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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Wow. perhaps there are sanity stealing penguins elsewhere?
  2. you should like, come visit me or something on tuesday. xD
  3. Did Julian's mom serve it? Exactly! wait, horatio gave it to MW. and julians mom served it. so, does julian's mom = horatio?
  4. Welcome to the universe of love. But does love work so tripolarly? XD Unfortunately... yes. So all those silly love songs are only about the up time? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* Um. Love Hurts, I Saw Red, Listen to My Heart, Separate Ways (Worlds Apart), Love Stinks, Ain't No Sunshine, Evil Ways, Substitute, Maggie May, Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad, etc.? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* MEATLOAF! =DDDDDD Kat got me addicted to meatloaf. xD you win a cookie! yay! more MKookies!
  5. Welcome to the universe of love. But does love work so tripolarly? XD Unfortunately... yes. So all those silly love songs are only about the up time? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* Um. Love Hurts, I Saw Red, Listen to My Heart, Separate Ways (Worlds Apart), Love Stinks, Ain't No Sunshine, Evil Ways, Substitute, Maggie May, Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad, etc.? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* MEATLOAF! =DDDDDD Kat got me addicted to meatloaf. xD
  6. My uncle was sitting on his fron steps one day when a bolt of lightning struck the walk just a few feet in front of him. =O or, at least, that is what my mom said. but she doesn't make stuff up. (I think.) ...I LIKE dramatic storms, though. xD Like, I am jealous of you, 'Raishey.
  7. That's the cool thing about this jacket. The inside zips out and the outer mesh has all the armour, shoulders, elbows, back; you can wear the outside in the heat of summer and stay protected and cool and you can wear the inside alone, just like a jacket that keeps you warm and dry, and when zipped in, it makes the entire jacket a great combination for summer, winter, sunshine or rain. Well, you can't impersonate a tree while playing capture the flag in a bright yellow jackeet, but a dark blue one works well. xD True, but I could impersonate one of those school crossing signs. nu-uh. cause school crossing signs aren't found out in the middle of the woods. xD *thinks* ADMIT IT, YOU KNAVE! I HAVE WON THIS BATTLE! *hands everyone a paintball gun, night vision goggles and sprays everyone with invisible paint* Go for it. Find Cheesemaster and get him good!!!!! good thing I am in my house right now. xD
  8. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    Have fun. Hope both our trips will be great. We're going to wake up at 6 AM, so I won't be posting here until tomorrow evening when we're at our first hotel stop. hotels are for ninnies. ;D
  9. that really stinks. D= I just wish there was something I could do about it. And I can understand the sorrow you must have felt about the pig. but you sold it for $731.50? nice. how much did raising it cost?
  10. That's the cool thing about this jacket. The inside zips out and the outer mesh has all the armour, shoulders, elbows, back; you can wear the outside in the heat of summer and stay protected and cool and you can wear the inside alone, just like a jacket that keeps you warm and dry, and when zipped in, it makes the entire jacket a great combination for summer, winter, sunshine or rain. Well, you can't impersonate a tree while playing capture the flag in a bright yellow jackeet, but a dark blue one works well. xD True, but I could impersonate one of those school crossing signs. nu-uh. cause school crossing signs aren't found out in the middle of the woods. xD *thinks* ADMIT IT, YOU KNAVE! I HAVE WON THIS BATTLE!
  11. Sounds like a great time! One good thing about coffee, it is the cheapest thing on the menu! I didn't know they had a discount after 23H00. Pretty cool! Were there lots of people there? It seems like the entire east coast had rain on the fourth. It wasn't crowded. but it wasn't empty, either. I think the rain made it better, though. xD Probably! As for me, the torrential rains came, then subsided, fog and severe humidity set in and the mosquitos were so hungry there were attacking in droves... so I stayed inside, had a nice steamy cup of coffee and watched about six different fireworks displays from my window. No bugs, no disgusting weather, just a nice cozy cage overlooking the river with all the fireworks I wanted. There were always at least four different displays active at any one time. Now this is how I like doing the fourth of July. When I got bored, I just turned the light back on. well, we didn't have the bug issue. which is suprising. usually bugs are horrible.
  12. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    *cries* Everyone is going to be gone! *gives Cheesemaster a big hug in advance* so, the 10th is the last day you will see me for a while. cause I am leaving at 3:00 AM on the 11th. I love timing. *is soooooooooo sad* *wonders if anyone will be here with me* you could always try to get in touch with preppygirl...
  13. Sounds like a great time! One good thing about coffee, it is the cheapest thing on the menu! I didn't know they had a discount after 23H00. Pretty cool! Were there lots of people there? It seems like the entire east coast had rain on the fourth. It wasn't crowded. but it wasn't empty, either. I think the rain made it better, though. xD
  14. my fourth was pretty fun. at around 6:30 I jogged about 1/2 mile to where I was meeting my friend Jess. And we started walking to the local CVS. whiiiich was about 1/2 mile away, I guess? and we hung there with her boyfriend Alex 'till about 9:00 when my friends Mom(melissa) and Jackie came. We all chilled till 9:20, when Momo, Jackie and I left to go see the fireworks. Jess stayed with Alex. And it was raining for a good portion of the afternoon/night. heavily. But it ended up being Jackie, Momo, and I just sitting in the off/on heavy rain for a while watching the mediocre show. Momo and I were sitting on my rain jacket; Jackie didn't want to. xD I took 4 pictures of da fiahwurks. that I need to get on the compy. and then we went to applebees. and had appetizers. xD nothing like onion rings and chips w/ spinache and artichoke dip. that and three drinks was like, $13.51. which was suprisingly cheap. but we got discounts cause we were there at like, 11:00. xD anyway, it was a lot of fun.
  15. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    *cries* Everyone is going to be gone! *gives Cheesemaster a big hug in advance* so, the 10th is the last day you will see me for a while. cause I am leaving at 3:00 AM on the 11th. I love timing.
  16. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    well, ima be gone from the 11th till the 24th well, actually the 25th cause I am getting back at about 12:16 AM on the 25th
  17. That's the cool thing about this jacket. The inside zips out and the outer mesh has all the armour, shoulders, elbows, back; you can wear the outside in the heat of summer and stay protected and cool and you can wear the inside alone, just like a jacket that keeps you warm and dry, and when zipped in, it makes the entire jacket a great combination for summer, winter, sunshine or rain. Well, you can't impersonate a tree while playing capture the flag in a bright yellow jackeet, but a dark blue one works well. xD True, but I could impersonate one of those school crossing signs. nu-uh. cause school crossing signs aren't found out in the middle of the woods. xD
  18. That's the cool thing about this jacket. The inside zips out and the outer mesh has all the armour, shoulders, elbows, back; you can wear the outside in the heat of summer and stay protected and cool and you can wear the inside alone, just like a jacket that keeps you warm and dry, and when zipped in, it makes the entire jacket a great combination for summer, winter, sunshine or rain. Well, you can't impersonate a tree while playing capture the flag in a bright yellow jackeet, but a dark blue one works well. xD
  19. well, in addition to dry, I can't be too warm and it needs to be small/compact well and this is a really nice jacket xD
  20. you should like, post the screen shots with the IM SNs blocked out
  21. Actually, I did not make it there. But this weekend I plan on riding through there. I need to get 1200 miles on my bike before the engine is considered 'run in'. In the meantime, you need to vary the RPM, and cannot go above 5000 RPM until you pass 1200. This week I have to go back to the motorcycle dealer because I don't trip the lights and refuse to run them, so I end up making lots of right turns and detours unless I can follow a car. The dealer has a little light tripper thingy that they can install so I will trip the lights. YEAH!!!! My next purchase will be rain gear. This is a must. The one I am looking at is Neon Yellow. I am fairly certain people will see me in the rain with that colour!!! The reason I decided to go with that colour is because some guy was riding his bike and I was following him at a good distance and I realized that one little light on the back of his bike was hard to see. He did have lots of reflective stripes on his gear, and that helped enormously, but the guy in the car following would have to have his lights on in order for the reflective gear to be seen. Yes, the law in Florida states, lights on when raining, but some people don't follow the law and I would prefer not to be quished, flat as a pancake, roadkill. So, I guess the next best option will be a Neon Yellow jacket. A neon yellow jacket with reflector stuffs. I'm guessing my navy blue rain jacket would not be suitable. xD About as suitable as black. Even my red is hard to see. but it is a really nice jacket; I'm taking it with me to Philmont. It is all like, wind-proof and water-proof and keeps you at a comfortable temperature and is lights and folds up really small in a pouch thingymajigger. And it does have the reflector strips on it. It is perfect for you, but not for a small hamster on an even smaller motorcycle, in the rain. I really need to be seen. True 'dat. I will just need to be DRY in the rain. xD
  22. Yes, what he said. And since i'm a girl, and many of my friends have had this happen to them, i will explain better than i did before. As you know, when people smoke and drink they can get high, and use abuse towards the female, so he will go to the point of wanting to do something he should not worry about till two people are married. And if they give up on all that without medications, or something to help them, they MAY get very sick, and/or die. And if he has been through the addicting part, he MAY not be able to stop doing it, without hurting themselves or someone else. I'm not going to say for sure this will happen to him, but there is a possibilty.And also like is said to Mega Wolf before. Don't rush things. If you like this guy and want to get to know him it is your choice, but don't rush through the love tunnel, or it could hurt you both. Tell him, that if he can prove better grades , and to prove he has stopped for sure, then you would like to get to know him better, to gain more Respect and more trust towards each other.It helped my friends, so i hope it helps you. And if he starts talking about going ahead to the past marrige part, then you know he is using you. So watch him, and be careful. Very well put. Thank you. there may be some harsh parts, and sad, but it is true, and not the best advice i could give, but i made it good. I think... *hears mad scientists cacaling in background* Wrong Sound Noise Guy! *listens and hears pigs* WRONG AGAIN! *this time hears Dun dun DAH!* Yep that's right. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA LENS FLARE OMG! My evil plan is all beginning to fall into place! > *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine&*~* Your PLAN?!!!!!!! I don't think so! my plan! because my plan is to eat a cookie! And that is evil!!!!!!!! Mhhahahhahahhahahahahhahaha! *ducks* I said nothing! :ninja: *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* And what do you get out of your evil Cookie-Eating plan besides enjoyment, food, happiness, je...Gimme that cookie. >( *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~The Astronomy Domine*~* MY COOKIE! *bites mushroomking's finger* Better watch out, I sense a meat grinder in your near future...
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