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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Whoa. o.O; That is weird. How old is Mr. Bob? cause I picture him as this old fat man. x3 B - O - B Bob. Hope he likes prison. Because that is going to be his next home. why did you spell out Bob? =O
  2. I don't even know if that is a real phone number. xD
  3. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Yeah for being back at school. Along with the peppermint tea you need some some candles with the christmas smell. Oh, we're not allowed to have candles. But I do have an awesome air freshener though. Probably a good idea. Safety first. They have some great Holiday scents in air fresheners. Yeah. I've got yankee candle's balsam and cedar air freshener. It's really expensive, but it smells so good! I remember at one point we had this shampoo/lotion/bubble bath stuff that was gingerbread scented. That smelled really good. xD And your last bubble bath was when? loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago. that was just something that it could be used for. xD My mom got it in Bath & Body Works. xD
  4. Yeah, we had to write a thing to advertise something, whatever we wanted to do. So, I chose to do Crus-aide, (pronounced "Croose-aid"), and wrote the following, borrowing some ideas from powerthirst. CRUS-AIDE! Do you often find yourself on the losing side of every encounter? Do your puny muscles cause you so much embarrassment? Have you ever just wished that you were as buff as I am, but you don’t have the drive or courage to go to the gym? Well, I have the solution for you! You need crus-aide! The drink of the champions, this sports drink infuses you with the anger of the crusaders, allowing you to slaughter your opponents. With more vitamins, more minerals, more complicated chemicals, and more RAW ANGER, this concoction makes you a man! What about electrolytes? We have electrolytes, POWERlytes, ENERGYlytes, and AWESOMElytes! Your muscles will triple in size, and your testosterone will skyrocket! Chuck Norris, the man of men, even drinks Crus-aide. As he says, “Nothing fuels my day like a Crus-aide! I just chug a bottle and keep on bein’ awesome! I can even beat Jackie Chan and Mr. T, some of those who epitomize the ability to lay the beat-down on their enemies. You can, too, if you drink this stuff.” In addition, if you buy our cruse-aide, we will donate a portion of the profits to a foundation bent on eternal revenge against the injustices of the world, “People’s Organization Working for Eternal Righteousness,” also known as POWER. If you don’t buy cruse-aide, then you are supporting everything wrong with our world. It is your moral obligation to buy cruse-aide. Every time you don’t buy cruse-aide, an angel loses its wings and falls on a kitten. There is no way that you cannot buy this. Okay, so, now that you have realized this wonderful product is for you, you are left wondering how to go about ordering it. Well, lucky for you, we have a special promo offer going on right now! Call 1-800-1337-h4x to order one of our limited edition cases of the various flavors.
  5. I like too many baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaands! D=
  6. Whoa. o.O; That is weird. How old is Mr. Bob? cause I picture him as this old fat man. x3
  7. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Yeah for being back at school. Along with the peppermint tea you need some some candles with the christmas smell. Oh, we're not allowed to have candles. But I do have an awesome air freshener though. Probably a good idea. Safety first. They have some great Holiday scents in air fresheners. Yeah. I've got yankee candle's balsam and cedar air freshener. It's really expensive, but it smells so good! I remember at one point we had this shampoo/lotion/bubble bath stuff that was gingerbread scented. That smelled really good. xD
  8. And have lots bigger poops than a hamster. that just makes them easier to get out of carpet. Hopefully you don't have shag. nooooooo. That would be very bad. xD
  9. Cheesus


    DO IT =o LIKE SERIOUSLY. Okay... here I am. I think you used that before. xD But that is me. Riiiiiight. I dun't believe you.
  10. Cheesus


    DO IT =o LIKE SERIOUSLY. Okay... here I am. I think you used that before. xD
  11. And have lots bigger poops than a hamster. that just makes them easier to get out of carpet.
  12. And you fail again. That should be a t. =O NOT IF YOU SPELL IT THE WAY COOL KIDS SPELL IT, WHICH IS WITH A D AND NOT A T. "It" with a d makes "id," which is the unconscious part of the human psyche. Really cool kids use context clues to find out which one we other really cool kids are talking about. We have no need for t's. WOOHOO! CONTEXT CLUES! >=D See?! MW knows wassup. o__o Okay, Kat, then you know wassup too. xD So, tell everyone who isn't a cool kid wassup. xD
  13. Haha, that sounds exactly like me. x3 Except, y'know. With guys. Eh, it happens to the best of us. xD I love "cheesie's random literature." just, like adding to the collection at random points. Such as the highlighted sentence above.
  14. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    I am fully aware about not choosing colleges based on friends. We had been talking about colleg one night, and found out that our plans for placement were the same. So, me and two of my friends found out by coincidence, not group planning, that we wanted to go to the same colleges. And These aren't the people who I would stop being friends with, we are all close as it is. Who knows where it might go from that. ;D xD
  15. Cheesus


    of the patricia person, that is.
  16. Cheesus


    I think 'Raishey should put up a pic. =D
  17. I really like guinea pigs, they live for a while and are so fun to hold.
  18. Well, I'm still stuck girlfriendless. And I think I have found out why. I am really good at getting myself deep into the friend zone, and I never ask anyone out soon after meeting them. Those two things together make a catastrophic continuity of purely platonic friends, failing to fulfill love or even lust, leaving desire behind for despair to take over. I dunno. I don't really get it. I mean, I am surrounded with good female friends, but none that would take it a step further. Basically, it really stinks. x3
  19. Groove Coverage -this dream lasts forever (I think that is the title. something like that.) but, I have found some awesome stuff like what I was looking for. basshunter, cascada, and groove coverage are pretty schweet. anything similar would be appreciated. =D
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