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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. If I was a rich hammy... I would get all of your moar. That don't make no sense. D=
  2. AP chem is the hardest class I have ever taken... First lab we had already was so difficult, I'll see if I can upload it... AP_chemistry_14_bottle_lab_1_.pdf
  3. I think that sounds like the intro to a truly epic song... I want moar.
  4. I wish that you could set it so that the signitures would have their own little scroll bar, so that they were there, and if you wanted to read it you could scroll through it seperately but a section would appear. Cause they do add character to the board. And sorry about the random dissapearances. School is taking up a lot of time, as are friends. But you guys are my friends, so I'm still here. <3
  5. Mr. Pac-Man. I dunno. I always liked him better. Hats or Coats? Coats. I have too much hair to warrant wearing a hat most of the time. XD packing or unpacking? Packing, deffffz. Mercedes or BMW? Sorry I missed this... BMW (Mercedes doesn't make motorcycles.) Now... toaster or microwave? Microwave, because I'm a lazy college student. burgers or hot dogs? Ewww, both are pretty nasty, but I say Hot dogs. I'll actually eat 'em. Cartoons or Live-Action? Cartoons Being invited on stage during a concert or being invited backstage? Invited on stage. Planes or cars? (Hmmm...I wonder what Horatio will choose! ) I'll beat Horatio to it and choose planes. But the real question is, planes or motorcycles? M-O-T-O-R-C-Y-C-L-E-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Planes are for work, motorcycles are for play!) Swimming in the pool or swimming in the ocean? I'm going to have to say swimming in the pool... Flying a plane or being a passenger in a plane? (Not meaning to be biased, but Horatio might be the only one who has experienced both choices! ) Not even a close choice... Flying the plane. I love the take-off and landing. Llamas or alpacas? Llamas, cause they are like emus, according to a convo I overheard once.
  6. I do things like come here, gamefaqs, newgrounds, watch music vids on youtube, random searches for kicks.
  7. few posts back there was some confusion about naval... navAl = relating to the navy and such. navEl = yo' belly buttn'.
  8. It was an airplane crash. People usually don't think of that cabin at first.
  9. granted, but your room is now missing due to huge tornados.
  10. orthodontist's isn't a precursor to food, usually. Anyway, was dinner for me.
  11. Granted, but then all dogs would be stupid and they would never be able to learn a trick. I wish I was super tan, all year round. granted, but the tanning gives you cancer. I wish that I didn't find it so hard to dislike people, even when I rightfully should. Granted, but then you would LOVE EVERYONE!! and not in the awesome way. I wish my friends were in my classes. granted, but if you were to talk, you'd get flayed. Or filleted. Take your pick. I wish fat was good for you in large quantities. Granted, but it was so good that you would rapidly lose weight. I wish Best Buy had the Canon Rebel SXi in stock. (rapidly losing weight would be good for me, probably...) granted, but they cost way to much money. And were all broken. I wish I was healthy, to put it simply.
  12. Granted, but then all dogs would be stupid and they would never be able to learn a trick. I wish I was super tan, all year round. granted, but the tanning gives you cancer. I wish that I didn't find it so hard to dislike people, even when I rightfully should. Granted, but then you would LOVE EVERYONE!! and not in the awesome way. I wish my friends were in my classes. granted, but if you were to talk, you'd get flayed. Or filleted. Take your pick. I wish fat was good for you in large quantities.
  13. That's okay. For all we know you could be by Burlington, Vermont or down in New York City. Werdddddddd, although Burlington is not near the Hudson. According to Google, it would take over a day to walk from Burlington, Vermont to the Hudson River. And we all know the accuracy of google for walking times.
  14. Granted, but then all dogs would be stupid and they would never be able to learn a trick. I wish I was super tan, all year round. granted, but the tanning gives you cancer. I wish that I didn't find it so hard to dislike people, even when I rightfully should.
  15. I say do what is right and report it...
  16. granted, but instead it is EVEN WORSE. I wish people weren't stupid.
  17. for years I have thought you had a blonde dog...
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