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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Cheesus

    Jesse's topic

    See, I only bother people on x-box live when they have mics. So that I can hear them get all angry-fied. 's quite fun, really.
  2. Veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy interesting. I know that it wasnt the kind of awesome date RPVF was after, but its what she gets. I think she wanted more of a date with just her and I going to some upscale italian place and seeing a chick-flick movie and then gazing off in to a sunset or something like that. but No, since we're in the process of moving and that was the last day of spring break over here, Our options were limited. Like I said, my sister threw the date together and was going to take someone of her age (18 or 19 or so) and we'd go do something like bowling. no, We didnt get to do even that. Dr. Cornbread, my best friend and RPVF's little brother, had nothing to do that night. He tagged along with us. Beth's date fell through, so it ended up being I was with RPVF, my sister was with Dr. Cornbread. We came to one of the two half-empty houses, after my sister and I had been packing all day, and rather unshaven, dusty and dirty with less-than desirable clothing on. RPVF was all decked out with a new-looking. ... clothes... thing. (i dont really wear girls clothes so i dont know what they're called ) and fancy makeup everywhere and hair done all cool. Since my parents were packing things in to the car, RPVF drove my sister and I to the other house, and waited for us to get out of the shower (respectively) and then we went to a grocery store to pick up homemade ice cream fixin's and like four bags of marshmallows. so At about 8:30 instead of 7:00, we actually got started on making homemade ice cream and playing silly board games, then ate the ice cream, and went outside to play... CHUBBY BUNNY o: I dont know if anyone else has even heard of this, but its awesome. You have a list of words, and a handful of marshmallows, and you put one marshmallow in your mouth, say the first word, then another mashmallow, the second word, third mashmallow third word, so on so forth. It gets messy, but its hilarious listening to people try to talk with 7 marshmallows in their mouth. Even more hilarious watching them try to keep them in their mouth and off of their fancy-pants new clothes and marshmallow dump all over their face. which becomes tinted with various makeup as RPVF can testify. At about 11, RPVF's mom calls them and reminds them that they were supposed to be back at 10:30. Meanwhile, Dr. Cornbread had successfully surpressed his gag reflex and ended up storing about 9 marshmallows in his mouth, half of them sliding down his throat, while he was in the bathroom for about 20 minutes puking everywhere. They didnt get home til about midnight, and I dont think their parents were very pleased with Dr. Cornbread being half-sick and RPVF having marshmallows all over her clothes and hair and face. and being home 2 hours late. Such was my first date. I wonder if RPVF will ever learn.
  3. Some sort of sleek ninja-esque blade, if you will.
  4. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    Maryland isn't (all) southern... But we have some rednecks in the MD. More the farther south. So, 'nother update in my topic. Was at my grandfather's today... Family easter gathering. It was nice to have everyone together, but, my grandfather wasn't really there. Like, the pain meds have addled him. I hate to say it, but I think things might be better if he were to just pass... But I got to play with my cousins. My one cousin who got into cornell (ivy league) college. Who is in 5 AP classes now (his last year of high school.) My other cousin who is the only one in the family who has yet to do anything spectacular. x3 My other adopted cousin and her (unadopted) brother. Beat the two of them at once with my bad hand at foosball. xD After that, had to take my bro back to his college, so that kinda stinks. His easter break is over, and I liked having him home. But I have the next week off, so, fun times.
  5. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Grats on the score, JF. But, that must be scary, with all the winds. Don't go crashing now.
  6. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    So, it seems to be all the rage now, this whole topic for you thing. Lesse, what's going on now. Front and foremost lately, things with my one friend have been difficult. The one who had been in brazil for 7 months and has been back for a few weeks. The one whom I had thought I would end up going out with when she got back. The one whom things are now extremely awkward with now. >.< Y'see, I told her about how I had had feelings for her, and though we would start dating when she got back, and how now I think it would just be awkward and I don't think of her like that anymore, and how I'm not quite sure of my feelings. Turns out she had thought we would get together when she got back, but then the first time we had saw each other after she got back she had realized that it would just be awkward if we were to date. But we mutually agreed that we should just stay good friends. But she says that she can't talk to me without thinking of how I had liked her and how she had liked me at one point, and that it just makes it weird. And then things with her parents aren't going to greatly, so that makes things harder for her and thusly I feel sorry for her and I want to be able to comfort her but I don't want to make things weird and I really don't know how I should act towards her. And it is all blah. >.< My grandfather is still losing his battle against pancreatic cancer. I feel so sorry for my grandmother. She has to wake up every day, fearing the worst... One of my good friend's parents (mom and stepdad) are getting a divorce. So she will go live with her mom, and her step-brother will go with his dad/her stepdad. But my friend and her step-brother are close. So things will be hard for them. However, positive news! My one friend put a poem up on a site that is an online community of authors and such, and the webmaster liked it so much that he had it published in the front page of a poetry book. So she was really happy about that. She is the one person I know in real life who knows everything about the situation with my friend described above. >.<
  7. I am so sorry I missed you when you showed up. Please do whine. We are your friends and whining is permitted. Do only what you are able to do. No one can expect anything more. Hope to see you soon! We're basically a community of Dr. Phils. xD We'll listen to your problems, give whatever advice we can. Although we don't get paid. All we ask for is that everyone else'll do the same for us.
  8. Horatio has yet to put up a picture that actually shows any identity. xD
  9. I know I'm slightly late, but, WELCOME BACKZORZ! Can't wait till summer when your activity levels on el compy will be over 9000.
  10. Well, drop everything and go beat it, cause it is epic. It's never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say good bye. Never gonna tell a lie, and huuurt you. In case you were wondering, I'm listening to "never gonna give you up" by rick astley. ;D
  11. Ah, horatio. Continuing to tease us with these very unidentifying pictures of yourself.
  12. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    The record is 100000 digits, set by some japanese guy. Found out on the web.
  13. That's one cool tree, horatio. Who's the guy in front of it? He's one cool dude.
  14. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Actually it is National Psychic Day... you are supposed to 'know' exactly what the other driver's are thinking. BTW, take a look at this wonderful poetry... http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...=5174&st=20 Sorry, but you were wrong. xD Friday was actually national pi day. So my school had a thing where whoever could recite pi correctly out the farthest won a pi and a gift card to the movies. Some girl won, with 230 digits.
  15. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    I wonder if I can start a stalking photography club in my school.
  16. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Nope, I've been here in NJ for quite a long time. Interesting though. You should have taken a picture. Because that wouldn't look weird at all. xD
  17. I think I made mention that people could dye their hair whatever color they want. I seriously doubt that enough people would dye their hair for it to become a trend though. As for cost, I've heard of people dying their hair with kool-aid. My friend tried dying his hair blue with kool-aid before philmont. It looked like boogers.
  18. That would be pretty good. I bet that some sort of national organization would be required for it to actually make it work though...
  19. about five would be good, thanks. xD But I wish I'd get school off for less than an inch of snow.
  20. I see you changed your name. Did you see we had a birthday party for you? Glad you have returned. Yeah, I did see! It made me feel so loved, even though almost no one remembers me! But that's okay. I don't remember those who abandon us. ;D I'm just kidding. xD Glad to see you posting. Or just got banned off the computer for two years... ...and kept forgetting to come back. You have my sincerest sympathy. I couldn't live without compy for two years...
  21. I know you aren't getting much snow. But I still want a blizzard. xD
  22. I see you changed your name. Did you see we had a birthday party for you? Glad you have returned. Yeah, I did see! It made me feel so loved, even though almost no one remembers me! But that's okay. I don't remember those who abandon us. ;D I'm just kidding. xD Glad to see you posting.
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