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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    I don't know what that even means but for some reason I found it funny Yeese. What exactly is a theorylete? Is is it an amalgamation of the words 'theory' and 'elite?' That would make sense...I figured it as "theory" and "athlete" but who knows which one my teacher thought. Or it could be theory and elite athlete! Or... perhaps it was theory and 1337?
  2. Wow, I really don't know! Uh. Would it be cheating to look it up? XD Absolutely not. Go for it. Tifton, Georgia! I now know some amusing information! Yaaay! =D They even have a Starbucks! Which I find more amusing. I didn't go to Starbucks, I got coffee at the gas station. LOL I love Starbucks. XD It's everywhere I go, I can't escape it, and I just love their drinks so much. =D Never really tried starbucks.
  3. TOT-OH! WILL BE AVEEEEEEEEEEEENGED! Alright kiddies, we've got a new piority: talking beavers. Them talkin' beavahs are goin' town! Yeah! And also down! I need everybody to report to the new headquarters next door to the old ones so they can get their assignments. I think we should have an underground lair. Boss.
  4. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    I don't know what that even means but for some reason I found it funny Yeese. What exactly is a theorylete? Is is it an amalgamation of the words 'theory' and 'elite?'
  5. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    I agree! The teacher supposedly grades it objectively, but that almost never really happens. Instead you find something like "you haven't convinced me" written on the margin. And just when you've thought you backed up your point to the four corners of the world, you find "needs more support" on your paper. And there's always those few sentences that make perfect sense to you, but the teacher will circle and write "confusing" or "awkward". Each of those "mistakes" seem to take off a whole letter grade from your paper. Of course there's that research paper for which you need approximately a billion sources that all say the same thing anyway, and you need to find room for all of them in your paper, which then becomes horribly disorganized because hey, you couldn't do it your way! Of course no one wants to see writing your way, because that makes too much sense. No, it's much better to have a sheet shoved in your face listing all the things that the teacher thinks make an awesome paper, but really just insure that the paper is a dumbed-down, easy-to-grade clone of every other paper that somehow still takes forever to do, because it's obviously not good enough if you have a concise position that holds up on its own with just a sentence or two, and you find yourself just rambling on and on because you're playing the game of "elaboration" so you can avoid that "needs more support" being written on your paper which, deep down, you know you're going to get anyway, while trying to conform your thought process to that of the teacher, since the teacher's thinking is just too pure to accept any other form of thought, so in the end you have to suck up to the teacher to get a good grade. And then there's that game of wasting time, which is mostly accomplished when the teacher forces peer editing among the students, which really isn't peer editing because no one gives a crud and the teacher likes to hand out a list for things to check for, so it's more like make-sure-this-paper-is-how-I-want-it editing, sort of like the teacher looking at the papers except the teacher can't be bothered to look through all of them at the time, just like later when the teacher is grading them. Or maybe they'll actually read every word and complain about the task the next day, although they truly did ask for it, and the teacher then takes it out on the students in some way or another, usually digging him or herself into a bigger hole of reading through dumbed-down, easy-to-grade but horribly elaborated assignments that just don't reflect the student's writing skill but rather the teacher's influence on the student's way of writing wherein the closer you are the better your score. Did I mention I hate writing papers? Nice rant. Which contains many words that I agree with. And none that I don't. xD
  6. Okay. xD But what happened? nothing that was more of a fill in the blank sort of thing. Whatever. xD Bad experiences with bad bags are bountiful and... *negative word starting with 'b'* ...'bad' ^.^ I didn't wanna say bad again... cause that would be too repetetive...
  7. The weather is a mystery. Cause I haven't looked outside yet. xD
  8. TOT-OH! WILL BE AVEEEEEEEEEEEENGED! Alright kiddies, we've got a new piority: talking beavers. Them talkin' beavahs are goin' town! Where they will do some evil shopping?
  9. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Annoying and inconsiderate. Yup. But she got paid back for it while I was gone. (I got annoyed enough to leave and chill in Marius and Brennan's room until Inter-Varsity) Apparently she managed to lock herself in her room. She decided to lock the deadbolt lock in addition to the normal one, and the deadbolt got stuck. So they had to get a maintenance guy and all that to get the door open. The only problem is that when she gets back from wherever she went off to, I'm going to have to hear her chatter about it (loudly) for at least 15 minutes. Which is bad because I'm already kinda annoyed. I met up with everyone for a very brief moment at the coffeehouse, and when we were leaving, the guys all headed towards the parking lot, leaving me with Lara (who everyone thinks is really annoying). We asked where they were going, but they didn't give any real answer. The reason, of course, is because they didn't want Lara to follow them (because she would probably insist that you could fit one more person in the car). I'm pretty sure they were going to wendy's, because they were talking about that earlier. The thing that bothers me though, is that they couldn't be straight up with us and say they were going to wendy's, and didn't have enough room in the car. Or they could have even played the "guys time out" card. You know, something other that outright ditching us. I might talk to them about it later. I can understand not wanting Lara around, but what they did was just plain mean, and it kinda hurt my feelings too. In better news, yes, I'm looking forward to next year. I also found out that even more of my friends are living in the same part of the building as me, so this is pretty awesome! The only way the guys knew to avoid hurting Lara's feelings, was to exclude the 'girls', not realizing they were now hurting both of your feelings. Too bad you didn't have a good comeback such as 'bring me back a Frosty' or something like that. I am never good at comebacks, until way after the fact. Yeah, Marius was supposed to come get me to watch Scrubs, but I guess they're not back yet. I'm going to talk to them and tell them what they did wasn't cool. It's not even so much what they did, because it's understandable, it's more how they did it all secretive like. It brings back bad memories from elementary school. Scrubs is awesome ;D Yes, yes it is. XD So, yesterday I went over to see Ian's Kantorei concert, which was, as usual, amazing. I got a ride over with Kevin, Marius, and Jackie, who were going to meet up with Priscilla to see some other concert on campus. After the concert, I went out with Ian and his family for a quick dinner, and then hung out with Ian for awhile at his place, and then we came back here to hang out, and had a mini tea party in the kitchen with Marius, Kevin, and Rachel. It was fun. And now, the weather is gorgeous, and I have an 8 page paper to write... Glad you had a great time! Now... get that paper completed. We will still be here waiting to see how it turned out. Yeah, I'll get to it in a little bit...I hate writing papers... I totally understand. I hate writing papers as well. I think writing papers is the worst part of school... Absolutely. Worst part of school is busy-work. Stuff that doesn't teach anything that is just used to fill up the class.
  10. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    Now cut down the largest tree in the forest.... WITH THIS HERRING! xD The plants are (Ni)ce. =D
  11. All: David Bowie. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Wrong. The answer is Bob Marley. All those people are dead. And by the way, about one of teh answers you gave me earlier...most Rock Stars don't breed. The only ones who had children (As far as I know) were John Lennon and David Gilmour. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Yeah, they all end up ODing too soon. xD
  12. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    No name, unfortunately, but I know she teaches English and Psych...and she didn't hesitate to repeat herself about how she was tenured in both. Yes, it's inevitable...especially when there are other disillusioned people involved, in this case it was the dean who hired her, and followed her presentation and was all like, "what enthusiasm! imagine having her as a teacher!" While my parents were moaning in their seats. xD I wonder if the president was being sarcastic.
  13. Yes, you need to upload to somthing like a bucket for photos. And then take the pic url from there.
  14. Okay. xD But what happened? nothing that was more of a fill in the blank sort of thing. Whatever. xD Bad experiences with bad bags are bountiful and... *negative word starting with 'b'*
  15. Well, it is dah-me-neigh. On a side note.... The girl who I liked in the beginning of the year has started going out with this guy. But he is a womanizing jerk. >.> And I find myself wishing that they weren't together. But not cause I am jealous! I just don't want him hurting her, which I know will happen. She says that recently he has become very nice and all, but I think that is just him doing the typical guy thing of changing how he acts to get the girl. But at the same time, I am kind of offended. I mean, she thinks that this guy is better than I am. >.< At least, that is what I would assume, based off of her dating him and not me. So I guess I am jealous of her going out with him, not the fact that they are going out. If I am making any sense. But not I don't talk to her as much, cause they are always together, and I feel akward around them. Cause it would just be weird, really. >.< Cause the three of us would usually hang at her locker in between classes. And now we don't do that. That may sound insignifigant, but, I dunno. I know it won't work, but I'm not gonna say anything to her because I don't want her to thing that I am trying to get them to break up so that she would be available or something, cause of how I liked her and all at the beginning of the year. meeeeeeeeeeeh. >.<;
  16. TB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like blue cheese dressing... But glad to see you here! You should stick around. A lot. And then some.
  17. *heeds the call* Well, sometimes it takes something big, such as the discovery of the note to bring about any sort of change. Has she done anything differently lately?
  18. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I always said it DAWMEEN Like what ahnuld would say. My pothead reckless driving cell phone breaking Porn looking-at anger mangament-needing brother told me how it's pronounced but I'm too used to DAWMEEN. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~* I thought maybe you thought it was like Daw-meh-knee. And I thought it was Daw-me-nay. It is. *looks up* I thought she said it Daw meeeeeeen. She does, but she knows it is wrong. xD
  19. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I always said it DAWMEEN Like what ahnuld would say. My pothead reckless driving cell phone breaking Porn looking-at anger mangament-needing brother told me how it's pronounced but I'm too used to DAWMEEN. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~* I thought maybe you thought it was like Daw-meh-knee. And I thought it was Daw-me-nay. It is.
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