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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Let her know that you don't feel that way about her, you are sorry, da da da da.. Ya know. It is obvious what she means. Just set her straight, but in a kind, gentle way. And I am not going to spring formal for two reasons: a: It has formal in the title. ( I hate any type of dressing up, except for halloween.) b: I am going to be caving and then hiking, maybe the other way around, with my scout troop that day. xD (and probably c: nobody to go with)
  2. Cheesus

    Oh em gee

    Ohhhhhhh... too short? How awful. *gives Schimmislick lots of veggies and a body stretching machine* My guess is that you will grow another foot at least in the next few years. hah! stretching machine, like the rack(sp) that ancient torture device? Of course! Hop on, let me try it out!.. *evil laugh is heard* Okay, you can try it out 'Raishey. Just put on this safety belt...
  3. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*(~* Ha ha. XD ...*stares at picture until she drools* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Do you have some sort of weird attraction to walking noses? o.O
  4. Spring formal is soon. I'm not going. xD
  5. Do we avoid adverbs and prepsotions and all that jazz?
  6. The robot police came and ate him for his insolence. And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone. I came up with a random word by accident today! =D plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD I think my favorite made-up word ever is fastishlyish. Definition: Fastishlyish: the speed at which - Kat's - shiny golden Claymore slices through the air. LOL XD ^5, Horatio. now we have 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey? No, that would be Horatio^5. Well, then, what is ^5 Horatio?
  7. A sudden dropout would end unpleasantly. Now that we have this started, we can't just leave. unfortunately.
  8. Have you heard of Lisa McPherson and the other cases at the Fort Something Hotel which is owned by the "Church" of Scientology? Yes. That was why I wrote the post I did. Filed several objections and such with the State and county government? So, filthy, disgusting living conditions and failure to treat psychiatric patients with the proper treatment aside, is there something else we could be talking about? How to change the world. If we could find a way to teach humans to be kinder to each other, this would be my wish. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I agree, but sadly, many people are not doing anything for world peace and some people I know are even against it. Now I am finished. *continues to be a stupid emo* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Is something wrong?
  9. I'm an awsome loser. xD And by the way, I WAS correct. It was too easy. Now to look at that next one...
  10. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Wow, I hope the whole thing ends up well. I would hate for you to lose your sister.
  11. The robot police came and ate him for his insolence. And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone. I came up with a random word by accident today! =D plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD I think my favorite made-up word ever is fastishlyish. Definition: Fastishlyish: the speed at which - Kat's - shiny golden Claymore slices through the air. LOL XD ^5, Horatio. now we have 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey?
  12. Yeah, there's a lot of missed people who would make this board better. I guess it's still a good board, it's just got a different feel, like it's another place, without these people. :closedeyes: I got my friend to sign up, not sure if she has posted anything yet. Haven't seen anything as of yet, but I will keep looking. hmmz. I gotta bug her tomorrow then. xD You know, you should ask her what she signed up as. XD I have not seen any new posters yet. If you invite her at a particular time, let me know and maybe we all can be on at the same time. *remembers Insta Talk* She said something about the board having to accept her or something. Something to do with email. Check back with her. Because of all the spammers attacking the boards, HampsterKing had to have people apply. Ask her to check the email address that she used. Perhaps it has a link inside that brings her to the board. I really don't know how HampsterKing set it up. At least let her know we are waiting for her. I have. I must tell her to check emails and such.
  13. Superb! The description of these requires superlatives. xD
  14. What could you be thinking????????????? *thinks of how the world would smell a day later* It'd be worth it. =D Oh, 'Raishey, I won't be able to type or respond as quickly. Cause I am using my g-mothers dial up intarwebz. Oh no... a slow cheese. LOL I'm back on my fast intarwebz, so all is gooded.
  15. The quality is great, but the quantity could use some improvement.
  16. c/me ahn. t/a/ /s tue Esea.
  17. I love how our basic cable gives us discovery and g4, despite the fact that we shouldn't get those. xD
  18. Yeah, there's a lot of missed people who would make this board better. I guess it's still a good board, it's just got a different feel, like it's another place, without these people. :closedeyes: I got my friend to sign up, not sure if she has posted anything yet. Haven't seen anything as of yet, but I will keep looking. hmmz. I gotta bug her tomorrow then. xD You know, you should ask her what she signed up as. XD I have not seen any new posters yet. If you invite her at a particular time, let me know and maybe we all can be on at the same time. *remembers Insta Talk* She said something about the board having to accept her or something. Something to do with email.
  19. Nuthin', cause there ain't no music on my grandmother's computer.
  20. What could you be thinking????????????? *thinks of how the world would smell a day later* It'd be worth it. =D Oh, 'Raishey, I won't be able to type or respond as quickly. Cause I am using my g-mothers dial up intarwebz.
  21. Oh goodness. Usually, if a couple breaks up once, the relationship will never stay together if they decide to get back together again. people tend to be stupid, though. Much too stupid. Therefore, all your base are belong to us. Its merely symptomatic of our post-modern paradigm. There are no absolutes, unless you perceive our world as meaningless, when its really your own freedom you detest! ... I like pork! Intellectual advancement has a merely insubstantial influence upon today youth, as their perception of education is equateable to the way in which Helen Keller percieves Jpeg formatted data; Completely obsolete and indivudally unrewarding. Therefore... ... PORK AND BEANS FTW LAWLLOLOLAWL!!!!!1111two?1onelol1
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