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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    so, at my late b-day party last night, the aforementioned girl ended up clinging to one of my cyberden friends... the entire time. I was kinda hoping to be in his position. We ended up sleeping on a trampoline, her, my two friends and I. I didn't get much sleep. It was a really hard couple of hours, watching him be exactly where I wanted to be. Like, I thought maybe there would actually be something between her and I eventually, but now I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. If she continues to be all flirty with me after this though, I'm going to have to get a good shared friend to talk to her. I just, feel kinda broken-hearted, I guess. Not that I should, or have any right to. I dunno.
  2. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    I'm sure she does. xD Do you have a name shorter than Vanilla Star Hamster I could call you by? katie, that is my rel name KK Katie. ^^ Anyway, update for the week, expect a lot of me+"Shannon", the guilt involved on my part, and the wondering what exactly she is wanting. If you remember anything, you should know who "shannon" is. We've been taking the HSAs in school this week, but I didn't need to take any of them, so school has been 3 1/2 hours late for me every day so far. Monday, I woke up at like, 9:00, which was amazing, and then after school I went over to "shannon"'s house and watched a movie with her and some other friends. We saw Alvin and the chipmunks, which was alright, except for the voices. >.<. After that, my friend, shannon and I went to best buy, where my friend got a new TV, then we all went back to his house to play some DDR. We only had one mat, so when my friend was up, shannon and I were sort of cuddling on the sofa. When her and I are relatively by ourselves, we tend to cuddle a lot. ^^ Tuesday, I went over to shannon's house around 7:00, with some other friends, where we watched across the universe, which was good, but I didn't really like it that much. The music was okay though. x3 No real cuddling this time, but I associate that with the larger number of people, 5 instead of 3. After school, I hung out with my friend joe. We ended up making a cake, and joe decided it would be a good idea to slip some laxative into our other friend's drink. x3 not sure what happened to him. Wednesday, I went over to shannon's house, but I had to walk there, which takes about 30 minutes. she lives right behind my school, so normally I would just ride the bus there, and then walk to her house. However, my bus was a minute earlier than normal, so I missed that. There is a bus stop like, 200 freet from mine, where a different bus picks up the kids. That bus hadn't come yet. I went there, but when the bus came, the driver wouldn't let me on. I find that something should be changed about that. >.< At shannon's house, though, we watched the first chronicles of narnia movie. And it was just the two of us, so naturally we ended up cuddling on the sofa. For the record, she is really comfy to cuddle with. Anyways, after the movie was over, she went upstairs to do something, not sure what. When she came down, she pounced on me on the sofa, which ended up in a big tickle/pinching war. I won. :3 After school, shannon and 4 of my other friends all went down to cyberden again, where we played more DDR, halo, CounterStrike, Smash Bros, Starcraft, and other random things. For dinner, we went to the same awesome burger place again, Fuddruckers. They ask for your name there, so they can call you up for your order. One of my friends said there name was charizard, and shannon claimed to be Mudkip. x3 The funniest part about it is hearing the person calling you up with an entirely serious tone of voice. xD On the way back, we had a big discussion about gravity, alternate dimensions, string theory, black holes, light, absolute zero, fusion reactions, and all sorts of physics things. Cause we are a bunch of awesome nerds. Yeah, pretty awesome week thus far.
  3. there was this event recently, it was the "Women's Expo." I know that a Men's expo would be shot down and flagged as sexist. And another thing that bugs me is standardized testing listing "white" as a race. I'm caucasian, not white. When you get as specific as "Pacific Islander," I feel slighted. I have no objections to being called white, just the same as how I refer to black people as being black rather than African American. I don't demand to be called European American. Plus white and black are easier to say. I'd have no objection to being called white as long as they call everyone else black, red, yellow, or whatever. If we want equality, then we should get it, you know what I mean?
  4. Same here, only it's for P.E. Who writes reports for P.E., honestly? A report for P.E.??? In your case, I must agree. I have to do one for wellness walking, stating the importance of it as a class, and why it should be kept in the school curriculum.
  5. The closest I've been to a pig was TODAY cause I had bacon with breakfast.
  6. You sound like a parent. I think I sound more like a financially misguided teen. xD Not at all. Well, I have been spending more money than I should have, lately. On movies, this cool arcade place about 40 minutes away, and eating out. All of this being stuff with friends, including that one mentioned in The Creamery a while ago, who is still in the same position as when I did that, and things have become more complicated still. >.<
  7. So, do we pay employees for every post they have in the employer's shop?
  8. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    Yeah. x3 Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all. I will edit anything I am asked to. Well then boy oh boy do you have your work cut out for you. (in case it needs explaining, Chesus needs all the times it said "Cheesemaster" to go *poof* so people (I think specifically his mother) don't find it.) How much is he paying? Well I don't know. You'll have to ask him that. I hope he has lots of money. I'll pay in hugs?
  9. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    Yeah. x3 Looking as how there isn't an edit button, I guess it is up to Horatio to fix it all.
  10. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    You know, everyone struggling to pass a class doesn't necessarily reflect the teacher, it could reflect the students. I mean, in my school, a large portion of the kids get C's and D's, and there is no one to blame but themselves. Their complete disregard for the importance of education leads them to apathy towards school. Or we just have way to many stupid kids in my area. >.<
  11. WHOO HOO! of should I say... WII HEEEEE! LOL Aren't you a silly hamster. x3 But yeah, wiis are pretty awesome. Get Mario Kart!
  12. Should've known that TGHL would be behind the revival of this topic.
  13. You sound like a parent. I think I sound more like a financially misguided teen. xD
  14. Mk, who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?
  15. TGHL. Don't recall seeing you in a while. G'day.
  16. Hope you keep on keepin' on. My teacher has spend a lot of time over in Iraq. He's pretty crazy about it. Kinda scary, actually. x3 Anyway, make it back safe!
  17. there was this event recently, it was the "Women's Expo." I know that a Men's expo would be shot down and flagged as sexist. And another thing that bugs me is standardized testing listing "white" as a race. I'm caucasian, not white. When you get as specific as "Pacific Islander," I feel slighted.
  18. Cheesus

    check dis out guys

    Katman fails. D: A particular meme originating from unmentionable sites insists that any time someone lists steps, or a numbered list like you started, the last two are always: ... 4: ??? 5: Profit! where the 4 or 5 are whatever last numbers would be applicable. Actually, it originated from a South Park episode...
  19. I'm a secular humanist, and I don't get offended by people praying. The thing that bothers me is when others try to make me pray, say grace, ect. Y'see what I mean?
  20. I say if you can afford it easily, go for it easily.
  21. Why does the shirt say "KVLT"? Shouldn't it drop the T?
  22. Cheesus

    check dis out guys

    Step 4: ??? Step 5: Profit! do it right. Oh manz. I was gonna do that, but then you did. Jerk. And hoops, mr. viking wins.
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