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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Some people would say I wear capri-shorts... I like long denim shorts. >.< They besically go down to mid-calf. but they aren't tight at all, so it is good. xD But I also have other shorts. I like shorts.
  2. hmm. The copy-pasting didn't work too well. xD lemme try again. One googol is greater than the number of elementary particles in the known universe, which has been variously estimated from 1079 up to 1081. Since a googolplex is one followed by a googol zeroes, it would not be possible to write down or store a googolplex in decimal notation, even if all the matter in the known universe were converted into paper and ink or disk drives. Thinking of this another way, consider printing the digits of a googolplex in unreadable, 1-point font. TeX 1pt font is .3514598mm per digit, which means it would take about meters to write in one point font. The known universe is estimated at meters in diameter, which means the distance to write the digits would be about times the diameter of the known universe. The time it would take to write such a number also renders the task implausible: if a person can write two digits per second, it would take around times the age of the universe to write down a googolplex. Thus in the physical world it is difficult to give examples of numbers that compare closely to a googolplex. In analyzing quantum states and black holes, physicist Don Page writes that "determining experimentally whether or not information is lost down black holes of solar mass ... would require more than measurements to give a rough determination of the final density matrix after black hole evaporates." In a separate article, Page shows that the number of states in a black hole with a mass roughly equivalent to the Andromeda Galaxy is in the range of a googolplex.
  3. Walking is a really great way to start. Yeah, or jogging. Jogging works really well. And keeping electrolytes handy. =D Either is great. Marching band will also get you in shape. I likes my jogging. I should stick to it more often. >.< But I am looking more fit now. =D Go Cheesie! You are going to turn into a chick magnet if you keep getting more fit. I will be up in your area for the Marine Corps Marathon. So, keep getting fit and you can cheer me on in October. Pff. You think I aren't a chick-magnet already? hah. Actually, the majority of my friends in school are girls. xD At lunch, I'm usually the only guy at the table.
  4. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    or cut and/or melt some important wires...
  5. I like the pictures, 'Raishey! Cheesey award to you!
  6. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    I find it strange that even the kindest, most caring, wonderful people in the world would not be saved. And I think it is the term "saved" that keeps some people from converting. Like, saying that everything they have ever known is wrong, they are wrong, their beliefs are wrong, all that.
  7. And TGHL has brought up my greatest complaint about religion: the power to control the mind.
  8. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Annoying people are annoying, yes?
  9. So, what kind of bike is it, exactly? And I actually do have that first aid thing. For Philmont.
  10. Well, I never said that I loved the girl. Notice the quotation marks around "love." So, infatuation, attraction, whatever you want to call it. Not just bodily appeal, she is a great person, fun to be around. I wonder if I fall to easily because I surround myself with wonderful people that are easiy to fall for? Maybe it isn't me. xD
  11. Walking is a really great way to start. Yeah, or jogging. Jogging works really well. And keeping electrolytes handy. =D Either is great. Marching band will also get you in shape. I likes my jogging. I should stick to it more often. >.< But I am looking more fit now. =D
  12. Pure sap. I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD You tap a hole in two species of maple tree, collect your sap in a bucket, boil the collected sap, finally, strain the sap and pour it over your pancakes. And that is how you make maple syrup. Y'see, it's not edible unless it's boiled a certain amount, from there on it's maple syrup. Pure as it can be. Still warm from the tree... Oh god, it's heaven... I love canada so much. Arkcher is planning on moving to Canada. You could always go and visit him. As for the syrup, I just love maple syrup, maple sugar candies and maple walnut ice cream. *gets hungry for pancakes* I love all thing maple except for maple syrup, really...
  13. a googolplex is . 1 followed by one-googol zeros. here is something one the topic of the size of a googolplex... One googol is greater than the number of elementary particles in the known universe, which has been variously estimated from 1072 up to 1087. Since a googolplex is one followed by a googol zeroes, it would not be possible to write down or store a googolplex in decimal notation, even if all the matter in the known universe were converted into paper and ink or disk drives. Thinking of this another way, consider printing the digits of a googolplex in unreadable, 1-point font. TeX 1pt font is .3514598mm per digit, which means it would take about meters to write in one point font. The known universe is estimated at meters in diameter, which means the distance to write the digits would be about times the diameter of the known universe. The time it would take to write such a number also renders the task implausible: if a person can write two digits per second, it would take around times the age of the universe to write down a googolplex. Thus in the physical world it is difficult to give examples of numbers that compare closely to a googolplex. In analyzing quantum states and black holes, physicist Don Page writes that "determining experimentally whether or not information is lost down black holes of solar mass ... would require more than measurements to give a rough determination of the final density matrix after black hole evaporates." In a separate article, Page shows that the number of states in a black hole with a mass roughly equivalent to the Andromeda Galaxy is in the range of a googolplex. Note, that is not written by me, it is found on an open-source article website.
  14. Only diet sodas I like are diet black cherry vanilla and cherry zero.
  15. I like hitting stuff and violence.... But I just think it would be nifty, it isn't what I want to do with my life. Too many people in bands get killed and die and stuff.
  16. That is really awesome. >=D I am so glad you approve! That's the bike I really like. *wonders if Mega Wolf will show up so I can tell her I bought that bike today* OMG THAT'S REALLY AWESOME! =D Thanks for the fantastic reaction. I will pick it up on Saturday. *feels like forever until Saturday* Saturday & sunday I get to learn about first aid for objects in the eye! And nice bike, by the way. xD
  17. Triple posts, horatio? But I agree with all ranting in this topic. My biggest problem with "love" is that I seem to fall to easily, but not for the wrong person. It is just that they only think of me as a friend, or like someone else, or stuff like that. I'm not sure what kind of boy friend I would be, really. I'd like to think that I would be great, but I really don't know. >.< In case you can't tell, I have fallen once again. For that girl that I mentioned sort-of recently. And sometimes it seems like she likes me back, but I really can't tell. I seem to be great at reading people, except for when it would be beneficial to myself. >.<
  18. Pure sap. I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD
  19. Have you ever tried taking lessons? You have no idea if you have no skills if you don't try and take some lessons. I lack the motivation. But I was never good in any of the middle school guitar dealies where they had guitar labs. I might make a good drummer though... I just need a set to see what I could do. xD You can still take lessons. Nah. I know I would never stick with it. Plus I wouldn't ever practice it at my house. It just wouldn't work for me.
  20. All right TBFOF!!!!!!!! I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon yesterday. It is the 28th of October. Don't hurt yourself like you did last time! And somehow I managed to crack my tailbone the other day. Not as in break it or anything, but as in the way one would crack there knuckles. Ouch! That hurts! If a hamster hurts his tailbone, that really hurts. Nah, there wasn't any pain. Unlike my feet now, cuase I got this big blister on each of them. >.< Blisters hurt. Don't pop them! If you pop them, they really, REALLY hurt. I know. They hurt to walk on, though. >.< At least they were fine all of last night.
  21. All right TBFOF!!!!!!!! I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon yesterday. It is the 28th of October. Don't hurt yourself like you did last time! And somehow I managed to crack my tailbone the other day. Not as in break it or anything, but as in the way one would crack there knuckles. Ouch! That hurts! If a hamster hurts his tailbone, that really hurts. Nah, there wasn't any pain. Unlike my feet now, cuase I got this big blister on each of them. >.<
  22. I think I saw a boobah toy once... It was really creepy. 0______0
  23. Have you ever tried taking lessons? You have no idea if you have no skills if you don't try and take some lessons. I lack the motivation. But I was never good in any of the middle school guitar dealies where they had guitar labs. I might make a good drummer though... I just need a set to see what I could do. xD
  24. I hiked 12 miles yesterday with a 40 pound pack. =O And it got purdy hot and humid towards the end. >.< But it was fun. xD And then later that day I took my one friend up to "wadestock" to chill and hang out with two other friends, and my one friend from scouts was there as well. But that requires some explanation. last year my cousin Wade was raising money to send his rugby team to ireland, so he created the "Barnyard Band Bash." Where basically, everyone hung out near the barn while some local bands played, plus food and all. Great times. Then it started raining. xD This year, it was officially called "Wadestock." xD And once again, it rained. But this time it POURED. Like, huge drops of rain. So then there was a mad rush to get in the barn. xD But basically it was me and 4 other friends just chilling for a few hours in a barn loft with a fluffy kitty and some good bands. xD But then the drama started. >.< My one friend's boyfriend was being a complete [donkey]. She had truly been in love with him, but after an hour, he said he had never loved her at all. She was broken by this, but me nd my friends helped cheer her up. That made me feel good. ^.^ But it turns out that she trusted him enough to let him take her virginity. Which is not good. Which is the main reason she was so sad. She was also worried that she was ruining everyone else's night, but I think we convinced her otherwise. But I think all will turn out well eventually. Stuff happens, might as well not let it ruin your life.
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