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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Random queen is always fun. I like walking to the beat of "another one bites the dust" with it playing as loudly as I can have it on my iPod. xD cause I can do it perfectly. =D
  2. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    I will. Thank you for the words of advice, I appreciate your thoughts. I was just thinking about why my parents didn't want me to get me a motorcycle. You should get a dirt bike. This way your parents wouldn't have to worry about the other drivers. I'd have nowhere to ride it. >.<;
  3. I don't think pigs do that whole "quiet" bit. xD
  4. Here is a picture of me on my bike. It's a close-up so you can see my face. You have been putting that picture everywhere. xD No. The picture you are speaking of, is of Harry the Harley Hammy. He is the one with the wild hair. I am a blonde and I didn't have my paw on the handlebar. Harry does. Well, they look rather similar.
  5. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    I will. Thank you for the words of advice, I appreciate your thoughts. I was just thinking about why my parents didn't want me to get me a motorcycle.
  6. Silly 'Raishey, I'm right here.
  7. Here is a picture of me on my bike. It's a close-up so you can see my face. You have been putting that picture everywhere. xD
  8. *gets mad-1337 with the air harmonica*
  9. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    Just be extra-careful, horatio. People in cars are usually only looking for car-sized objects, not really motorcycles. So just be really careful.
  10. Today, at my friends house, we had a cool-whip battle. xD
  11. Grr. I couldn't see an image of you in the reflections in the pic of your motorcycle, 'Raishey. xD
  12. NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries* You, Jesusfreak, Jesse... everyone is going away! I'm staying! >:^D
  13. Because yesterday in Reading he asked which group I was in, and he stood REALLY close to me, and when he found we were in different groups he got really depressed and moped off. and some other stuff. Well, don't act any differently towards him. He might have a crush on you, but it will probably just pass if you don't respond to any of his attempts to show you that he likes you.
  14. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    I didn't know that. Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate. I learnded that in scouts! =D That's really cool. Wait... you have vibrating lips? Learnded, yes. And vibrating lips is the basis of all brass instrument... *wonders what the girls think of vibrating lips* LOL I can only imagine what you are thinking about.
  15. in the land of the pig, the butcher is king- meatloaf
  16. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    I didn't know that. Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate. I learnded that in scouts! =D That's really cool. Wait... you have vibrating lips? Learnded, yes. And vibrating lips is the basis of all brass instrument...
  17. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    I didn't know that. Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate. I learnded that in scouts! =D
  18. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    *thinks of these really BIG really HAIRY, really FAST, grove spiders that can squeeze their big fat hairy bodies through the smallest of spaces* *has the willies just thinking about them* And they are bigger, hairier, jump higher and run much faster than any tarantula! They like moisture and will hang out in the bathroom. They are cousins to "WOLF" spider. But they're cute and fuzzy! It just takes a change or perspective. That, and they're not out to get you. They're scared of you. And the less you scare them, the less likely they are to freak out and bite you. You don't know these spiders... they are definitely out to get hamsters. It is written in the Code of Hamster Living... beware of spiders. lol I still think it's easier to safely get rid of a spider if you don't freak out about it. Like a few weeks ago, Ian and I were outside. And he said to me, "Terry, you have a spider on your lapel." And I looked at my jacket, and sure enough, there was a spider. Now, while I'm not afraid of spiders, I'm not a huge fan of them crawling on me. So I said, "Oh, well would you look at that." And, with Ian's help, got the spider off of me (after it made a run for my hair), and safely onto the ground. And it didn't bite me or anything. *faints* spiders are awesome. xD
  19. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    I didn't know that. Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate.
  20. Thanks for the award! You need to read back a little bit... I bought a bike. What do you think???? I think that is pretty awesome!
  21. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Bugle is supposed to be pretty hard to play...
  22. Walking is a really great way to start. Yeah, or jogging. Jogging works really well. And keeping electrolytes handy. =D Either is great. Marching band will also get you in shape. I likes my jogging. I should stick to it more often. >.< But I am looking more fit now. =D Go Cheesie! You are going to turn into a chick magnet if you keep getting more fit. I will be up in your area for the Marine Corps Marathon. So, keep getting fit and you can cheer me on in October. Pff. You think I aren't a chick-magnet already? hah. Actually, the majority of my friends in school are girls. xD At lunch, I'm usually the only guy at the table. I'm the only girl and the only non-pervert at my table! XD The two seem to go hand-in-hand. xD But on a more serious note, I really wouldn't want all the girls wanting to date me. Cause then I would be attracting them for the wrong reason, in the wrong way. I'd rather stick with where I am now, just minus a few pounds. I am ten pounds down from when I started working out-ish. But I look a lot more fit, in my view. =D makes me happy.
  23. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    I loooooove roller coasters. Of any kind. I always try to go for the biggest and the fastest. Like storm runner and the great bear up in hershey, P.A.
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