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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. I always wanted to be in a band as the guitarist, bassist, or drummer. But seeing as I have no skills whatsoever on any of those instruments, I don't think that is gonna happe. xD
  2. All right TBFOF!!!!!!!! I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon yesterday. It is the 28th of October. Don't hurt yourself like you did last time! And somehow I managed to crack my tailbone the other day. Not as in break it or anything, but as in the way one would crack there knuckles.
  3. uh. I'd just like to point out that you're being kind of two-faced about this. You act like you like Julian sometimes, but as strongly implied here, such is not the case. or at least not what its made out to be. If something about him really is bothering you, then tell him. It's weird. I really do like him. But sometimes I go into my random psycho depressed moods. It's seriously just me being a two-faced idiot. >.< So at that point I was like, one of those, "He's time consuming. I don't have time for him. He's in my way. <.<" attitudes. And then there was last night, where I went into one of my, "Oooh, jeez. What is reality, and what is existance?" moods(in other words, I probably have some kind of mental disorder o_O). I called him and told him to distract myself, and it worked well and within 10 minutes I wasn't feeling terrible anymore. And I've found that as long as I talk to him, I'm good with him. It's really all on me, whether I make the effort to make it work or not. Mostly, it's just my impatient and restless on-the-go side getting the best of me. Or, I'm in denial. I was just thinking that was an option since it seems to be for many people. XD Sounds tri-polar. xD
  4. Caedmon! I vaguely remember you! xD But yeah, you should most def get back into the board.
  5. But of course! That sounds like it'd be fun to draw! I'll get started on it in the next few hours! Yay for avatars! -Li Yay for avvies indeed. I am loving mine. xD
  6. When I looked at the one of you in front of the window, at first glance, it looked as if you had just jumped from the first floor window! *gets more coffee* Thanks for the pictures! They are fantastic!!! Hahaha no, I don't jump out of windows too often, not unless they're first floor windows anyways... Good thing. I would get hurt jumping off the porch of my cage. LOL You look slightly insane in that second pic of you... And that black and white... All I have to say is "[whisper]Fabio...[/whisper]
  7. I had a dream where I had to marry my brother for insurance reasons. That was weird. Or the dream where everyone thought I was gay, so this one girl I know had no problem showing me that she had 3 assets. (making it 'Raishey safe there) Or the one where I was trying to tame this wolf pokemon with wierd al playing in the background. Yes, I have weird dreams.
  8. This still doesn't work. [url= Url goes here. [color=red][b]without no[/b][/color] spaces.][img=Url for the image goes here. like the Photobucket IMG url.][/url] That isn't very clear... I thought the double negative was really clear. You can't put text effects on stuff in a code box. Silly 'Raishey. *slaps forehead* Oh rats... I forgot completely about that. Leave it to you to catch me. LOL Seriously, It is kind of obvious. xD Ya know, based on the whole principal of code boxes and all... *ignores Cheesemaster* LOL *bumps the pyramid.* *hides behind Lexxy* *wonders how long this can go before esplodin'* KABOOM !!!!!! Silly Horatio. That there was an explosion. Not an esplosion. Tsk tsk. *slaps forehead* More coffee, I need more coffee!!! Yes. You do. Missing typos like that... For shame! ROFOCLH !!!!!!! I... I just have to... Once at least... Please... ...PTMYROFOCLH. *can't resist* ...PTMYPTMMROFOCLH. *can resist* RAWR
  9. Well, I wasn't to worried about Arkcher's health. I mean, if he is here and posting he has to be fine. xD But I said yes, suzuki, black. Cause I couldn't remember who made the ninja and I didn't feel like looking it up. xD
  10. Haha. Probably not. We're a crazy pair and some of the things we do might boggle your mind o: -Li I seriously doubt that you could boggle my mind. It is almost boggle-proof. Except against googolplex. And bobobo bo-bobobo.
  11. Sorry, not at the moment... I am eating pancakes! I already gave you the word. xD It just went over your head.
  12. Well, my treadmill maxes out at 12%. And 10 mph. But I don't plan on comibining those. xD
  13. What you need to do is to put the name and then the url of the picture in brackets and that should give you a link to the picture. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* More specific? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You know how you put the links in your siggy to other places on the board? Do the same thing but put [url....] and in there is where the picture came from. This still doesn't work. [url= Url goes here. [color=red][b]without no[/b][/color] spaces.][img=Url for the image goes here. like the Photobucket IMG url.][/url] That isn't very clear... I thought the double negative was really clear. You can't put text effects on stuff in a code box. Silly 'Raishey. *slaps forehead* Oh rats... I forgot completely about that. Leave it to you to catch me. LOL Seriously, It is kind of obvious. xD Ya know, based on the whole principal of code boxes and all... *ignores Cheesemaster* LOL *bumps the pyramid.* *hides behind Lexxy* *wonders how long this can go before esplodin'* KABOOM !!!!!! Silly Horatio. That there was an explosion. Not an esplosion. Tsk tsk. *slaps forehead* More coffee, I need more coffee!!! Yes. You do. Missing typos like that... For shame! ROFOCLH !!!!!!! *'splodes peer-amid*
  14. 'Raishey, c'mon. The better word is so obvious. I could give you a suggestion as to what to use in "hint"'s stead. D'you want it?
  15. Be more specific in your question. Are you asking how to make a link within a post to a picture in your signature? If that is the case, you cannot do it because no links are permitted within the posts. HampsterKing is allowing links in the siggy for you to upload pictures. I want a link in my siggy that leads to a pic. You mean like Dog Lover has done in her siggy? Go look in the Jokes forum and you will find her in the Broadway or Book review topics. Let me know. Yes. Okay, let me go see how she accomplished that. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* I cannt find anything. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You cannot see that because it is part of her signature. I will be able to see what she did. Wait a couple minutes please. What you need to do is to put the name and then the url of the picture in brackets and that should give you a link to the picture. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* More specific? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You know how you put the links in your siggy to other places on the board? Do the same thing but put [url....] and in there is where the picture came from. This still doesn't work. [url= Url goes here. [color=red][b]without no[/b][/color] spaces.][img=Url for the image goes here. like the Photobucket IMG url.][/url] That isn't very clear... I thought the double negative was really clear. You can't put text effects on stuff in a code box. Silly 'Raishey. *slaps forehead* Oh rats... I forgot completely about that. Leave it to you to catch me. LOL Seriously, It is kind of obvious. xD Ya know, based on the whole principal of code boxes and all... *ignores Cheesemaster* LOL That won't get you anywhere, 'Raishey. xD You should know that.
  16. You see, the problem with the "tidbit of information" I just gave you is that it's all a huge lie. *all previously-mentioned - Kat - Mafia members step out of the shadows behind Da Beaver* Darn that HK. *spins around holding his clay-s'more* When it comes down to it... S'mores are da best. *starts to nibble on it* Wait, wait, not eat! Fight! Argh! >_<;; *can't help it* Bwaaaaaah! So hungry... *eats clay-s'more* ...Crud, you got me. Fine. As long as I can have another clay-s'more I don't care. *drools* Yours truly, Da Beaver. P.S. I wonder why Glowurm didn't just change his password... o_o Because then Da Beaver couldn't post in his name. xD
  17. Well, just don't completely dissapear. Glowurm is such a bright light in HampsterDance. The boards would dim without him. I hope he gets the not-so-subtle hints. xD
  18. Fine, leave me. xD Walking on a steep incline is a good workout. varying between 2-3 mph on 12% incline for 2 miles burns about 500 calories. And I completely forgot to work on an entry. xD *wonders if I could walk on a steep incline while posting on HampsterDance* Oh..... forgot to mention. I am almost ready to get my motorcycle. It is between a BMW, Honda or Suzuki. Yeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I doubt it. xDD Yehaw? You redneck. xD
  19. Oh. I hope it fixes itself. Nah, it won't, probably. Nobody really knows. xD . He is 19, born with it. *is speechless* *feels really, really lucky to be healthy* It isn't that much of a pain, really. He just has to make sure he doens't go into relapse, cause he has to take more meds then. He gets really swollen and all. But this is on top of ODD and ADHD. Oh my. Yeah, my brother takes a lot of meds. xD he is finally off of prednizone, I think. I also think I spelled prednizone wrong. He used to have to take liquid prednizone, which was one of the worst-tasting things ever. You think pepto-dismal is bad? It is like ice cream compared to this stuff. Pepto Pink Ice Cream! purdy much. xD I don't think that would sell well... Probably not. But, if you had to take Pepto... what better way to make the medicine go down. nah, cause you can't quickly eat ice cream.
  20. Oh. I hope it fixes itself. Nah, it won't, probably. Nobody really knows. xD . He is 19, born with it. *is speechless* *feels really, really lucky to be healthy* It isn't that much of a pain, really. He just has to make sure he doens't go into relapse, cause he has to take more meds then. He gets really swollen and all. But this is on top of ODD and ADHD. Oh my. Yeah, my brother takes a lot of meds. xD he is finally off of prednizone, I think. I also think I spelled prednizone wrong. He used to have to take liquid prednizone, which was one of the worst-tasting things ever. You think pepto-dismal is bad? It is like ice cream compared to this stuff. Pepto Pink Ice Cream! purdy much. xD I don't think that would sell well...
  21. Fine, leave me. xD Walking on a steep incline is a good workout. varying between 2-3 mph on 12% incline for 2 miles burns about 500 calories. And I completely forgot to work on an entry. xD
  22. Oh. I hope it fixes itself. Nah, it won't, probably. Nobody really knows. xD . He is 19, born with it. *is speechless* *feels really, really lucky to be healthy* It isn't that much of a pain, really. He just has to make sure he doens't go into relapse, cause he has to take more meds then. He gets really swollen and all. But this is on top of ODD and ADHD. Oh my. Yeah, my brother takes a lot of meds. xD he is finally off of prednizone, I think. I also think I spelled prednizone wrong. He used to have to take liquid prednizone, which was one of the worst-tasting things ever. You think pepto-dismal is bad? It is like ice cream compared to this stuff.
  23. Oh. I hope it fixes itself. Nah, it won't, probably. Nobody really knows. xD . He is 19, born with it. *is speechless* *feels really, really lucky to be healthy* It isn't that much of a pain, really. He just has to make sure he doens't go into relapse, cause he has to take more meds then. He gets really swollen and all. But this is on top of ODD and ADHD.
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