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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Oh. I hope it fixes itself. Nah, it won't, probably. Nobody really knows. xD . He is 19, born with it.
  2. I saw you too! xD was just for a second but I caught ya, hehe. Awww you still use the Icon I made for you I should make you another, newer, one. I'm sorry I keep dissapearing D= I hate how busy life has been lately and will be glad when I have more online time again to talk to you! Now I must move to my other computer since thats where all my pictures are stored. *hugs* I missed ya. Glad you are back! I have missed your presence.
  3. Y'know what is strange? All three people I have liked so far this year have started dating a friend of mine. xD Not the same friend, 3 different friends. xD But you know what I mean. Just kinda coincidental.
  4. Well, my brother describes it as the "we-don't-know-what-is-wrong-with-your-kidneys disease." Basically, his immune system attacks his kidneys, so they don't work and allow stuff that should be filterd out to not be filtered out. 1 in 7-10 million have it.
  5. I was gonna say dectillion... Cause it has 12 sets of 0's. You could try a googolplex, horatio...
  6. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! ice and dogs? wha..? Or should I not ask?
  7. oh. xD Some of the camp counselors are pretty awsome at the summer camp I usually go. Some of them stink, but whatever. xD
  8. Be more specific in your question. Are you asking how to make a link within a post to a picture in your signature? If that is the case, you cannot do it because no links are permitted within the posts. HampsterKing is allowing links in the siggy for you to upload pictures. I want a link in my siggy that leads to a pic. You mean like Dog Lover has done in her siggy? Go look in the Jokes forum and you will find her in the Broadway or Book review topics. Let me know. Yes. Okay, let me go see how she accomplished that. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* I cannt find anything. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You cannot see that because it is part of her signature. I will be able to see what she did. Wait a couple minutes please. What you need to do is to put the name and then the url of the picture in brackets and that should give you a link to the picture. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* More specific? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You know how you put the links in your siggy to other places on the board? Do the same thing but put [url....] and in there is where the picture came from. This still doesn't work. [url= Url goes here. [color=red][b]without no[/b][/color] spaces.][img=Url for the image goes here. like the Photobucket IMG url.][/url] That isn't very clear... I thought the double negative was really clear. You can't put text effects on stuff in a code box. Silly 'Raishey. *slaps forehead* Oh rats... I forgot completely about that. Leave it to you to catch me. LOL Seriously, It is kind of obvious. xD Ya know, based on the whole principal of code boxes and all...
  9. Unfortunately I don't think he will wake-up until he is out of office. I doubt that he will ever wake up, really.
  10. My brother has some kinda weird kidney thing. Extremely rare. idiopathic nephrotic syndrome.
  11. As long as you're not literally dying it's all good. XD Luckily, I didn't. xD My heart just feels like it's going to explode into 10 squillion little bits, all of them filled with love. I am getting all mushy so I should stop before people throw up. *floats away through the daisies* -Li Mushy is good. In the appropriate topic. Like this one =D Mush away! LOL *mushes* My sweetie suprised me last night by coming over when I didn't expect it. He bought me a joke gift as he knows I have a sense of humor. When I saw it, I was like "Aww, a rose, how sweet" then he goes "Pull out the middle part" so I did. And I laughed so much. It was a rather sexy red underwear xD After all the laughing and the "OMG thats funny!" I made him put it on. Over his clothes of course. And we laughed again. Gosh, he's so much fun. He didn't even mind when I squirted him with a water pistol. Although he did squirm and make cute, annoyed noises I've never known a guy who I could act stupid around and him not go "you're weird". He's so perfect for me! -Li What a great joke gift the rose was! I like this guy! He sounds divine! He is devine He's funny, sweet, caring, understanding and intellegent. He's eveything I want and more. I love him so much! -Li :glare: lucky. xD Don't worry, I am happy for you. 'Tis a great thing when you find the perfect companion.
  12. uh, -Kat-, we better watch out. Wait... I think I have a plan... Done! HK is now on our side! His ultimate admin powers can warp time and space, altering the face of reality!
  13. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    Just make sure that your vote goes towards fighting the draft. xD Remember, YOU have the power.
  14. Wait, what is it holding the butt of the rifle with...?
  15. Be more specific in your question. Are you asking how to make a link within a post to a picture in your signature? If that is the case, you cannot do it because no links are permitted within the posts. HampsterKing is allowing links in the siggy for you to upload pictures. I want a link in my siggy that leads to a pic. You mean like Dog Lover has done in her siggy? Go look in the Jokes forum and you will find her in the Broadway or Book review topics. Let me know. Yes. Okay, let me go see how she accomplished that. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* I cannt find anything. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You cannot see that because it is part of her signature. I will be able to see what she did. Wait a couple minutes please. What you need to do is to put the name and then the url of the picture in brackets and that should give you a link to the picture. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* More specific? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You know how you put the links in your siggy to other places on the board? Do the same thing but put [url....] and in there is where the picture came from. This still doesn't work. [url= Url goes here. [color=red][b]without no[/b][/color] spaces.][img=Url for the image goes here. like the Photobucket IMG url.][/url] That isn't very clear... I thought the double negative was really clear. You can't put text effects on stuff in a code box. Silly 'Raishey.
  16. Hmmm.... I shall have to think, and then apply my limited artistic capabilities...
  17. No, Thats when we dont do anything. It'll throw them off. We'll use our connections to get some other mafia or group of people to make assaults. We'll sit there and watch. and/or make use of those sniper rifles Cheeseman mentioned a while back. ... boss. *sneaks in and stuffs sniper rifles full of gummy bears* Hah! you activated its special ability! GUMMY CANNON!!!!! When loaded with gummy bears, it turns into an unstoppable force, casting ominous feelings of total domination over its targets as it totally annihilates the adversary! Oh no !!! *calls in the gummy bear eating mice* They too shall fall victim to its gummy wrath!
  18. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Whoa... this semester has flown by!!! I am sure you will get A's on all your final exams. one week away from 7/8 of the school year being over... It seems like this year went by really fast. I know. Partially because this has been the best school year ever for me. xD
  19. Be more specific in your question. Are you asking how to make a link within a post to a picture in your signature? If that is the case, you cannot do it because no links are permitted within the posts. HampsterKing is allowing links in the siggy for you to upload pictures. I want a link in my siggy that leads to a pic. You mean like Dog Lover has done in her siggy? Go look in the Jokes forum and you will find her in the Broadway or Book review topics. Let me know. Yes. Okay, let me go see how she accomplished that. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* I cannt find anything. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You cannot see that because it is part of her signature. I will be able to see what she did. Wait a couple minutes please. What you need to do is to put the name and then the url of the picture in brackets and that should give you a link to the picture. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* More specific? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You know how you put the links in your siggy to other places on the board? Do the same thing but put [url....] and in there is where the picture came from. This still doesn't work. [url= Url goes here. without no spaces.][img=Url for the image goes here. like the Photobucket IMG url.][/url] That isn't very clear...
  20. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Whoa... this semester has flown by!!! I am sure you will get A's on all your final exams. one week away from 7/8 of the school year being over...
  21. No, Thats when we dont do anything. It'll throw them off. We'll use our connections to get some other mafia or group of people to make assaults. We'll sit there and watch. and/or make use of those sniper rifles Cheeseman mentioned a while back. ... boss. *sneaks in and stuffs sniper rifles full of gummy bears* Hah! you activated its special ability! GUMMY CANNON!!!!! When loaded with gummy bears, it turns into an unstoppable force, casting ominous feelings of total domination over its targets as it totally annihilates the adversary!
  22. *wonders what a cheeseninja looks like* Nobody knows (besides myself) cause you can't see me.
  23. No, 'Raishey. I am in fact standing without sinking. Cause I'm a ninja.
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