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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Granted, but now you remember everything! I wish that Cheesy would pick a cheese for his siggy. There are too many cheeses for me to choose from. Ahaha. He does pick a cheese, but it is a cheese that is called "whatever horatio wants it to be." It is a new cheese. I wish that I didn't need to study. I'll see if I can find that cheese. Granted, but now you are a combination of Einstein, Plato and all the geniuses combined into one and you have no time for fun. I wish that I could be paid for riding my motorcycle. Granted, but you are paid in lead bricks which you must eat? I wish I could have the combined knowledge of all geniuses. xD
  2. *saved* Hopefully I won't have any need for it. My mother hamster had one great thought about a date prospect... she said, take a really good look at this person before you even go out on a first date. Think if you would want to be married to this person for all eternity. Pick out the flaws, look at all those things you don't like, forget about what you do like, just focus on the negative. Now looking at those negatives... would you want to be married to this person for the rest of your life? If there is even the slightest hesitation, don't even date him. Don't waste his time and money, don't waste your time and money. Just wait for that perfect someone to enter your life. Pretty good advice. Now, that sounds like good advice... But that requires you to have thought about marriage at the beginning, which could make you a lot more devoted than your partner, and that difference can make things weird or awkward... Not really, you are just projecting if you like all aspects of this person. Too many women meet a guy and think, 'I can improve him by changing ____ and ____, and then he will be perfect.' Well, one should never, ever enter into a relationship thinking they are going to change the other person. It just doesn't happen. You only make yourself miserable when the person does not change into the person you want them to be and you were wrong to try and do this in the first place. So, that is the reason you just think long term, but it really does not have any impact on the relationship. You are not thinking... I am dating this guy because I want to marry him. What you have done is eliminate the ones who you find flaws with. Not to say everyone is perfect, but you are just getting an initial overview. It takes time to really know someone and then you will find out more of whether or not you really care for this person. What you are avoiding is the 'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people' aspect. This is not fair to anyone. I dunno. I mean, you can even try this method and still not see the flaws in them. also, you aren't necessarily need to have the "'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people" mentality to go out on dates with someone who might be flawed. True, you don't know a person for some time, but it eliminates going out with someone who you don't really like, just to go out and be seen. That is more the point of it. For example, it bothers me when people chew their food with their mouths open. I absolutely can't stand this. So, if I had never seen someone eat, then I wouldn't know until after we had done something together that involved eating. But, if I knew this person did this prior to going out with them, then it would be wrong for me to go. Does that make it a little clearer? I suppose. But I know I would never go out with someone just to be seen. So theoretically I don't need to worry about the whole looking for flaws thing. xD But yeah, it is good to try to keep away from people that do things that bother you. Like I know I could never date someone who flirted with everyone, cause I am kind of insecure about that. >.>;
  3. Granted, but now you remember everything! I wish that Cheesy would pick a cheese for his siggy. There are too many cheeses for me to choose from. Ahaha. He does pick a cheese, but it is a cheese that is called "whatever horatio wants it to be." It is a new cheese. I wish that I didn't need to study.
  4. That isn't good, 'H. Don't put off responsibilities like I am doing right now. >.<
  5. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    I think that is sooooo cool! It is, but I haven't really learned anything yet. The teacher is sorta flying by the seat of his pants, cause there isn't an established curriculum. Not learning is not cool, but perhaps he can teach you something by the end of the semester. I assume that it might get more in depth as we progress into the year. I've still only had four class periods of forensics.
  6. *saved* Hopefully I won't have any need for it. My mother hamster had one great thought about a date prospect... she said, take a really good look at this person before you even go out on a first date. Think if you would want to be married to this person for all eternity. Pick out the flaws, look at all those things you don't like, forget about what you do like, just focus on the negative. Now looking at those negatives... would you want to be married to this person for the rest of your life? If there is even the slightest hesitation, don't even date him. Don't waste his time and money, don't waste your time and money. Just wait for that perfect someone to enter your life. Pretty good advice. Now, that sounds like good advice... But that requires you to have thought about marriage at the beginning, which could make you a lot more devoted than your partner, and that difference can make things weird or awkward... Not really, you are just projecting if you like all aspects of this person. Too many women meet a guy and think, 'I can improve him by changing ____ and ____, and then he will be perfect.' Well, one should never, ever enter into a relationship thinking they are going to change the other person. It just doesn't happen. You only make yourself miserable when the person does not change into the person you want them to be and you were wrong to try and do this in the first place. So, that is the reason you just think long term, but it really does not have any impact on the relationship. You are not thinking... I am dating this guy because I want to marry him. What you have done is eliminate the ones who you find flaws with. Not to say everyone is perfect, but you are just getting an initial overview. It takes time to really know someone and then you will find out more of whether or not you really care for this person. What you are avoiding is the 'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people' aspect. This is not fair to anyone. I dunno. I mean, you can even try this method and still not see the flaws in them. also, you aren't necessarily need to have the "'go out on a date to be seen and meet other people" mentality to go out on dates with someone who might be flawed.
  7. Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world. That is true. In maryland, the money that the lottery brings in to the state goes to the state stadium fund, something that irks me greatly. We have enough stadiums, and if we really need to we can go out of state. There are much better things we could spend all that money on.
  8. I mean, I'm sure we are supposed to mix the solutions, seeing which precipitate, but once we see which do precipitate I'm not sure how we'd narrow down the possibilities.
  9. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    I think that is sooooo cool! It is, but I haven't really learned anything yet. The teacher is sorta flying by the seat of his pants, cause there isn't an established curriculum.
  10. whoops, forgot to wish. I wish I wasn't so forgetful.
  11. Granted, but all the signatures contain miles of adverts and you have to suffer through all those first. I wish that my cold, which is trying to return, would go somewhere else. granted, but it went from your head to all of you. not a head cold, but an all over cold. I wish that friendship truly was forever. Granted, but then all your friends would die early, thus making it not really forever after all, thus defeating the purpose of the wish. I wish Sega would realize that Sonic is not their only franchise. Granted, but that is because sonic is completely unpopular, thus ridding them of having any franchises.
  12. *saved* Hopefully I won't have any need for it. My mother hamster had one great thought about a date prospect... she said, take a really good look at this person before you even go out on a first date. Think if you would want to be married to this person for all eternity. Pick out the flaws, look at all those things you don't like, forget about what you do like, just focus on the negative. Now looking at those negatives... would you want to be married to this person for the rest of your life? If there is even the slightest hesitation, don't even date him. Don't waste his time and money, don't waste your time and money. Just wait for that perfect someone to enter your life. Pretty good advice. Now, that sounds like good advice... But that requires you to have thought about marriage at the beginning, which could make you a lot more devoted than your partner, and that difference can make things weird or awkward...
  13. I was trying to beat Metallica's "One" on Guitar hero on expert difficulty... No dice.
  14. When I get off the internet, I'll be taking some AP chem notes.
  15. That sounds good. But I say stuff here that I don't want a lot of my friends knowing about, so I'd be hesitant to advertise on things like myspace...
  16. Dvorak. McDonalds or Burger King? Mickey D's all the way, man. Call me crazy. Wheat bread or white bread? Wheat bread. Better for you, tastes better, and less prone to being soaked by jelly! XD indoors or outdoors? Depends on the weather, yo. If it's cold and freezing and snowy, I'll go outside XD But I really like being inside during a thunderstorm. So, uh, indoors. Superhero or Supervillian? (I prefer the latter.) I have to go with superheros. Butter or cream cheese? Butter goes better on steamed veggies. So, I have to say butter. Salt or no salt? Salt! popsicles or freeze pops? I thought they were the same thing? Uh, Popsicles. Yes or No? No. Spoiler or color change? That's tough... spoiler. Plain font or italic font? plain mint or cinnamon? Cinnamon! To go with your cookies... White milk or chocolate milk? Chocolate! satin or velvet? Velvet. Chromeo or Daft Punk?
  17. Yes, humans are at their most ignorant when someone of the opposite gender has caught their attention. We are all guilty of it.
  18. Cheesus


    So is this the official topic for going to when you are on late at night?
  19. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    The forensics class looks to have promise... right now we are working on how to measure positions of thing at a crime scene.
  20. I think the Picken's plan is a wonderful idea... But people are always hesistant to accept change, even if there isn't much of a downside, if it involves spending money.
  21. I think we will have to do more than just try harder on the boards. Time to do what needs to be done. Advertise, we must. Any ideas as to how?
  22. Dvorak. McDonalds or Burger King? Mickey D's all the way, man. Call me crazy. Wheat bread or white bread?
  23. Ahaha. Any advice on what to do once you get past the litmus test and (inconclusive) flame test would be appreciated.
  24. Granted, but all the signatures contain miles of adverts and you have to suffer through all those first. I wish that my cold, which is trying to return, would go somewhere else. granted, but it went from your head to all of you. not a head cold, but an all over cold. I wish that friendship truly was forever.
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