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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Really cool, horatio. ^.^ At first, I thought all those leaves were fish. xD Glad you like it. Today there were some dolphins, but I was not good enough to catch them with the camera. All of a sudden you see the fin, then you don't. If the water is clear, and they are close to shore, then I will be able to get a good pic for you. You have a cool house. ;.; Nice back yard full of citrus and nanners, a pool, a good view of space shuttle departures, and dolphins and rays... lucky... For solitary hamsters it is a great place to live. For social butterflies... very, very boring. Very, very boring... until you throw a wicked party. xD
  2. Really cool, horatio. ^.^ At first, I thought all those leaves were fish. xD Glad you like it. Today there were some dolphins, but I was not good enough to catch them with the camera. All of a sudden you see the fin, then you don't. If the water is clear, and they are close to shore, then I will be able to get a good pic for you. You have a cool house. ;.; Nice back yard full of citrus and nanners, a pool, a good view of space shuttle departures, and dolphins and rays... lucky...
  3. Those are blueberry danishes. A wonderful flaky pastry complete with blueberry filling and wonderful icing all over the top. Whatever, same difference. >.< But still, just running isn't enough. We are in this together, Horatio. I've stuck to my running, be it only the third day, but have you? I'm also trying to eat healthier, why don't you? Not the same at all, danishes are so superior to blueberry muffuns. Icing is the key!!! As for jogging, yes, I am going out and doing two miles. Very slow, but I am doing it. Do you think your parents would loan you out for a couple of months? You could be my coach. Unfortunately, I can't come down for a few weeks. That whole school thing gets in the way. xD However, I am trying to coach you as best as I can via the board. xD But, how long does your two miles take you? Long..... about 15 minutes per mile. As far as school is concerned... hamster school is the best. You can attend that one. LOL 4 miles an hour, that is what I do. xD I'm gonna try to go up by .2 every week, starting sunday. And don't forget to do crunches, push-ups, and stretches. And moderate your diet. Basically what I am doing. We are in this together, Horatio. ^.^ I
  4. Really cool, horatio. ^.^ At first, I thought all those leaves were fish. xD
  5. And now you can put that in your siggy! =D However, I think putting pictures in your siggy takes up a lot of the siggy's "memory," cause I had 4 pics in my siggy and it said it was too big. I had to take it down some.
  6. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    That should have been interesting. I am certain they had lots of fun!!!!! I saw a video of an exploding whale on that tube thing website. Hahaha I'm not responsible for that video. It was fun. In the middle of this lounge sieging, Ian and his friend Kelley showed up. The past couple of days have been so busy. Lots of work and whatnot. I keep finding myself attracted to Marius, even though I know it would never work. He's an amazing person, and I find him physically attractive as well (which doesn't happen too often on this level), but there are some obvious morality and faith issues at hand. Stupid hormones... And last night I talked to Ian online. Out of nowhere, he asked if it was normal that he was still feeling the pain from having his heart broken by his (now ex) girlfriend back in October. I told him that it's totally normal (which it is), and it led to a quick chat about trust, and being careful who you trust. He was also not feeling well, and had to go to sleep, and right before he did, he said "I trust you," and for some reason, it touched my heart. I'm not sure why. Maybe because Ian is one of the few people I genuinely trust? Maybe because I think trust is one of the fundamental things needed for a relationship? I don't know. I found it to be interesting. I feel so bad for him too. From what I gather, she cheated on him, and not only that, but her "boytoy," as Ian put it, lives next door to him, and he can often hear them being "physical" on a regular basis (Ian really trusted the girl, and has the same basic moral ideals as I do). Doesn't help much that Valentine's day is in a week, and add to this that he has a cold (which is really bad for a voice major). If only there was a way to send hugs over the internet (aside from the standard *hugs*). And adding to the chaos is the Lara and Kevin (and everyone else) conflict. It works like this: Lara is nice and she's my friend. But she's kinda loud and obnoxious, and doesn't know when to take it down a few notches or give people some space. So everyone thinks she's annoying, especially Kevin. This is because Kevin is (actually, was) going out with her roomie and our mutual friend, Christina. But Christina was spending pretty much all her time with Lara, so Kevin and Christina got no alone time (although in Lara's defense, Kevin didn't exactly make much of an effort). So Kevin finally ended it, and both seem okay, but Kevin still really doesn't like Lara. No one will tell Lara straight out that she's annoying, and needs to give people some space. Lara told me the other say that Christina and I are her two best friends here. So, I might end up talking to her about it, because it's starting to make things really awkward, and the closeness of the friendships that we have is starting to dissolve, and I don't like that. Oh the dramatic goodness. Ew, that sounds difficult. >.< I feel really sorry for Ian though, he is in a bad position. You two seem made for each other, but that whole religion thing seems to get in the way. And, as Lara's friend, you need to tell her about people's issues with her. I don't want you to have to not be with a great guy and lose a good friend of yours.
  7. Those are blueberry danishes. A wonderful flaky pastry complete with blueberry filling and wonderful icing all over the top. Whatever, same difference. >.< But still, just running isn't enough. We are in this together, Horatio. I've stuck to my running, be it only the third day, but have you? I'm also trying to eat healthier, why don't you? Not the same at all, danishes are so superior to blueberry muffuns. Icing is the key!!! As for jogging, yes, I am going out and doing two miles. Very slow, but I am doing it. Do you think your parents would loan you out for a couple of months? You could be my coach. Unfortunately, I can't come down for a few weeks. That whole school thing gets in the way. xD However, I am trying to coach you as best as I can via the board. xD But, how long does your two miles take you?
  8. Cheesus

    So, yeah...

    The power of HampsterDance!!! Glad you have caught up with the us in 2007! Ear plugs are wonderful. How do humans think hamsters sleep through all the noise they make? Wonderful, beautiful ear plugs!!!!! They are even great when your parents are yelling at you. I use my iPod for that. xD And your parents don't say anything about the ear pieces????? Well, I use it when I can. >.<
  9. Those are blueberry danishes. A wonderful flaky pastry complete with blueberry filling and wonderful icing all over the top. Whatever, same difference. >.< But still, just running isn't enough. We are in this together, Horatio. I've stuck to my running, be it only the third day, but have you? I'm also trying to eat healthier, why don't you?
  10. ...when you break open a whole new case of possibilities in regard to siggies!
  11. Cheesus

    So, yeah...

    The power of HampsterDance!!! Glad you have caught up with the us in 2007! Ear plugs are wonderful. How do humans think hamsters sleep through all the noise they make? Wonderful, beautiful ear plugs!!!!! They are even great when your parents are yelling at you. I use my iPod for that. xD
  12. maybe this is the reason you are becoming a chubby hammie... the blueberry muffins, the mud pie... moderation, horation. You are great at moderating the board, why not your diet?
  13. Um. Only leave it anonymous if you're not planning on telling her how you feel. XD But this is an easy romantic way to tell her, if that's what she likes. Our school has a similar thing, only we play two bucks to have a Madrigal(basically our advanced choir of only the best) sing to the person and give them a card. XD Well, there isn't a message that goes with the rose. But, I will not make it anonymous. ^.^
  14. And images, too! =D This is pretty awsome. >.<
  15. Toto, that is a cute doggy. =D But is that another dog I see at the bottom of the picture?
  16. Well, my school does this rose-thing for valentines day. Where they sell roses. You pay $2 and tell them who to give it too. I'm gonna get one for kaitlin, but, should I leave it anonymous or no?
  17. Definitely no uploaded stuff in your siggy. I posted this, but I will have to check with HampsterKing, just to make sure we are not violating any copyrights. All credit for the song goes to joelasticot, from newgrounds. (I forgot to put that in there, sorry.) I do not know if we are permitted to post music from other artists here without first asking them for permission. HampsterKing will have the final say on this. Okay. And by the way, you CAN get uploads in your siggy. just click on the little music file logo at the very top of mine. I know. I realized that after. you forgot to edit he-who-is-not-being-named-right-now out of your quotes. xD
  18. Sure... soup is for good health and soap is for a clean mouth. LOL Soap is also used in dirty mouths! =O
  19. Cheesus

    So, yeah...

    Problem solved. Wear ear plugs. LOL new problem: uncomfortable ear plugs I'll send you a batch of soft ones. If your father snores, better watch out for your mother, she might steal them. LOL But then, I dunno. I don't want ear plugs. >(
  20. Definitely no uploaded stuff in your siggy. I posted this, but I will have to check with HampsterKing, just to make sure we are not violating any copyrights. All credit for the song goes to Joelasticot, from newgrounds. (I forgot to put that in there, sorry.) I do not know if we are permitted to post music from other artists here without first asking them for permission. HampsterKing will have the final say on this. Okay. And by the way, you CAN get uploads in your siggy. just click on the little music file logo at the very top of mine.
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