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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Are you sure she didn't say she had a few plans for tonight? But she could have replied to Arkcher's email, don't you think? Well, maybe she was busy and therefore couldn't. I'm sure she isn't trying to avoid arkcher. :rolleyes: Oh really. You don't seem convinced. xD
  2. Are you sure she didn't say she had a few plans for tonight? But she could have replied to Arkcher's email, don't you think? Well, maybe she was busy and therefore couldn't. I'm sure she isn't trying to avoid arkcher.
  3. Heroin Bob- Diemon Which is a solo band thing my friend does. xD
  4. Hey! A new member! Glad to see you. ^.^ If you need any help, just click on the link in my sig. =D However, you seem to have it down pretty well.
  5. I have also decided that the eyes are attached to the mouth, cause whenever i put the eyedrops in, I get a weird taste in my mouth.
  6. I like teh poem. cheesey award for yous.
  7. Are you sure she didn't say she had a few plans for tonight?
  8. Arkcher pointed at her and laughed. MK rose from the dead as a zombie and ate Arkcher's brains. Except he didn't have any.
  9. I'm not paying $40 just to get into some random theme park of probable boredom!
  10. Thank you! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Forgot one. ABG-Utah (But I;m taller. >_<) Cheesey-Can't remember, but I think it was New Hampshire. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Cheesemaster is from the land of great crabcakes... Maryland!!! True dat... i never get crab anywhere outside of maryland.
  11. What is the differance between morman geography and the normal kind?
  12. Get the cherry nyquil. Quite a bit better. Not great, but a bit better. I take wild cherry sucrets. I do not take lemon sucrets. The cherry taste like artificially flavored cherry medicine, while the lemon tastes like horrid. D= I have yet to find any medicine that DOESNT taste like horrid. Afrin nasal spray tastes much worse than any other medicine I have taken. However, my mom says that liquid prednizone, or however it is spelled, is even worse. My bro had to take that for his kindey problem. Which is really rare and no one is sure exactly how to cure it or whatever, so he is on meds costing $600+ if we didn't have insurance. Tell me why you're tasting medicine that goes in your nose. Your mouth and nose are connected, and inhaling when spraying (what you are supposed to do) brings it into your mouth. Unfortunately. Does it really. Right, of course I knew that. I'm just pulling your leg. Why would you pull his leg? Is the leg attached to the nose? How did you know?
  13. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Aw, that's no fun. My sister had conjunctivitis recently, and my dad has some sort of nasty cold type bug. 'Tis that time of the year... Conjuntivitis is nothing compared to some of the earaches I have had recently. Like, screaming death laser pain, that wasn't subdued by two tylenols. At all. In the middle of the night. Twice. Ouch. Not fun. Trust me. It is like, the opposite of fun. xD
  14. Get the cherry nyquil. Quite a bit better. Not great, but a bit better. I take wild cherry sucrets. I do not take lemon sucrets. The cherry taste like artificially flavored cherry medicine, while the lemon tastes like horrid. D= I have yet to find any medicine that DOESNT taste like horrid. Afrin nasal spray tastes much worse than any other medicine I have taken. However, my mom says that liquid prednizone, or however it is spelled, is even worse. My bro had to take that for his kindey problem. Which is really rare and no one is sure exactly how to cure it or whatever, so he is on meds costing $600+ if we didn't have insurance. Tell me why you're tasting medicine that goes in your nose. Your mouth and nose are connected, and inhaling when spraying (what you are supposed to do) brings it into your mouth. Unfortunately.
  15. Gee, I wonder where that ad came from.
  16. Get the cherry nyquil. Quite a bit better. Not great, but a bit better. I take wild cherry sucrets. I do not take lemon sucrets. The cherry taste like artificially flavored cherry medicine, while the lemon tastes like horrid. D= I have yet to find any medicine that DOESNT taste like horrid. Afrin nasal spray tastes much worse than any other medicine I have taken. However, my mom says that liquid prednizone, or however it is spelled, is even worse. My bro had to take that for his kindey problem. Which is really rare and no one is sure exactly how to cure it or whatever, so he is on meds costing $600+ if we didn't have insurance.
  17. Kinde like what some think horatio's big suprise is gonna be? That horatio WILL NEVER TELL US!!!! >O Seriously, horation. We wanna know what the big suprise is. It will happen... soon. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Do it before the normal thing that happens on the 5th! *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Either I'm stupid or you are crazy, cause I can't think of anything that always happens on the fifth. And I know I'm not stupid...
  18. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Aw, that's no fun. My sister had conjunctivitis recently, and my dad has some sort of nasty cold type bug. 'Tis that time of the year... Conjuntivitis is nothing compared to some of the earaches I have had recently. Like, screaming death laser pain, that wasn't subdued by two tylenols. At all. In the middle of the night. Twice.
  19. Stupid Movie Night sounds awesome! Some of my friends did that shortly before vacation. They watched some movie along the lines of Santa Clause vs. The Martians. XD I had to study for my history exam though. As for your helecopter, I had one of those too. It was really cool until it crashed into the house and broke. So if you've got three of them, maybe you and the Denzel and Brianrietta can all go outside and play with them. D= I only know where one of them is. and its the one that Brianrietta gimmie. The other ones are either 'sploded or still in a box, 'cause we never officially moved in to this house from half a year ago. XD The Helecoptor dealie is still in its box, sittin' there in my room. I figure The Denzel is going to ask about it tonight, and I dont know what to do. XD You should say it got lost in a tree when you were playing with it. xD
  20. Cheesus

    I'm in school!

    ... I like Foot Teachers more. D= yeah. If its an abbreviation thing, then it should be all caps. XD take Horatios post there for example. Although Croutons Rhyme On New York, Me Sleepy. ... yeah. Im still tired and nothing makes sense. XD A Cruddy Response Offers Nothing You Moron. *Slap. ROFOCLH!!! You definitely win The Gold Star Award for that interpretation! xD Thanks. *goes to edit siggy*
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