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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. S'what I'm trying to figure out. They had a post in the "hoops draws things" topic. They obviously adore me. Lemme handle this. HI CADILLAC CAN YOU HEAR ME 'SUP? WELCOME TO THE FORUMS I'M HOOPS TYPE SOME WORDS TO ME USING THE KEYBOARD Though that made me lul, I don't think it worked. xD
  2. See, that is all you needed to say. xD
  3. TRACK 3 FTW > Track 3 = LSD!!!! (hopes horatio won't edit out the drug reference. even though it wasn't intentional when the song was written.... ~Liz I was about to smack you and explain it was a painting by Sean Lennon. Don't worry...you think me of all people would not know something about my John Lennon? ~Liz HANG ON IT WAS JULIAN NOT SEAN!!! Sean wasn't even born when the song was written... My turn to smack you! ~Liz WELL I'M NOT THAT HUGE OF A BEATLES FAN TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM ON THE OTHER HAND, I KNOW QUITE A BIT ABOUT PINK FLOYD AND THE RAMONES AND I WAS TOLD IT WAS SEAN BLUE SWEATERS AHH BLUE SWEATERS SWEATERS SCARE ME RED SWEATERS AT LEAST I DON'T LIKE SWEAT OR AT LEAST NOT RED SWEAT BUT BLUE SWEAT IS COOL LOOKING GREEN SWEAT IS JUST PLAIN SICKENING THOUGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT WHOO. CAPS LOCK. ANYWAY. YEAH. -RUNS OFF- That reminds me of gatorade commercials.
  4. Glad to hear you are still safe and sound.
  5. S'what I'm trying to figure out. They had a post in the "hoops draws things" topic.
  6. O RLY. YA RLY. The weather is better up there. x3
  7. Actually, no I didn't notice the bee. And way to respond to your own post there, horatio. ;D
  8. I feel bad for making you type all that out. x3 I know what dna and rna are, I was just trying to figure out what exaclty was being repressed and what the signficance of it was... xD
  9. Leguan's reminded me of HampsterDance. Un monde parfait, I really liked. Thanks!!! You're welcome. It's just so... catchy. And nonsensical. xD And so French! I love it! And cause it is french, I can't understand the lyrics. And makes the words just become part of the music, instead of an addition.
  10. You should consider a career as an Air Traffic Controller. They sit in dark rooms with glowing screens for a living. Yeah, but playing with those can get you in trouble. D=
  11. Hey there Cadillac. I noticed your first post. Why don't you tell us about yourself here? So we get to know you and all that jazz. x3 And I'm cheesemaster/Neil. 16 years old and living in Maryland. Love computers and video games, and can't think of any general info right now. x3
  12. I'm not even gonna ask about the Ho[word] business. x3 Unless HoMogenous feels like explaining.
  13. Why thank ya'. *goes off on ninja-spree* Squee!
  14. I! I see them as a reflection of effort, not ability. I'm really a lazy student. I often do my homework in class or in homeroom. I only do it at home if I know it will take more than 20 minutes. I love procrastinating. xD And 220 for 16 isn't too good in terms of weight. But I do have a large frame with a lot of muscle. x3 And insulation. But, like you, I can really exert myself if I want to. But aren't dark rooms with a glowing screen the best thing ever?
  15. Leguan's reminded me of HampsterDance. Un monde parfait, I really liked. Thanks!!! You're welcome. It's just so... catchy. And nonsensical. xD
  16. 1. Neon tan. 2. Actually, yes. xD 3. Cut those things, mang. They're like 10 feet long. 4. Picture of mountains taken at philmont. 5. I does sometimes. 6. Cause they have to end some time. 7. Egads. 8. No wai! 9. Fraid not. 10. Smack you inna face. Why do parents love to hang over my shoulders whilst I post?
  17. I kinda liked it. x3 Reminds me of ilona mitrecey, kinda. I recommend youtubing her "un monde parfait." French europop FTW. xD
  18. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    Hard to beat your location!!! Hard, but not impossible. ...New Zealand? Antarctica? Hmm..? Though I don't think there are many kiwis here. Or... Antarcticans..? o-o xP You're right. The guys living in Antarctica probably are too busy with scientific experiments and staying warm to think about posting. All they have to do is get on the roof down in there and then they are the south-est person in the world. xD
  19. I don't see why we couldn't give out brawl codes. They don't allow for any communication, really. Let me know more about it. Please explain it to me. Thanks. The brawl codes allow you to play someone wirelessly. The only information given is the name, which has a max of 5 characters. But I guess it would be possible to give out information with the taunts, which you can have four of. And those have about 20 characters each. The taunts are set before the matches. And you can't change them without leaving the connection with your friends. But if you that desperate to give out information you shouldn't, I'm sure you would find some method other than the taunts on here. I dunno. Also, there isn't any voice/text "chat," per se.
  20. to the above... I know that I probably couldn't date someone without being friends with them first. (and by the way, when I said physical reasons, I meant like hugging and such. I realize now that it might get the wrong meaning across. x3)
  21. I don't see why we couldn't give out brawl codes. They don't allow for any communication, really.
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