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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. don't you mean on the quicksand, 'Raishey?
  2. ... wait a minute, whats that have to do with anything? It's a love song Really? I never picked up on that. xD
  3. Ima just gonna sharpen my sword and ninja skills while I wait.
  4. Double chocolate fudge monkey *rappuchina?
  5. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Yes, I do manage to pull it off. Straight A's in english. What you gotta do is throw in a bunch of big words. xD Extricate yourself from the quandry of mediocre essays with a substantial vocabulary.
  6. Horatio, I didn't try to cut off my hand. I just badly cut it. xD accidentaly, of course. I'm gonna take a pic of the place where I cut it.
  7. I can pin one or two of these for you. Besides, summer camp is coming soon. its ok, i can handle them. idk if im doing a camp this year...hopefully...im probably old enough to be a cit somewhere now That would be cool. yeah...ive never been one before, although i have babysat. so that's some experience More fun than babysitting. You ought to see if you could try being a cit. Whazza cit? And I'm not going to summer camp this year. But only for one reason. Looooooook ^^^^^^^^^^
  8. I don't either. I should see if I can see the ghost.
  9. Life is good then. Here nothing is new... sun rises, sun sets and new sunflower seeds are born everyday! And double posting continues to run amok?
  10. TOT-OH! WILL BE AVEEEEEEEEEEEENGED! Alright kiddies, we've got a new piority: talking beavers. Them talkin' beavahs are goin' town! Yeah! And also down! I need everybody to report to the new headquarters next door to the old ones so they can get their assignments. I think we should have an underground lair. Boss. *loads the earthquake bomb to drop near the new and possibly underground headquarters* Pff. But you don't know where we are. =D I know now... look at - Kat's - post following yours! Good, she has manipulated 'Raishey into false beliefs... LOL This coming from someone who just won The Screaming Idiot Award? *falls out of wheel because I am laughing so hard* How are those stitches????? Not ALWAYS a screaming idiot. Just sometimes. xD
  11. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more. *pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak* It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. I'm printing it as I type. That's about my speed of procrastination! Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells. You are lucky to be so smart. I am usually trying to put a bunch of baloney together and make it look like I know what I am doing. that is what I do for english. xD
  12. TOT-OH! WILL BE AVEEEEEEEEEEEENGED! Alright kiddies, we've got a new piority: talking beavers. Them talkin' beavahs are goin' town! Yeah! And also down! I need everybody to report to the new headquarters next door to the old ones so they can get their assignments. I think we should have an underground lair. Boss. *loads the earthquake bomb to drop near the new and possibly underground headquarters* Pff. But you don't know where we are. =D I know now... look at - Kat's - post following yours! Good, she has manipulated 'Raishey into false beliefs...
  13. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    I don't know what that even means but for some reason I found it funny Yeese. What exactly is a theorylete? Is is it an amalgamation of the words 'theory' and 'elite?' That would make sense...I figured it as "theory" and "athlete" but who knows which one my teacher thought. Or it could be theory and elite athlete! Or... perhaps it was theory and 1337? *tosses Cheesemaster The Gold Star Award* Good one! w00t. *goes to edit siggy*
  14. And a "questionable sanity" award...
  15. Thats kind of how I feel about Brianrietta. She may or may not like someone, and if so, I've no idea who it is, and it could be good or bad. I can relate, being protective, its just... what guys do, but really, theres nothing we can do about it. D= Yeah. We actually care about our friends. xD Just kidding, gals.
  16. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more. *pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak* It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. I'm printing it as I type. That's about my speed of procrastination! Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells.
  17. TOT-OH! WILL BE AVEEEEEEEEEEEENGED! Alright kiddies, we've got a new piority: talking beavers. Them talkin' beavahs are goin' town! Yeah! And also down! I need everybody to report to the new headquarters next door to the old ones so they can get their assignments. I think we should have an underground lair. Boss. *loads the earthquake bomb to drop near the new and possibly underground headquarters* Pff. But you don't know where we are. =D
  18. Wow, I really don't know! Uh. Would it be cheating to look it up? XD Absolutely not. Go for it. Tifton, Georgia! I now know some amusing information! Yaaay! =D They even have a Starbucks! Which I find more amusing. I didn't go to Starbucks, I got coffee at the gas station. LOL I love Starbucks. XD It's everywhere I go, I can't escape it, and I just love their drinks so much. =D Never really tried starbucks. You need a second job if you drink Starbucks on a regular basis. Maybe a second job at starbucks, so as to get a discount?
  19. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    I agree! The teacher supposedly grades it objectively, but that almost never really happens. Instead you find something like "you haven't convinced me" written on the margin. And just when you've thought you backed up your point to the four corners of the world, you find "needs more support" on your paper. And there's always those few sentences that make perfect sense to you, but the teacher will circle and write "confusing" or "awkward". Each of those "mistakes" seem to take off a whole letter grade from your paper. Of course there's that research paper for which you need approximately a billion sources that all say the same thing anyway, and you need to find room for all of them in your paper, which then becomes horribly disorganized because hey, you couldn't do it your way! Of course no one wants to see writing your way, because that makes too much sense. No, it's much better to have a sheet shoved in your face listing all the things that the teacher thinks make an awesome paper, but really just insure that the paper is a dumbed-down, easy-to-grade clone of every other paper that somehow still takes forever to do, because it's obviously not good enough if you have a concise position that holds up on its own with just a sentence or two, and you find yourself just rambling on and on because you're playing the game of "elaboration" so you can avoid that "needs more support" being written on your paper which, deep down, you know you're going to get anyway, while trying to conform your thought process to that of the teacher, since the teacher's thinking is just too pure to accept any other form of thought, so in the end you have to suck up to the teacher to get a good grade. And then there's that game of wasting time, which is mostly accomplished when the teacher forces peer editing among the students, which really isn't peer editing because no one gives a crud and the teacher likes to hand out a list for things to check for, so it's more like make-sure-this-paper-is-how-I-want-it editing, sort of like the teacher looking at the papers except the teacher can't be bothered to look through all of them at the time, just like later when the teacher is grading them. Or maybe they'll actually read every word and complain about the task the next day, although they truly did ask for it, and the teacher then takes it out on the students in some way or another, usually digging him or herself into a bigger hole of reading through dumbed-down, easy-to-grade but horribly elaborated assignments that just don't reflect the student's writing skill but rather the teacher's influence on the student's way of writing wherein the closer you are the better your score. Did I mention I hate writing papers? Nice rant. Which contains many words that I agree with. And none that I don't. xD And one that I showed my friend. xD and she loved it.
  20. Weeeelll, there's not much you can do about that. It's not necessarily that she thinks you're less of a person. She probably just thinks he's really hot. Most people are shallow idiots. =D And on occasion, myself included. Anyways, womanizing jerks usually get the girls because they're so good at fake charming. Example, they'll complement girls, hold open doors for them, etc., just so they can gain popularity with the girls. And, well, most(not including myself) girls fall for that stuff(for lack of ability to say a better word). So if he's a womanizing jerk and she fell for it, well, that's her fault and I would personally just shrug it off as being her own fault. That is probably correct. xD And he has seemed to have suddenly turned randomly nice. Of course, I don't talk to him when she isn't there.
  21. Okay. xD But what happened? nothing that was more of a fill in the blank sort of thing. Whatever. xD Bad experiences with bad bags are bountiful and... *negative word starting with 'b'* ...'bad' ^.^ I didn't wanna say bad again... cause that would be too repetetive... Repetition repetition let's say it again! you are so repetetively redundant!
  22. I was at my grandmother's ove the weekend over the weekend. And did 7.5 hours of work. And consequently got $75. xD
  23. Just a little strange.... o.O
  24. Why are j00 climbin' a tree with no shoes on?
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