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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. mmhm yes what you called can i help you sir how may i be of assistence whaddya want whats up hows it going whatcha up to sup foo' what is it?
  2. Actually, I did not make it there. But this weekend I plan on riding through there. I need to get 1200 miles on my bike before the engine is considered 'run in'. In the meantime, you need to vary the RPM, and cannot go above 5000 RPM until you pass 1200. This week I have to go back to the motorcycle dealer because I don't trip the lights and refuse to run them, so I end up making lots of right turns and detours unless I can follow a car. The dealer has a little light tripper thingy that they can install so I will trip the lights. YEAH!!!! My next purchase will be rain gear. This is a must. The one I am looking at is Neon Yellow. I am fairly certain people will see me in the rain with that colour!!! The reason I decided to go with that colour is because some guy was riding his bike and I was following him at a good distance and I realized that one little light on the back of his bike was hard to see. He did have lots of reflective stripes on his gear, and that helped enormously, but the guy in the car following would have to have his lights on in order for the reflective gear to be seen. Yes, the law in Florida states, lights on when raining, but some people don't follow the law and I would prefer not to be quished, flat as a pancake, roadkill. So, I guess the next best option will be a Neon Yellow jacket. A neon yellow jacket with reflector stuffs. I'm guessing my navy blue rain jacket would not be suitable. xD About as suitable as black. Even my red is hard to see. but it is a really nice jacket; I'm taking it with me to Philmont. It is all like, wind-proof and water-proof and keeps you at a comfortable temperature and is lights and folds up really small in a pouch thingymajigger. And it does have the reflector strips on it.
  3. Actually, I did not make it there. But this weekend I plan on riding through there. I need to get 1200 miles on my bike before the engine is considered 'run in'. In the meantime, you need to vary the RPM, and cannot go above 5000 RPM until you pass 1200. This week I have to go back to the motorcycle dealer because I don't trip the lights and refuse to run them, so I end up making lots of right turns and detours unless I can follow a car. The dealer has a little light tripper thingy that they can install so I will trip the lights. YEAH!!!! My next purchase will be rain gear. This is a must. The one I am looking at is Neon Yellow. I am fairly certain people will see me in the rain with that colour!!! The reason I decided to go with that colour is because some guy was riding his bike and I was following him at a good distance and I realized that one little light on the back of his bike was hard to see. He did have lots of reflective stripes on his gear, and that helped enormously, but the guy in the car following would have to have his lights on in order for the reflective gear to be seen. Yes, the law in Florida states, lights on when raining, but some people don't follow the law and I would prefer not to be quished, flat as a pancake, roadkill. So, I guess the next best option will be a Neon Yellow jacket. A neon yellow jacket with reflector stuffs. I'm guessing my navy blue rain jacket would not be suitable. xD
  4. Arkcher, chillout. Girls actually like it when guys like them, even if they don't return the favor. So, I really doubt that it has anything to do with you. But I can understand why you would feel kinda fruited out about it. Cause I know I would feel horrible if I thought I completely ruined a possible girlfriend situation and made the girl move away. But the important thing for you to realise is that IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT THAT SHE MOVED. If you feel that you aren't talking to her, just send her a message on her website or whatever. Just ask whats up, how has she been, all that stuff.
  5. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* HORATIO HAS A GIRLFRIEND lawl *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Horatio WOULD BE a girlfriend, not HAVE. And by horatio, I mean Patricia. lawl. I, Horatio, being a male hamster, do have a sort of girlfriend... her name is Huette. She is in the cage next to mine. We always get in our balls at the same time and that is fun. She has a motorcycle in her cage as well. you silly goose. xD *wonders if geese like eating cheese* No, they don't. In fact, they like giving cheese all of their toys. and gadgets. and $$$.
  6. Whatta that? Is that a cheaper iPhone? I don't use my phone enough to need one of those. My plan involves me paying 20 every 90 days. And it is like, $0.10 per minute for the first 10 mins, $0.05 for every one after that. and texting is like, $0.10 to send and $0.05 to read new ones. But then the rates for other things change with certain conditions. That I am not sure of. I don't know my plan that well, really. Even though I have had it since 8th grade. xD I really don't use my phone much.
  7. Don't forget the John Lennon hair! I cut my hair. Oh. OK. So...whoch musician do you resemble now? Do I count as a musician? I can play the kazoo. =D I can't, so that MUST make you a musician! i remember you saying something about playing violin...but this was years ago... so maybe my memory has failed me.... ANYWAY! if Li is still up for these avis i want one, but it seems like lots of people are requesting and she seems pressured between so, take your time... Uhh... i have NOOOO idea lol so i can give you artistic liscense on the moose... but one thing i would like to have is the moose playing guitar... a Gibson [Epiphone] Explorer, yellow with white pick guard. Right handed[i guess that means the neck would point to the right in my avi] background noo clue...artistic liscense granted there too.one more thing... make sure where you sign it, you can tell, i want EVERYONE to know you made it. Thanks I still play violin. It is quite a sight... a violin playing hamster. Please listent to Joe Satriani if you want some good guitar music. He is my favorite!!!!! Steve Vai is in second place. For Satriani, I would try the CD: Is There Love In Space. I can pick out some songs if you just want a few to listen to, but the entire CD is great. Steve Vai just came out with a new CD. I want to get this soon. I had drawn you a moose avatar, but wonder what happened after I submitted it to HampsterKing. It is not good, but I could submit it again until Li gets one up for you. *~*The grand lllusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Steve vai had a guitar, it's the the Hard Rock Cafe now, but it was awesome. It was heart-shaped like mine is. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Steve Vai is one of the best...Never gotten into satriani...but im i could listen to any guitarist:D i just found a guy named doyle and he is the #2 guitar player in the world...and he has been to my church! woohoo My favorite guitarist is Brian Haner Jr. better know as Synyster Gates from avenged sevenfold, they arent my favorite band anymore, but he is just sooo amazing at guitar its unbelievable! I am riding my bike through your town tomorrow, providing it doesn't rain too much. I will wave as I ride through town. are you really?! woah... dont you live about an hour away? Yes really! My goal is to go all the way down to Sebring. Hey, thazza car! My father and I rented one when we went down to the keys for scuba diving.
  8. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Not fair, you get all that music for free. Yeah, Ruckus is free for all college students, but when you download the music files, you can only play them in windows mediaplayer or the ruckus player, so you can't do much with them. Well, this may or may not be my last post for awhile. So if I don't get on here in the next few days, have a great summer everyone! *gives Jesusfreak a big hug* Have a really great summer! You will definitely be missed!!! *big hugs back* I'm probably driving you all crazy, but I'm at home now, instead of camp. I'll be going to camp tomorrow. I think. Mom keeps changing the plans. *jumps for joy for one more day* Sorry you are home for one more day, but yeah, aren't we lucky!!! I will be on all here all day because I am on line. What? Not standing in line for an iphone? I was sitting in line for my iPhone... which I now have! The Apple Store had wi-fi for everyone to use. They shut it off for about 30 minutes, and everyone panicked. I will show some pictures later of the wait. lol Horatio, you're crazy. That could be a distinct possibility! YOU USED LOL!!!!! HORATIO FAILED!!!! -ahem- What are you talking about Cheesie? You and the lol-ca-holics program. You don't want the bus, do you?
  9. I have the study program just underneath this page. Easy to swap over too. xD the wonders of multi-window interenetting.
  10. Gods, I prolly sound so stalker-y. xD
  11. Not too many toy/gadgets... just a motorcycle, Adam Zapple, iPod and now iPhone. exactly. Not much insight into your life there, is it?
  12. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* HORATIO HAS A GIRLFRIEND lawl *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Horatio WOULD BE a girlfriend, not HAVE. And by horatio, I mean Patricia. lawl. I, Horatio, being a male hamster, do have a sort of girlfriend... her name is Huette. She is in the cage next to mine. We always get in our balls at the same time and that is fun. She has a motorcycle in her cage as well. you silly goose. xD
  13. Close... actually HampsterKing has said it is from Yahoo. Or yahoo searches. It doesn't matter. You can tell, though? I didn't know. Nifty! My access is the same as yours. I don't have the ability to see this information, only HamspterKing. "You" wasn't being used to specifically reference you. By "you," I meant whomever is capable. Like, you know what I mean. right? Exactly! Capability is the key. exactly. Glad that you understand, cause I don't feel like elaborating.
  14. Close... actually HampsterKing has said it is from Yahoo. Or yahoo searches. It doesn't matter. You can tell, though? I didn't know. Nifty! My access is the same as yours. I don't have the ability to see this information, only HamspterKing. "You" wasn't being used to specifically reference you. By "you," I meant whomever is capable. Like, you know what I mean. right?
  15. I'm pretty sure it was made up. While possible, it is unlikely. And sounds like the kind of sob story that someone would create just to scare people away from drinking and driving. yes, I do agree with the message.
  16. but iPhone is so expensive and then the service is outrageous, $60-200 a month! Actually the iPhone is priced competitively with the Blackberry, Treo, etc. And the service is not that much more expensive and it includes unlimited internet and email access. but it isn't a pc. So it does have limited funcitionality. Does it have java and flash, and other assorted plug-ins?
  17. Close... actually HampsterKing has said it is from Yahoo. Or yahoo searches. It doesn't matter. You can tell, though? I didn't know. Nifty!
  18. I am going to answer this in my topic as this is The Relationships Topic and I think some people will want to probably talk about relationships here. or the lack thereof. xD ok this is offtopic but ill forget... Cheesie...your hubble image is the same as the front cover of Horizons:Exploring the Universe 9th Edition by Michael A. Seeds... how do i know so, the book is sitting right next to me:D just thought id tell you that hah. I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the random info. xD
  19. Or IS a girlfriend. We dunno. xD Cause the only thing silly 'Raishey tells us about in relevance to her person life is what new toy/gadget she has. xD
  20. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* HORATIO HAS A GIRLFRIEND lawl *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Horatio WOULD BE a girlfriend, not HAVE. And by horatio, I mean Patricia. lawl.
  21. what do you want the songs to be about?
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