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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Cheesus


    Well, I think you know my favorite subject. =O French? LOL LOL ;.; I don't even take french. pff. *pokes* WROMG ANSWER! xD LOL LOL *hands some sugar to Cheesemaster* Here you go... join me. It is cage cleaning day. I don't like cleaning cages. Two cages to clean are enough for me, i don't need to clean the giant cage complex you have. Actually it's not cleaning the cage... it is getting the tubes back together. Some of them are twisted in just the right position, and then I always mess them up during cleaning. Ah, that could be tricky. You should take some good pics of the cage complex o' doom. Tomorrow. Today I will be cleaning and will be just trying to get the tubes back together. Wait... .... you are sooooooooooooooo smart. I need to take a picture BEFORE I clean. This way I have a manual for putting it back together correctly. Good one Cheesie! *hands Cheesemaster some Oatmeal Raisin cookies, fresh from the oven* No sugar. I used honey instead. Tell me what you think please. I think that you should ask someone who could have them =O cause ya know, i would love to try them but They are in florida, I am in maryland...
  2. I've got four pretty nasty looking hunting tips, and twelve (ten now, after losing some arrows) target practise tips. How awesome is your bow? like, when was it made? 'cause Mine is like 20 years old. XD and a 70lb pull on it. It wears you out after pulling it back a few times. XD This was the bow you were given from that lady you helped, is this correct? Target practice for bows and even guns is okay, being of the animal group, I just don't like hurting or killing animals for no reason. To me, the bird that was shot by the arrow, was a senseless one and it pains me to see these pics. Yup. Good to see someone remembers when I ramble about stuff. XD I dont think I'd have it in me to shoot a creature for no reason. Self-defense or for food, (when there's no alternative of course) would be the only things that could get me to shoot something still prancing around in the wild or whatever critters do these days. The critters might do something like this... but not in the wild... Yeah, but if a squirrel attacks you, you just kick it away or something and just leave it alone. Killing it wouldnt be necessary. If it was like... a... big.. scary... mountain lion. or something. (yeah, you'll find a lot of those in Florida. XD) then I'd probably shoot it if it got some ideas. If a squirrel attacked me... I would hand over all my peanuts and sunflower seeds. That's what they would be after. We do have and or something, it is a Florida panther, but I do believe these are protected. So, you might as well stay out of their habitat. O.o Oh, and arkcher, my bow is pretty awsome. xD Compound, and my dad and I figure it to have a 70 pound pull. Two different sights for closer and farther targets (you look through a ring in the string at the sight for much better accuracy), vibration dampener, 9 arrows (one of which is a carbon fiber arrow. Those things are awsome, i hope to get 6 more for christmas. xD), and i got it (all) for $37 at a yard sale. I really like it. Would you be picking on me? No, of course not. Oh good. I thought you were pretty smart. LOL I think the same way. xD I also thought you were pretty oblivious when it comes to sarcasm. xD Moi? Oblivious to sarcasm? Not at all.
  3. Sorry, I am not good at writing songs. xD
  4. I've got four pretty nasty looking hunting tips, and twelve (ten now, after losing some arrows) target practise tips. How awesome is your bow? like, when was it made? 'cause Mine is like 20 years old. XD and a 70lb pull on it. It wears you out after pulling it back a few times. XD This was the bow you were given from that lady you helped, is this correct? Target practice for bows and even guns is okay, being of the animal group, I just don't like hurting or killing animals for no reason. To me, the bird that was shot by the arrow, was a senseless one and it pains me to see these pics. Yup. Good to see someone remembers when I ramble about stuff. XD I dont think I'd have it in me to shoot a creature for no reason. Self-defense or for food, (when there's no alternative of course) would be the only things that could get me to shoot something still prancing around in the wild or whatever critters do these days. The critters might do something like this... but not in the wild... Yeah, but if a squirrel attacks you, you just kick it away or something and just leave it alone. Killing it wouldnt be necessary. If it was like... a... big.. scary... mountain lion. or something. (yeah, you'll find a lot of those in Florida. XD) then I'd probably shoot it if it got some ideas. If a squirrel attacked me... I would hand over all my peanuts and sunflower seeds. That's what they would be after. We do have and or something, it is a Florida panther, but I do believe these are protected. So, you might as well stay out of their habitat. O.o Oh, and arkcher, my bow is pretty awsome. xD Compound, and my dad and I figure it to have a 70 pound pull. Two different sights for closer and farther targets (you look through a ring in the string at the sight for much better accuracy), vibration dampener, 9 arrows (one of which is a carbon fiber arrow. Those things are awsome, i hope to get 6 more for christmas. xD), and i got it (all) for $37 at a yard sale. I really like it. Would you be picking on me? No, of course not. Oh good. I thought you were pretty smart. LOL I think the same way. xD I also thought you were pretty oblivious when it comes to sarcasm. xD
  5. I've got four pretty nasty looking hunting tips, and twelve (ten now, after losing some arrows) target practise tips. How awesome is your bow? like, when was it made? 'cause Mine is like 20 years old. XD and a 70lb pull on it. It wears you out after pulling it back a few times. XD This was the bow you were given from that lady you helped, is this correct? Target practice for bows and even guns is okay, being of the animal group, I just don't like hurting or killing animals for no reason. To me, the bird that was shot by the arrow, was a senseless one and it pains me to see these pics. Yup. Good to see someone remembers when I ramble about stuff. XD I dont think I'd have it in me to shoot a creature for no reason. Self-defense or for food, (when there's no alternative of course) would be the only things that could get me to shoot something still prancing around in the wild or whatever critters do these days. The critters might do something like this... but not in the wild... Yeah, but if a squirrel attacks you, you just kick it away or something and just leave it alone. Killing it wouldnt be necessary. If it was like... a... big.. scary... mountain lion. or something. (yeah, you'll find a lot of those in Florida. XD) then I'd probably shoot it if it got some ideas. If a squirrel attacked me... I would hand over all my peanuts and sunflower seeds. That's what they would be after. We do have and or something, it is a Florida panther, but I do believe these are protected. So, you might as well stay out of their habitat. O.o Oh, and arkcher, my bow is pretty awsome. xD Compound, and my dad and I figure it to have a 70 pound pull. Two different sights for closer and farther targets (you look through a ring in the string at the sight for much better accuracy), vibration dampener, 9 arrows (one of which is a carbon fiber arrow. Those things are awsome, i hope to get 6 more for christmas. xD), and i got it (all) for $37 at a yard sale. I really like it. Would you be picking on me? No, of course not.
  6. Cheesus


    Well, I think you know my favorite subject. =O French? LOL LOL ;.; I don't even take french. pff. *pokes* WROMG ANSWER! xD LOL LOL *hands some sugar to Cheesemaster* Here you go... join me. It is cage cleaning day. I don't like cleaning cages. Two cages to clean are enough for me, i don't need to clean the giant cage complex you have. Actually it's not cleaning the cage... it is getting the tubes back together. Some of them are twisted in just the right position, and then I always mess them up during cleaning. Ah, that could be tricky. You should take some good pics of the cage complex o' doom.
  7. My hero!!! The kid or my comment? Cause the kid is a pain, who causes endless chaos and discontent. Your comment. On a serious note, I would love for the kid to show me a food diary. I always wonder if there are lots of foods that are sugar based, or carbohydrate based. How many fruits and vegetables does he eat? I have always wondered if ADD has something to do with food. For example, I saw this mother feeding her kid soda for breakfast along with his pancakes and lots and lots of syrup. Hmmmmm, do you think he will have a small problem later? Yeah, good luck getting him to do anything. Cooperation is not his strong point. xD No clue what he eats, though. Back to your first post. You, like Mega Wolf and many others, have great advice. I suggest you offer your thoughts even if they are the same as someone else's. You may have a different way of presenting these thoughts and yours will be the only one that she relates to. As for your troop, next time you are all together, where food is involved, let me know what he eats. I am really curious. For example, if you have grilled chicken breast (good food), but you have it go for a swim in BBQ sauce (bad food) then you are getting lots and lots of sugar. Of course, sugar is one of my food groups. Sugar, Fat and Caffeine. LOL I'll pay attention next time. He isn't in my patrol (which is wonderful) so I don't see what he eats. Cause or different patrols cook seperately, so we don't really eat together.
  8. Cheesus


    Well, I think you know my favorite subject. =O French? LOL LOL ;.; I don't even take french. pff. *pokes* WROMG ANSWER! xD LOL LOL *hands some sugar to Cheesemaster* Here you go... join me. It is cage cleaning day. I don't like cleaning cages. Two cages to clean are enough for me, i don't need to clean the giant cage complex you have.
  9. CONGRATULATIONS!!! How fantastic! Your band did great. That must have been tough being beaten by a 9th place band in overall music, but you still came in second!!! A first in individual music is a great achievement! Yeah to you all!!! No, we're the 9th place band. XD We got second, next to the 1st place band. It was pretty awesome. Oops. So I am guilty of reading what I want to read! The second place in over all music, is great and the first place in individual music is superb!!! You still did fantastic as far as I am concerned!!! As for the bands that change their uniforms every year... I agree with you. Matching instruments? I do not believe I would have ever noticed that the instruments didn't match. Yeah, like the band that had changing uniforms had pirate uniforms, and it was really cool but it made me kinda mad that it was only a one-year thing. Like, always changing these uniforms that cost so much? Our uniforms cost around $800, so we can't really afford to replace them. And we're working towards matching instruments, but currently I don't think we have enough money for it. We're going for quality instruments if they match, the only reason to get matching instruments for us is for quality control so that people don't have cheap intruments that sound bad. $800 each or total?
  10. Cheesus


    Well, I think you know my favorite subject. =O French? LOL LOL ;.; I don't even take french. pff. *pokes* WROMG ANSWER! xD
  11. My hero!!! The kid or my comment? Cause the kid is a pain, who causes endless chaos and discontent. Your comment. On a serious note, I would love for the kid to show me a food diary. I always wonder if there are lots of foods that are sugar based, or carbohydrate based. How many fruits and vegetables does he eat? I have always wondered if ADD has something to do with food. For example, I saw this mother feeding her kid soda for breakfast along with his pancakes and lots and lots of syrup. Hmmmmm, do you think he will have a small problem later? Yeah, good luck getting him to do anything. Cooperation is not his strong point. xD No clue what he eats, though.
  12. Cheesus


    Well, I think you know my favorite subject. =O
  13. You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. Ooops. That must have been a mistake! *thinks again* Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day. Wow. Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here. Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day. Oh my. o.O My next vehicle is going to be one of those Wells Fargo/Brinks money trucks. Then I defy anyone to hit me. LOL XD Sounds like a plan. Ideally, I would like to have four steel cone like objects, two on the front and then two on the rear, sort of like short unicorn horns, but strong steel. This way if someone hits you from the rear, they just impale their car. The thinking would be, 'that will teach you for driving two inches from the back end of my vehicle. And if you broadside someone because they turned left in front of you. Oh well. *evil laugh is heard* I say the primary method of transportation is Mario Karts. If someone is a bad driver, just use a red shell or hit them with a star. xD Now that's a great idea. I was going to mount a couple Uzi's on each side of the front, but I was certain this wouldn't be approved. The red shell or star is a much more effective method! star + mega mushroom in a traffic jam. xD
  14. My hero!!! The kid or my comment? Cause the kid is a pain, who causes endless chaos and discontent.
  15. I've got four pretty nasty looking hunting tips, and twelve (ten now, after losing some arrows) target practise tips. How awesome is your bow? like, when was it made? 'cause Mine is like 20 years old. XD and a 70lb pull on it. It wears you out after pulling it back a few times. XD This was the bow you were given from that lady you helped, is this correct? Target practice for bows and even guns is okay, being of the animal group, I just don't like hurting or killing animals for no reason. To me, the bird that was shot by the arrow, was a senseless one and it pains me to see these pics. Yup. Good to see someone remembers when I ramble about stuff. XD I dont think I'd have it in me to shoot a creature for no reason. Self-defense or for food, (when there's no alternative of course) would be the only things that could get me to shoot something still prancing around in the wild or whatever critters do these days. The critters might do something like this... but not in the wild... Yeah, but if a squirrel attacks you, you just kick it away or something and just leave it alone. Killing it wouldnt be necessary. If it was like... a... big.. scary... mountain lion. or something. (yeah, you'll find a lot of those in Florida. XD) then I'd probably shoot it if it got some ideas. If a squirrel attacked me... I would hand over all my peanuts and sunflower seeds. That's what they would be after. We do have and or something, it is a Florida panther, but I do believe these are protected. So, you might as well stay out of their habitat. O.o Oh, and arkcher, my bow is pretty awsome. xD Compound, and my dad and I figure it to have a 70 pound pull. Two different sights for closer and farther targets (you look through a ring in the string at the sight for much better accuracy), vibration dampener, 9 arrows (one of which is a carbon fiber arrow. Those things are awsome, i hope to get 6 more for christmas. xD), and i got it (all) for $37 at a yard sale. I really like it.
  16. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    I don't know. He could have feelings for you, or he is just a close friends.
  17. You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. Ooops. That must have been a mistake! *thinks again* Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day. Wow. Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here. Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day. Oh my. o.O My next vehicle is going to be one of those Wells Fargo/Brinks money trucks. Then I defy anyone to hit me. LOL XD Sounds like a plan. Ideally, I would like to have four steel cone like objects, two on the front and then two on the rear, sort of like short unicorn horns, but strong steel. This way if someone hits you from the rear, they just impale their car. The thinking would be, 'that will teach you for driving two inches from the back end of my vehicle. And if you broadside someone because they turned left in front of you. Oh well. *evil laugh is heard* I say the primary method of transportation is Mario Karts. If someone is a bad driver, just use a red shell or hit them with a star. xD
  18. Well, I would give advice, but it has all been stated already. Ya know arkcher, i wish you could be in my scout troop. We are the awsomest group of random kids. xD We have out share of nerds, atheletes, skaters, but none of them are jerks or whatever. Except for this one kid, with more A.D.D then a basic math book. xD
  19. Here is one reason I don't like weapons... I don't hunt, i just do target practice. With rifle, shotgun, and bows. xD
  20. I got a hunting bow. xD It is in my room. However, i only got two hunting arrowheads.
  21. Well, try to get back with scouts in your new home town.
  22. That is CRAZY! Crime in NYC is ultra-high, I thought.
  23. "Sez?" "SEZ??!?!?!?!?!?" pff. xD *hits enter* You should be in boy scouts, another great way to make friends. =O
  24. [but the thing is, people can make jokes about your love of pink floyd.] [And yours!] [Yeah, but for some reason, they just don't.] [Give us time! LOL] [Aww, come on, I bet MK got jokes about pink floyd in the first six months she was here >_>] [No, I don't believe so. It wasn't until she posted the lyrics of every song they have ever sung. LOL ] [and then some.] [xD]
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