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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. I'm rooting for Barack, cause my parents support him, and they have a good knowledge of political stuffs. xD And their views on world thingies often coincide with mine, so . And TGHL, I completely agree with your choice for the republicans. But the hummer has to be the original kind, none of this H2 or H3 crud.
  2. What are the requiremants that a business must meet?
  3. That game... it sounds awesome. I need to play it sometime. It does sound incredibly fun, actually.
  4. You coult try to let us know what is going pn without making it a mystery as to wether or not any of this is happening. the question, my dear cheese, is why are you analyzing my writing? I know it's a drastic change from before, but perhaps I am depressed and am cheering myself up. Perhaps I'm not lying and I really am in love with a young man named Athanasios. This topic is purely speculation on your part. The only person who knows the value of truth in these posts is me. Besides, if you knew whether this was true or not, it would kill my fun! lol I'm analyzing your writing because I care about what is going on in my friends lives. Thank you for caring. Perhaps if you read mine and Patchwork's signatures you would have a bit more insight as to the level of truth I have posted. I'll do that next time, when I have time. Cause I have to get off da compy now. >.>
  5. Oh yeah, I forgot you live in NJ. I live in the same state as you...kinda. kinda? as in not mentally? or not forever? or just... new york? lol Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what she is talking about as well. Maybe she is from old jersey? xD
  6. This shows additional support of my theory mentioned in my previous post. Brianrietta saw that thing saying that she didn't want to go out with you, but she was too nervous to tell you that she did in fact want to. However, she was trying to show you that she did want to go out with you. If you see what I mean.
  7. Have fun finding that one out. xD Please let us know. pff. We'll save you some trouble and I'll just tell you. 'cause I've tried it. it tastes. like. duct tape. it has a very distinct flavor that cannot be likened unto anything else. Getting it off of your tongue is a challenge, though. Do the different colors of duct tape have different tastes??? Good question!
  8. Now, perhaps RPVF has come here and found out how you really feel. This could be an attempt to "eliminate the competition." The "srry brandon" makes me think that she has specifically designed this to make you give up on Brianrietta. RPVF seems kinda desperate.
  9. You coult try to let us know what is going pn without making it a mystery as to wether or not any of this is happening. the question, my dear cheese, is why are you analyzing my writing? I know it's a drastic change from before, but perhaps I am depressed and am cheering myself up. Perhaps I'm not lying and I really am in love with a young man named Athanasios. This topic is purely speculation on your part. The only person who knows the value of truth in these posts is me. Besides, if you knew whether this was true or not, it would kill my fun! lol I'm analyzing your writing because I care about what is going on in my friends lives.
  10. Cheesus

    I'm in school!

    nice word *thumbs uppp* Which, computerize? Thanks. xD
  11. No, because you don't have all the parts necessary. Nyah Do you know the necessary parts, then? Nope, but you knew you didn't have all the necessary parts, and you said so, therefore I knew that you didn't. I think i have it all now, not gauranteed to be perfect. Usually do some stuff that I need the compiler to do, which i don't have. If I messed up part of the top or bottom it is because I have a template I always use so I don't end up typing those in. xD Whoops, I had the wrong curly bracket at the end. Either way. Arkcher has two cookies, for I will give him another. *gives arkcher a cookie* Wait, then do I have two or three? I dunno, but you have no negative cookies!
  12. Wait, how are they connected? o.O I'm not *entirely* sure, but I think that there are ducts in the corners of your eyes that lead into your throat or something. This is because you have tears constantly going over the surface of your eyes to keep them clean. Well, thos tears have to go somewhere, right? So there's a duct that drains them. When your eyes produce tears faster than they can drain them, you cry. Ooo. Sounds like shiney fun. ^.^ Yes, crying is fun? And Is it just me, or is horatio not being here? Yeah, I've noticed a lack of Horatio as well... I wonder why? Be more active horatio. >.<
  13. No, because you don't have all the parts necessary. Nyah Do you know the necessary parts, then? Nope, but you knew you didn't have all the necessary parts, and you said so, therefore I knew that you didn't. I think i have it all now, not gauranteed to be perfect. Usually do some stuff that I need the compiler to do, which i don't have. If I messed up part of the top or bottom it is because I have a template I always use so I don't end up typing those in. xD Whoops, I had the wrong curly bracket at the end.
  14. She definately thinks you want to date her. Wait until an apporpiate time and tell her, man. And it was 19 degrees this morning. I wore a T-shirt and shorts. I was happy. ^.^ And my Kaitlin wasn't in school today, that made me sad. ;.; Hey, another coincidence for you, I have a friend called Caitlin. And she wasn't in school either. ! ..She lives in Scotland, so don't go thinking I'm in school. Eight week holidays don't pass that fast. Eight week holiday? Huzabahwuh? Australialanders are speshal. So we get eight week summer holidays. Oh! I feel smart now. I just remembered that while we are in summer, you are in winter. Or I am going crazy. I got the thousandth post! =D And reply!
  15. Enter Sandman- Metalllica and it just switched, so, now it is... Dragostea Din Tei- O-zone
  16. No, because you don't have all the parts necessary. Nyah Do you know the necessary parts, then? Nope, but you knew you didn't have all the necessary parts, and you said so, therefore I knew that you didn't. I think i have it all now, not gauranteed to be perfect. Usually do some stuff that I need the compiler to do, which i don't have. If I messed up part of the top or bottom it is because I have a template I always use so I don't end up typing those in. xD
  17. She definately thinks you want to date her. Wait until an apporpiate time and tell her, man. And it was 19 degrees this morning. I wore a T-shirt and shorts. I was happy. ^.^ And my Kaitlin wasn't in school today, that made me sad. ;.; Hey, another coincidence for you, I have a friend called Caitlin. And she wasn't in school either. ! ..She lives in Scotland, so don't go thinking I'm in school. Eight week holidays don't pass that fast. Eight week holiday? Huzabahwuh? Australialanders are speshal. So we get eight week summer holidays. Oh! I feel smart now. I just remembered that while we are in summer, you are in winter. Or I am going crazy.
  18. Will it make the boards more populated?
  19. Wait, how are they connected? o.O I'm not *entirely* sure, but I think that there are ducts in the corners of your eyes that lead into your throat or something. This is because you have tears constantly going over the surface of your eyes to keep them clean. Well, thos tears have to go somewhere, right? So there's a duct that drains them. When your eyes produce tears faster than they can drain them, you cry. Ooo. Sounds like shiney fun. ^.^ Yes, crying is fun? And Is it just me, or is horatio not being here?
  20. Yay cold weather. xD It makes our family have more money, so that is always good. xD
  21. No, because you don't have all the parts necessary. Nyah Do you know the necessary parts, then?
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