At least I now know what to ask. Thanks again. You did the right thing. If you ever see anyone having an allergic reaction, ALWAYS call 911. Oh another IMPORTANT note about the epi-pens: NEVER use an epi-pen that is expired, and NEVER use an epi-pen if the liquid inside looks cloudy or milky, because it could kill the person. Also, make sure the person is actually having an allergic reaction, and get their permission to use their epi-pen on them. Because nobody wants to get stabbed with one of those if they're not having a reaction. Thanks again!!! This girl was so allergic to bees that she may have had an epi-pen. If this ever happens in the future, I can always ask if they have one and then look at the date and color. Thanks again. This is great information just to know. I had to give CPR to a gentleman in an airport parking lot and I was really happy I had be taught how to do that. Okay, make this board a population of champions AND heroes. xD *thinks up new award* You get the golden gouda award. This one goes to those who do an amazingly selfless act/good deed such as that. Thank you for the award. I really don't deserve it. You saved a man's life!
  5. ALl??? I think not. - Kat - still has not posted. Yeah, but we know she's, like, taking a break and stuffz. I don't think she will return. For some reason, I think she used that as a way to leave without feeling bad. Of course, I have no idea if this is true or not, I just feel this in my gut. It's called HGF or Hammie Gut Feeling. I don't see why she would. Plus, using "I'm just taking a break" as an excuse to leave would be even worse, because then she would have the guilt of lying to us and leaving us waiting for her return. So when do you think she will return? Eventually. I don't know, but I think that she will come back at some point. I will have to ask her why she left. I think if she does return, it will only be to say "Hi - Bye". Why? You sound as if you have something against - Kat -.
  6. eew, that could be difficult for you. D= But any news from mr. mixed messages? Yeah Hmm. I spent most of yesterday with Mr. Mixed Messages actually, he was acting like we were a couple, cuddling and holding me and holding my hand. Some guy asked him "Why don't you buy your girlfriend a t-shirt?" and he didn't say anything about me not being his girlfriend instead he said "She already has one". During the day he kissed me once because we were playing a silly game of spin the bottle at McDonalds and it landed on me. He also kissed me on the cheek a few times. I actually quite enjoyed it, I think he is beautiful and at this rate I'm not getting over him. At all! He hasn't said anything about it and no, I haven't talked to him about it yet because I hate confronting people about stuff... I'll be seeing him this coming Saturday anyways. Schoolies. Yeah, so I'll be with him for a few days. ♥ Lee He sounds more like a guy who is very interested. My thinking is if you are mum about your feelings, you just might have yourself a steady guy. I want to tell him but I can't bring myself to! Saw him yesterday. Lotsa kissing and stuff happened but no discussion of feelings. He gives such good cuddles, hehe. I also told my parents that I like him. ♥ Lee Well, don't forget what i said in last post in this topic. Yeah, I know. I won't forget. It's hard liking two people. I haven't liked two people at the same time for a few years now but I still remember it not being too fun... especially when both of them don't like you back. I'm sure you'll figure out which one you'd prefer to be with. ♥ Lee Thanks. I'm sure I will, but for now I am in quite an indecisive state.
  7. ALl??? I think not. - Kat - still has not posted. Yeah, but we know she's, like, taking a break and stuffz. I don't think she will return. For some reason, I think she used that as a way to leave without feeling bad. Of course, I have no idea if this is true or not, I just feel this in my gut. It's called HGF or Hammie Gut Feeling. I don't see why she would. Plus, using "I'm just taking a break" as an excuse to leave would be even worse, because then she would have the guilt of lying to us and leaving us waiting for her return. So when do you think she will return? Eventually. I don't know, but I think that she will come back at some point. I will have to ask her why she left.
  8. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Yeah. Watching your friend nearly suffocate isn't fun. And I told him not to eat it. He never was good with following directions. o.O The liquid benadryl apparently works faster than the normal kind, and apparently for some reactions, you can stop them with the benadryl. The the "epi" in epi-pen is short for epinephrine, which makes your blood vessels open up and helps the allergen (whatever is causing the reaction) to get out of your body, and helps you breathe better. They can be used for any allergy like that, yes. But they apparently hurt really really bad. Because it's baasically this giant needle that gets jabbed into the outer side of your thigh, about half way between your knee and hip bone for at least 10 seconds, 15 if possible. Basically, epi-pens save lives. If your friends have allergies to stuff like that, ask where they keep their epi-pens. Thanks for the great information. We watched a girl run into a stop sign after she was stung by a bee and she had a really bad allergic reaction. If I had known what to ask I could have possibly helped her. Instead we just called 911. I felt totally helpless in this situation. At least I now know what to ask. Thanks again. You did the right thing. If you ever see anyone having an allergic reaction, ALWAYS call 911. Oh another IMPORTANT note about the epi-pens: NEVER use an epi-pen that is expired, and NEVER use an epi-pen if the liquid inside looks cloudy or milky, because it could kill the person. Also, make sure the person is actually having an allergic reaction, and get their permission to use their epi-pen on them. Because nobody wants to get stabbed with one of those if they're not having a reaction. Thanks again!!! This girl was so allergic to bees that she may have had an epi-pen. If this ever happens in the future, I can always ask if they have one and then look at the date and color. Thanks again. This is great information just to know. I had to give CPR to a gentleman in an airport parking lot and I was really happy I had be taught how to do that. Okay, make this board a population of champions AND heroes. xD *thinks up new award* You get the golden gouda award. This one goes to those who do an amazingly selfless act/good deed such as that.
  9. ALl??? I think not. - Kat - still has not posted. Yeah, but we know she's, like, taking a break and stuffz. I don't think she will return. For some reason, I think she used that as a way to leave without feeling bad. Of course, I have no idea if this is true or not, I just feel this in my gut. It's called HGF or Hammie Gut Feeling. I don't see why she would. Plus, using "I'm just taking a break" as an excuse to leave would be even worse, because then she would have the guilt of lying to us and leaving us waiting for her return.
  10. *sweatdrop* That's considered freezing here. ;_; All year round it's at least 80. >.< 'Twas 48 degrees here, and I was fine in a T-shirt and jeans.
  11. I have to say, sometimes having more than one extremely cute, funny, intelligent, fun to be around, friends can be bad. Cause I like two people now, and I feel bad about it.
  12. At least Mega Wolf shows up every now and then, mostly on weekends. She has not mastered being able to type and talk on the phone at the same time. The one who has decided not to show up is - Kat -. Her internet is kinda weird, so I think that has something to do with it.
  13. Isn't it unsettling that in your dreams you can experience all sorts of emotions and feelings?!?!? Well, um, I don't find it unsettling when I feel different emotions in my dreams :/ I have had dreams where the feelings were so real that I still wonder if the dream actually happened. The dream wasn't that strange or wild, but something that could be a part of everyday life! I have had dreams like that before! It feels strange when you realise that it wasn't real. Sometimes the dream is so good you wish that it came true in real life. So, sticking to the topic of this thread, theres this boy. And I'm pretty sure he likes me. Last night he walked me home from a party which is a 45 minute walk, he also attempted to flirt on the way. Then he walked back to the party by himself rather drunk (I was completely sober, I've given up drinking). He's nice and stuff but I don't like him that way at all. Theres no attraction there what-so-ever. I don't want him to ask me out or anything 'cause I hate rejecting people. ♥ Lee eew, that could be difficult for you. D= But any news from mr. mixed messages? Yeah Hmm. I spent most of yesterday with Mr. Mixed Messages actually, he was acting like we were a couple, cuddling and holding me and holding my hand. Some guy asked him "Why don't you buy your girlfriend a t-shirt?" and he didn't say anything about me not being his girlfriend instead he said "She already has one". During the day he kissed me once because we were playing a silly game of spin the bottle at McDonalds and it landed on me. He also kissed me on the cheek a few times. I actually quite enjoyed it, I think he is beautiful and at this rate I'm not getting over him. At all! He hasn't said anything about it and no, I haven't talked to him about it yet because I hate confronting people about stuff... I'll be seeing him this coming Saturday anyways. Schoolies. Yeah, so I'll be with him for a few days. ♥ Lee He sounds more like a guy who is very interested. My thinking is if you are mum about your feelings, you just might have yourself a steady guy. I want to tell him but I can't bring myself to! Saw him yesterday. Lotsa kissing and stuff happened but no discussion of feelings. He gives such good cuddles, hehe. I also told my parents that I like him. ♥ Lee Well, don't forget what i said in last post in this topic.
  14. Schimmislick is worth major points! As for me... 1 point. LOL Ooops... I forgot to make myself anonymouse!!! But then, who was anonymous? Now that is a good question!!! *coughs* Who took the screenie? *slaps forehead* Duh. LOL I was wondering if I could catch you! xD
  15. Schimmislick is worth major points! As for me... 1 point. LOL Ooops... I forgot to make myself anonymouse!!! But then, who was anonymous?
  16. that is by o-zone. o.O ...The original mix? maybe not. but I have seen a music video for this song by o-zone.
  17. And then the suprise shall FINALLY TIMES A MILLION be revealed!
  18. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    Yes. Although I haven't had a full measure of 32nd notes, at least not yet. I've only had two beats in a row and at 100 bpm that alone is difficult for me that is still 64 notes. I can't imagine doing that.
  19. *buys Cheesemaster a ps3* *sells* *gives half of the profit to horatio, the other half to myself*
  20. did you really? Of course! *takes note of sarcasm*
  21. me = never getting a ps3 unless given to me as a present. and then i will sell it.
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