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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Hey! That is good. Now to worry about the whole Her leaving for university X now. xD
  2. Agreed. You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!" it is LEEEERRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSs ssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter* I stand corrected! how can a wurm stand? you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. And wurms can stand on their tail. My typing speed is so good, that on a website with a minimum thirty second time between posts, I'll get two or three permission errors from the same message, usually about this size. I speak from experience. I was going to go to bed... And I was telling my friends so... And I got two permission errors XD I think it was trying to tell me something. You know you're addicted to HD when you try to bodyslam someone twice your age, just because they were saying 'ooo' or 'grr' too much. you know you're addicted to HD when you can't stop writing hampster instead of hamster *is very guilty*
  3. ROFOCLH!!!!! I am so disappointed. Your mother does not really know your HampsterDance side. LOL *runs back to the flea market and buys the yellow meat grinder for Mushroom_king and keeps it here at HampsterDance so she won't get into trouble at home* It was onlt ten dollars, too... I think it would have been such a great thing if she had let you buy it. This? Yup. I had posted that before you decided you wanted to go looking for a photo of a meat grinder. So, I was just wondering if you liked the pictures. Did you see VSH's new picture? John Lennon. Yes. *is happy Mushroom_king is here, and wonders where Cheesemaster disappeared to * I had left to run, and then go bowling with my friend for his birthday. After that, I was off to my grandmothers to celebrate her birthday. And to get an SNES emulator on her computer. All before your father cooked breakfast??? No. I ate breakfast early that day.
  4. Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider. "Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto. Historians realised that if he definitely ate a cheeto, he must be real. So, and epic mystery that had been there since the beginning of time was solved. In about 2 seconds. Until some rogue scientists with something to prove began to doubt the existance of the Cheeto itself. After much research, they had proven, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that there was no cheeto packet. However, it is unknown if the cheeto may have been a stale one found in the back of a couch. Why they didn't just skip the cheeto and work on the spider itself is unknown as of yet. Another theory is that it wasn't a cheeto at all, but instead it was a cheesey-poof. It was found behind the sofa, and found to be a few years old. But it wasn't stale. Scientists were baffled. How could it possibly remain fresh after years behind the couch. The dicovery shook the world. The Cheeto/cheese puff, although nobody was sure it even existed, was decreed to be holy. Then, however, the battle for which religion it was holy to. The New Crusades, as they were called, was to last for the next 5000 years. And thus, the dorito was formed.
  5. ROFOCLH!!!!! I am so disappointed. Your mother does not really know your HampsterDance side. LOL *runs back to the flea market and buys the yellow meat grinder for Mushroom_king and keeps it here at HampsterDance so she won't get into trouble at home* It was onlt ten dollars, too... I think it would have been such a great thing if she had let you buy it. This? Yup. I had posted that before you decided you wanted to go looking for a photo of a meat grinder. So, I was just wondering if you liked the pictures. Did you see VSH's new picture? John Lennon. Yes. *is happy Mushroom_king is here, and wonders where Cheesemaster disappeared to * I had left to run, and then go bowling with my friend for his birthday. After that, I was off to my grandmothers to celebrate her birthday. And to get an SNES emulator on her computer.
  6. 'Tis okay. ^.^ Are you still depressed though? I will be glad to help in any way that I can, Li. Not at the moment, the past few days have been good. -Li That is always good. =D
  7. Military intelligence, greatest oxymoron in the world... Or at least, the U.S. >.<
  8. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    I wish I could live with a bunch of my friends. >.<
  9. -cough-Manic!AttheCriso. ...I do hope that I'm not the only one who didn't catch that. XD Toto. -smiles- Or my favorite, Panic! At the S--tsco. Being sick makes Toto mean. Why do you have to be so meeeaaannnn? Just cuz I don't have the same taste in music as you... ;_; *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I agree *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You have a taste for all types of music, it seems. xD besides rap, that is. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I do like some rap: Grandmaster Flash, Sugarhill Gang, etc. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* ...xD Whabbout country? *~*tHe Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Johnny Cash...Ummmm....Keith Urban....S'bout it. When It comes to country I usually listen to Psychobilly. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* What genre do you like none of? Or, is there none?
  10. So happy to see you Lee!!! Horatio, she goes by Li now, not Lee. =O But Li, just be glad you can get in a relationship. xD
  11. 'Tis okay. ^.^ Are you still depressed though? I will be glad to help in any way that I can, Li.
  12. He seems to have feelings for you. He is probably scared to love again, if last time it was really bad.
  13. -cough-Manic!AttheCriso. ...I do hope that I'm not the only one who didn't catch that. XD Toto. -smiles- Or my favorite, Panic! At the S--tsco. Being sick makes Toto mean. Why do you have to be so meeeaaannnn? Just cuz I don't have the same taste in music as you... ;_; *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I agree *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You have a taste for all types of music, it seems. xD besides rap, that is. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I do like some rap: Grandmaster Flash, Sugarhill Gang, etc. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* ...xD Whabbout country?
  14. He does sound like a nice guy. My advice to girls: Go for the nice guys. Being "cool" won't matter once you have grown up. Plus, we aren't as likely to get you into trouble. xD Not to mention we tend to not be wife-beaters. =O Just a thought. xD
  15. But they were promptly PWNED by the cheese ninjas. As was MK. MK, however, Beat On The Brat, Beat On The Brat, Beat On The Brat with a baseball bat, the brat being Cheesemaster. However, it turned out that it was only a cheesemaster plush doll. =D And the cheese ninjas were all standing behind MK now, adult-human sized, with their Katanas eerily gleeming in the waning moonlight, The cold steel fangs of the night. MK Whipped them with a DEVO whip. Cheesey Decided that Mk automatically lost, cause he used a 12-hit quickening move from FFXII and totally pwned her. >.> MK USED A CHAINSAW and quickly killed Cheesy. It did 42 points of damage, and was ignored. /win. But Cheesy obviusly is not good at finding the damage amount of weapons, because this chainsaw was a very special chainsaw... Glowurm intervened and stole all the weapons, and put on his super-mega-uber-ultra anti-pwn shield, so neither cheese or MK or anyone else for that matter (besides horatio, because sometimes I'm scared of him) could do anything about it. this was thought to be the case, until someone pulled out the bb-launching-rifle-launching-flamethrower-launching-chaingun-launching-rocket launcher-launching-rail gun-launching-tank-launching-warship-launching-warplane-launching-meteor-launching-spacestation. =D
  16. Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider. "Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto. Historians realised that if he definitely ate a cheeto, he must be real. So, and epic mystery that had been there since the beginning of time was solved. In about 2 seconds. Until some rogue scientists with something to prove began to doubt the existance of the Cheeto itself. After much research, they had proven, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that there was no cheeto packet. However, it is unknown if the cheeto may have been a stale one found in the back of a couch. Why they didn't just skip the cheeto and work on the spider itself is unknown as of yet. Another theory is that it wasn't a cheeto at all, but instead it was a cheesey-poof. It was found behind the sofa, and found to be a few years old. But it wasn't stale.
  17. Mmkay. Nice excuse to bump it. Yeah, I thought so too. xD
  18. I swore I told you guys about the Jeff Trophies back in '05. Oh, and I seem to be obsessed with two-minute long songs today. No way, your Jeff Trophy obsession was unknown to me until my Second Coming. (Or is this like, my Third?) Dude. 2+2=22. No, 2+2=fish. Not so. Unless it's a herring, in which case 2+2=Monty Python as well as fish. However, 2 + herring = swallow. As for whether it is african or european, nobody know. Unfortunately, herring + swallow ? coconut, as opposed to common belief. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Herring+Swallow+Coconut=Yellow Submarine *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* cocunt / holy hand grenade = rabbit. >.> Rabbit < Holy Hand Grenade, however Coconut > Rabbit and Holy Hand Grenade < A Shrubbery. Therefore a srubbery * ([coconut / holy hand grenade] - rabbit) / swallow = 2. 2+(wooden rabbit)= 42. 42 / 2 = (Wooden rabbit) (Wooden Rabbit) = 12. But then you have to take in account the grail itself, which is in fact the average of all the aforementioned values, except for 2. However, if you factor in the two, you get the value of the grail-shaped light.
  19. -cough-Manic!AttheCriso. ...I do hope that I'm not the only one who didn't catch that. XD Toto. -smiles- Or my favorite, Panic! At the S--tsco. Being sick makes Toto mean. Why do you have to be so meeeaaannnn? Just cuz I don't have the same taste in music as you... ;_; *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I agree *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You have a taste for all types of music, it seems. xD besides rap, that is.
  20. Aww. ;.; Please, tell us about it and let us help you/
  21. Short sleeved t-shirt??????????? You North Dakota people are crazy!!! I wore a t-shirt and shorts today. The snow was all melty. >.> And the girls were all freezey. xD Crazy cheese. LOL >:-D I <3 my +20 resistance to cold.
  22. Quite a boring hammie. Just work and here. And jogging. >.> And taking pictures, and picking fruit...
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