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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. RIVAL ZOMG. They don't realize that I have laced all the trees with explosives. Or something. So that upon first bite, they will be 'sploded. All your dam are not the made!
  2. When President Bush was Gov. of Texas, had the most progressive wind energy program in the USA. Currently Texas has the number two output for the country. California is number 17. That is indeed interesting! That makes me wonder if Bush should have stuck with his job as Governor. He seemed to have some good ideas going for that state. Appearently as Governor he was able to make bipartisan coalitions and help with schools, prisons, etc... If he would do for the country what he did for the state of Texas, the USA would be an alternate energy leader and would benefit financially. but, heh, saddam, he wants to hurt iTERRORISM! daddy.
  3. 50 points! I am a ninja. =D I can like, do wall jumps. xD And be laying down, and manage to get on my feet quickly by twisting and kicking off the wall and bringing my feet under me. xD All in one fluid motion. xD
  4. Funny, I was just thinking I had probably passed 7000. xD
  5. I was asleep. =D Sleep? You don't need to sleep! I was visiting family (without compy D=) so I wasn't here. But happy Easter everyone! I know you weren't here!!! You were missed!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a great holiday!!! It was, thanks for kinda asking. xD I got earphones. xD But they won't stay in my ear. D: Try Gorilla Glue. The earphones will stay in forever after applying a bit of that! *shakes head* 'Raishey, you give great advice most of the time. This is NOT one of those times. xD
  6. Anybody know that song where it is all like... "I tried so hard, and got so far.... But in the end, it doens't even matter...." I am STILL tired of that song. that is 'In the End' by Linkin Park. XD One of their better songs. I think so anyway. Well, someone chose that to be the song for the video about our world-championship winning in that lego robotics dealie. HORRIBLE choice of song I might add. But at some convention thingy where we went I had to listen to it on loop for a WHOLE (deleted by 'Raishey) DAY! I... I... I can't stand it anymore. >.< You get The Gold Star Award for that one! LOL I like it when you self-mod!!! Definitely wasn't subtle hint. >.> It is just more practice. xD *prances off to edit siggy*
  7. ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up. however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this... your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally. I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs. [off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate. *sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits. ok, I'm done. ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show. now I'm done. When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice. The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views. What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOL Monarchy is great, 'long as I get to be king. ;D But I understand what you mean, Paz. Horatio has a point about how emotions take place in some religious debates, but not logic. Or whatever. I don't feel attacked, though, during debates.
  8. I was asleep. =D Sleep? You don't need to sleep! I was visiting family (without compy D=) so I wasn't here. But happy Easter everyone! I know you weren't here!!! You were missed!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a great holiday!!! It was, thanks for kinda asking. xD I got earphones. xD But they won't stay in my ear. D:
  9. Anybody know that song where it is all like... "I tried so hard, and got so far.... But in the end, it doens't even matter...." I am STILL tired of that song. that is 'In the End' by Linkin Park. XD One of their better songs. I think so anyway. Well, someone chose that to be the song for the video about our world-championship winning in that lego robotics dealie. HORRIBLE choice of song I might add. But at some convention thingy where we went I had to listen to it on loop for a WHOLE (deleted by 'Raishey) DAY! I... I... I can't stand it anymore. >.<
  10. I don't think so. It's still the same. LOL oh is it really?
  11. Anybody know that song where it is all like... "I tried so hard, and got so far.... But in the end, it doens't even matter...." I am STILL tired of that song.
  12. I was asleep. =D Sleep? You don't need to sleep! I was visiting family (without compy D=) so I wasn't here. But happy Easter everyone!
  13. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    That should be fun for them. It was. Tommy couldn't come though, because he had to work, so we dropped his Easter basket off when we got Chris. Then we went to church, came back, looked at our Easter baskets, and then had an Easter egg hunt. (and our ages are 15, 18, and 19 ) Right now Jenny and Chris are watching The Passion, but I've got tons of reading to do, so I'm going to start that in a few minutes. Looked AT your Easter Basket??? LOL I sure hope you did more than look AT it. Why did you put the emphasis on the "at?" Shouldn't it have gone on the "look?" =D I didn't hunt for eggs this year. D=
  14. No, you are not an idiot. 'Raishey, we aren't all perfect here. Well, all of us besides myself. =D I can be an idiot sometimes. xD We all do.
  15. What is this, a trivia game? *searches* Is it Christine Gregoire in Washington State? Not a trivia game, an eye-opening serious question. And your answer is incorrect, actually Washington State isn't even in the top twenty. Nevada maybe?
  16. I get the meaning of the poem. And I think that this is how you actually feel. Which really stinks, because I like debating as much as you do. xD We shouldn't discourage it. Except for religious debates, cause those never go anywhere. and I ge the hint, 'Raishey.
  17. It was up to dear old Indie himself to save the world. Or a ninja! Who promptly was awsome. Then the ninja left. People forgot what was going on and went back about their business. However, without realizing it, they went back to each others' buisness. Until they saw Horatio arrive with his chainsaw. The people were shocked! SHOCKED! SHOCKED at the fact that a hamster could hold a chainsaw. xD
  18. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    That should be fun for them.
  19. Yep, ours shot up too a few months ago. The thing about government control though, is that they could also have lame reasons to raise it up a notch. Then again, in an indirect democracy the public also gets some control since we elect most of the government positions. So that's a good idea. The same reasons as the companies? Nothing to lose. xD
  20. Feh. I remember back in the day, where it had REAL shows like Starcade, Judgement Day, Cheat with Cory Whazzizphace and not that lame girl they have now, Portal, Filter, and Icons that actually dealed with video game people. (Although Icons is kinda understandable. There are only so many people in the video game industry to do bios on.) Attack of the Show and X-Play make me die a little bit on the inside. And I don't count Star Trek because it is on other stations without that stupid 2.0 thing. I remember good filter. Never saw Portal, starcade, judgement day, or a non-lame cheat. I feel deprived. Oh, oh you are. D: Poor child. *pats* wait... I think I remember judgment day... I was never a huge fan of it. But it was better than cheat. xD
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