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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I always said it DAWMEEN Like what ahnuld would say. My pothead reckless driving cell phone breaking Porn looking-at anger mangament-needing brother told me how it's pronounced but I'm too used to DAWMEEN. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~* I thought maybe you thought it was like Daw-meh-knee.
  2. Interesting poem. Last line in that post wasn't part of the peom, in case anyone was wondering. But I never really liked it. Nor most of the stuff they make us read. I have found that I don't like shakespeare's sonnets. xD we had to read a shakesperean sonnet in english class, then write our own. everyone said it was hard but it wasnt really. mine used to be my quote of the day if anyone remembers. Never had to write one. Thankfully. xD
  3. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    Shrubbery? In a forest? *thinks Cheesemaster has been in the microwave too long, as his thinking is mushy* I was attempting alliteration, perticularly pertaining to polygons, greenery and growth. Hmmmm, P's and G's, sounds like a P & G employee. LOL P&G? Whazzat? Well, I can tell you don't get to supermarkets much... Procter and Gamble. I just don't call them P & G. >.>
  4. MK, do you know how domine is pronounced? It doesn't rhyme with astronomy, by the way. In case you didn't know. xD
  5. *wonders if anyone looks here* *wonders why everyone ignores my posts* *keeps bringing my picture up to the end of the line to see if someone says anything, good, bad or mediocre* *brings it up again* *waits for someone to make a comment* Didn't see the piccy before. But very pretty! You did a nice job. I always wished that in school they gave out stickers with things that weren't always that reassuring. Like, stickers with "mediocre" or "insufficient" plastered all over papers. xD Then you would have some group saying a teacher destroyed their child's inner spirit and creative genius with a sticker that bruised his or her ego. But, if you got a D or F, I think insufficient would be a much nicer way of putting it. Cheesie, you just might be on to a new idea. You need to develop and market it. Actually, in the news this morning they said something about how researchers have found that they should get rid of letter grades. Which I disagree with. And what... go back to numbers? I think they ought to colour-code the letters... bright, royal blue for an A, green for B, mediocre C should be yellow, D should be orange and F should be made with a massively huge red sharpie! I dunno what they want. xD But they were saying how different kids should be graded differently. It is just dumbing down school.
  6. Sounds like my school's 9th grade gym teacher. Always walked in with two of the girls 10 minutes into class. They always got A's (despite doing nothing in class) He would look down kids shorts while doing sit-ups. Plus something I can't say on here.
  7. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    Shrubbery? In a forest? *thinks Cheesemaster has been in the microwave too long, as his thinking is mushy* I was attempting alliteration, perticularly pertaining to polygons, greenery and growth. Hmmmm, P's and G's, sounds like a P & G employee. LOL P&G? Whazzat?
  8. *wonders if anyone looks here* *wonders why everyone ignores my posts* *keeps bringing my picture up to the end of the line to see if someone says anything, good, bad or mediocre* *brings it up again* *waits for someone to make a comment* Didn't see the piccy before. But very pretty! You did a nice job. I always wished that in school they gave out stickers with things that weren't always that reassuring. Like, stickers with "mediocre" or "insufficient" plastered all over papers. xD Then you would have some group saying a teacher destroyed their child's inner spirit and creative genius with a sticker that bruised his or her ego. But, if you got a D or F, I think insufficient would be a much nicer way of putting it. Cheesie, you just might be on to a new idea. You need to develop and market it. Actually, in the news this morning they said something about how researchers have found that they should get rid of letter grades. Which I disagree with.
  9. Interesting poem. Last line in that post wasn't part of the peom, in case anyone was wondering. But I never really liked it. Nor most of the stuff they make us read. I have found that I don't like shakespeare's sonnets. xD
  10. An inmage of my friends dead grandmother can be seen in a pitcure of her old bedroom. allegedly. Never saw the pic myself.
  11. XD Dude, We've never even been in the same state at the same time. ... while knowing each other. It still makes me D:! They are probably teasing. Just be like, "yeah, totally. Arkcher is totally the hawtness." xD
  12. No, you're out of your mind. Oh. Darn. Maybe I should look up the lyics next time instead of going by ear. Or, I could realize that you were referring to a song. xD Sweet =D so I got the lyrics right then? Yay! *high fives someone* Possibly. The only reason that I realized that you were referring to a song was that you mentioned lyrics.
  13. *wonders if anyone looks here* *wonders why everyone ignores my posts* *keeps bringing my picture up to the end of the line to see if someone says anything, good, bad or mediocre* *brings it up again* *waits for someone to make a comment* Didn't see the piccy before. But very pretty! You did a nice job. I always wished that in school they gave out stickers with things that weren't always that reassuring. Like, stickers with "mediocre" or "insufficient" plastered all over papers. xD
  14. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    Shrubbery? In a forest? *thinks Cheesemaster has been in the microwave too long, as his thinking is mushy* I was attempting alliteration, perticularly pertaining to polygons, greenery and growth.
  15. Oh I know. It's just a matter of the fact that they can't fall for me if I don't meet them in the first place. That is very true. Ya just gotta be careful, that is all. xD
  16. I <3 math. It is fun. xD I love doing long devision, for some reason. But I hate interpretation. I should try to find some examples of the kind of stuff we have to make up. Has anyone read the poem "similie?" What did we say to each other that now we are as the dear Who walk in single file, with heads held high, with tails pointed straight and in whose limbs there is latent flight And from this we had to find what humans feared, deer feared, and how they were related. I dun know. >.<
  17. I can pin one or two of these for you. Besides, summer camp is coming soon. its ok, i can handle them. idk if im doing a camp this year...hopefully...im probably old enough to be a cit somewhere now That would be cool. yeah...ive never been one before, although i have babysat. so that's some experience More fun than babysitting. You ought to see if you could try being a cit. Whazza cit? And I'm not going to summer camp this year. But only for one reason.
  18. ah, but cheesy, how can you be sure these are my thoughts? I could just be stringing broken lines together. you never know. That's why I put disclaimers up. however since you brought up the religion thing and it's my topic and nobody ought to care since I'm not continuing the discussion after this... your topic on gay marriage did turn very slightly into a religious debate, if you didn't notice. Taynio brought it up, and the essay did have much religion in it. That's asking for a debate, in my eyes. and what good is freedom to debate if there are limits on debating? I can understand there's a time and place, but why do people shy away from it? seriously, I dont' see what is so intimidating about religious debate, yet nobody is willing to participate. It's just banter. I do so in good sport, or try to, yet everyone always takes it personally, as though I'm attacking hem personally. I'm not. I happen to have strong beliefs, and they often conflict with society's beliefs. [off topic: the guys here are talking about basketball players and their faults...what on earth are they saying? *sigh* this is what I get for hijacking chairs in the sports section!!] and the conflict isn't any fun if I can't utilize my logical skillz in a decent debate. *sigh* curious, determined, logical, and loves to debate are not always the best combination of traits. ok, I'm done. ok, that rambling was true, but it isn't all on HD that keeps me from expressing myself. I was verbally attacked and blocked for engaging someone in a debate....they took it to be biblebashing. I don't know the right level to debate on anymore. I want to, but if I try too hard, I'll drive friends away, and I'm tired of losing friends to a stupid debate. I can't stand not knowing how much of my thoughts is too much, so I'd rather just shut it and enjoy the show. now I'm done. When I was a really young hammy, my parents always told me never to speak about politics, sex and religion. Very good advice. The reason people back away from religious debate is because it is a very emotional topic. For many, faith cannot be debated because there are no facts, just belief. This leaves many people on grounds that simulate quicksand. In addition, you are discussing, for some, an extremely personal topic. They do not want their faith questioned. Debating a topic that they feel uncomfortable discussing, leaves them feeling attacked. Now rationale departs and emotional verbage begins... all resulting in feelings being hurt. The same goes for sexual and political views. if only my mother could see her attacks in what she claims is "I'm not attacking you". I see what you mean. What I suggest is to make an offer of a religious debate and if you have no takers, then let the debate idea go. You can always come here and go a couple rounds with TGHL. LOL. He really loves a good debate. And if you cannot raise his attention, you can always debate on the usefulness of the monarchy. LOLI've tried different debate topics before, H, and he's really good at ignoring me. Monarchy is great, 'long as I get to be king. ;D But I understand what you mean, Paz. Horatio has a point about how emotions take place in some religious debates, but not logic. Or whatever. I don't feel attacked, though, during debates. I guess. It's just that recently I've met a lot of attack and rejection and I fear it happening again. besides, I value the friendships I have here. I'm not good at making friends, and it's hard to maintain the friendships I do have. I would rather be in an okay place here than blow my mouth off and make everyone miserable. I don't want to ruin what I have at HD. I've done that before on an IM, and I got called a sheep, blocked, and well, that's a whole ramble's worth. but anyway. friendship is more important than expressing myself. I can do that in this topic. I'm done. You know we would never reject you. As far as I know, we have never done that to anyone. Please, be yourself. That is what I respect the most.
  19. Yaaaaaaaayyy! Fun-ness. You must tell us all about Ren Fest! -Li Not so awesome. because we didnt go. we waited for Brianrietta for like four hours, and we called her a few times and she didnt pick up her phone. so We went and made fun of Dr. Cornbread 'cause he loses at all my gamecube games. XD and RPVF was all, flirtyomg as always. 'cause she lives there. Perhaps you should mention to brianrietta that you were sad, cause you had been looking forward to spending time with her?
  20. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    Wonderful work! Might wanna get some more shapes on the shrubbery, though...
  21. Now, let the guys fall for you. Don't impose yourself upon them. If that works, then the guy is shallow and should be avoided. My little advice.
  22. When President Bush was Gov. of Texas, had the most progressive wind energy program in the USA. Currently Texas has the number two output for the country. California is number 17. That is indeed interesting! That makes me wonder if Bush should have stuck with his job as Governor. He seemed to have some good ideas going for that state. Appearently as Governor he was able to make bipartisan coalitions and help with schools, prisons, etc... If he would do for the country what he did for the state of Texas, the USA would be an alternate energy leader and would benefit financially. but, heh, saddam, he wants to hurt iTERRORISM! daddy. ^^^ comment upon how Bush mostly went after saddam because of the prior warring with his father.
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