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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. She definately thinks you want to date her. Wait until an apporpiate time and tell her, man. And it was 19 degrees this morning. I wore a T-shirt and shorts. I was happy. ^.^ And my Kaitlin wasn't in school today, that made me sad. ;.; Hey, another coincidence for you, I have a friend called Caitlin. And she wasn't in school either. ! ..She lives in Scotland, so don't go thinking I'm in school. Eight week holidays don't pass that fast. Eight week holiday? Huzabahwuh?
  2. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    That is good to know. I'm glad that it is going well.
  3. cout<<"How many cookies does arkcher have? "; cin>>cookie; switch (cookie ) case (cookie > 0): {if (x == 1) cout<<"Arkcher has a cookie! =D"<<endl; else cout<<"Arkcher has "<<x<<" cookies! =D"; } break case (cookie <0): cout<<"no negative cookies!"; break Default: cout<<"Arkcher has no cookies. D="; cout<<endl<<"I want a cookie..."<<endl; I know I don't have all the parts necessary, but meh. Have I spent too much time in compy progging?
  4. She definately thinks you want to date her. Wait until an apporpiate time and tell her, man. And it was 19 degrees this morning. I wore a T-shirt and shorts. I was happy. ^.^ And my Kaitlin wasn't in school today, that made me sad. ;.;
  5. Of coures. We ALL believe you.
  6. Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head. Yeah, I went through and read the first page or two of this the other day (waiting for Horatio to get on D= ) and saw that. XD And I dont think this mess really counts as having a girlfriend. It might. but I dont know. XD Haha. Might end up in it, though. yeah. I dont even know whats going on, 'cause half the time I like The Denzel, most of the time its Brianrietta, and other times I like RPVF back. but liking too many people could... be problematic, i think, so for now Im just sitting here and getting my mind on other things. (World of warcraft! -cheer-) and also going to that prom dealie. Im so gonna do something terribly wrong there, I just know it. XD okay, how does the denzel get 50%, brianrietta get most of it, and RPVF get some too? That adds up to more than 100%.
  7. I 'm not sure. You better start a new one, though.
  8. You coult try to let us know what is going pn without making it a mystery as to wether or not any of this is happening.
  9. Rmeber the time i was saying negative things about that one robotics team? That was messy.
  10. It is kinda cold, in the mornings. sometimes.
  11. I saw that, and it was very good. However, the movie is "The persuit of HappYness."
  12. That could work towards your benefit, though. Brianrietta would find out about how you truly feel, which would be good, and RPFV would find out that you don't like her the way she thinks you do. If you haven't told her yet. In which case you should.
  13. Wtf. >_>; Now all there needs to be is she's a red-hairded nerd and has a very french ancestry and its like two Brianriettas! ... THE CHAOS! -blows up- Nah, she is blonde. But not dumb blonde. And I'm not sure of her ancestry, but I know that she is part cherokee.
  14. It might need to be a several day affair. Over the summer, so we wouldn't have to miss school for it. xD I don't think school officials would accept it as a valid reason to miss school.
  15. *oncoming strange coincidence alert* Okay, well, you all know about me and my previous crush. However, I have a new one now. And her name is kaitlin. sound familiar? She is kinda nerdy, in a really cute way. Even more familiar? Yeah, coincidences are among us. xD But she is the adorable kinda nerd. really cute and fun to be around. And I hope this all goes well for me. xD
  16. nothing, but if i were listening to a song right now, it would be "Kung Foo Masters" by The All Mighty Senators.
  17. Especially considering the varying locations of those from around the boards.
  18. I have a big head, so They would probably fit me well. xD
  19. You have to let RPVF know that you don't really have those feelings for her. As soon as possible, because that will make it easiest on both of you.
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