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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. You stopped so soon. What, do you want more? Have a slice of this: Super-Slime. Map Dance. Carbon Cat. Little Miss Pancake. Commander Curtainclimber. Mega War Infant. Ultra Puppet. Pizza Cuticle. Jibbick. Literal Debbie. Liberal Toolbox. Tinty. Pikapop. Diagonal Display. An Angry Armadillo. Striped Sock. MC McDonald. Professor Sunshine. Cardinner. Meefid. Catastrophe Camel. Party Pickle. Twitterpated Tiger. Impy III. Grandpa Wrinkles. Comic Foil. Bottled Zombie. Bean Machine. Awesome Affiliation. Huggbee. Droopy Sockbite. Robotic Hacksaw. Squealer. Metallic Monster. Waffle Syndrome. Forgiver of Shins. Monotone Hero. Photomode. Sealing Agent. Elite Elbow. Chocolate Mistake. Delidan. Rock'em Socket. Fresh Fish. Limitade. Smooth Operator. Pillow Vengeance. Strawberry Lackuiri. That was almost too much to handle, Hoops. TOO MUCH TO HANDLE *blindfolds - Kat -, then sticks a pawful of marshmallows into her mouth* *watches as kat mumbles something like "chubby bunny"*
  2. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    I had dinner. x3 You and your time differences.
  3. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    I'll post a pic. As soon as I take one. But I have to go now, stuff to do. xD Bye 'Ratio.
  4. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    HUH??? Now I know where you mind is. Tough to get these things out of your mind. Of course downwind is warmer... but you were toooooooo close for my comfort. Glad those sparks didn't end up in your hair. Your curly locks might have been gone and we would be looking at a baldy. That "wasn't" was a typo. xD I had revised what I had originally, but the way it had been phrased previously worked with "wasn't." Your advice was what I had already planned. x3 And I was like, 6 feet away. x3 And I got a haircut yesterday. 4" taken off. xD So, no dead ends now! yay. 4 inches? Guess it's time to look like a serious geek. What's that supposed to mean? x3 You go from being a stud muffin with long curly hair to a serious guy with much shorter hair. No more looking like that guy who does butter adverts. I'm still a stud muffin. My hair is a little below my shoulders now. I'm still favio. xD
  5. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    HUH??? Now I know where you mind is. Tough to get these things out of your mind. Of course downwind is warmer... but you were toooooooo close for my comfort. Glad those sparks didn't end up in your hair. Your curly locks might have been gone and we would be looking at a baldy. That "wasn't" was a typo. xD I had revised what I had originally, but the way it had been phrased previously worked with "wasn't." Your advice was what I had already planned. x3 And I was like, 6 feet away. x3 And I got a haircut yesterday. 4" taken off. xD So, no dead ends now! yay. 4 inches? Guess it's time to look like a serious geek. What's that supposed to mean? x3
  6. How could I forget Boris?????? By shutting her out of your memory. xD You can't forget a hairy, long legged spider. The image is burned into my memory! You're welcome. xD Oh... thank you so very much. Next time a spider web gets stuck on my fur, I will definitely think of you. I have that effect on people. xD
  7. I want to change it, so that my parents don't happen to look on here and see stuff. xD
  8. How could I forget Boris?????? By shutting her out of your memory. xD You can't forget a hairy, long legged spider. The image is burned into my memory! You're welcome. xD
  9. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    HUH??? Now I know where you mind is. Tough to get these things out of your mind. Of course downwind is warmer... but you were toooooooo close for my comfort. Glad those sparks didn't end up in your hair. Your curly locks might have been gone and we would be looking at a baldy. That "wasn't" was a typo. xD I had revised what I had originally, but the way it had been phrased previously worked with "wasn't." Your advice was what I had already planned. x3 And I was like, 6 feet away. x3 And I got a haircut yesterday. 4" taken off. xD So, no dead ends now! yay.
  10. How could I forget Boris?????? By shutting her out of your memory. xD
  11. Why? You are so smart and help me, so I don't look like a total fool. Imagine not looking like a fool at all!
  12. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    Trust me, I've felt bad about the night since. Cause I know I let it happen and I shouldn't have. I wasn't planning on doing what you suggested anyway. x3 But I liked being downwind, cause it was warmer. Besides, now my pants are trendy!
  13. here is the link: http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/lofiversion/index.php/ C'mon horatio, know your domain. xD
  14. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    Nah, He's cool. He wouldn't be the type to beat me up or anything. But like I said, I'd hate to take her away from him. But only because that would be stabbing him in the back, really. Something you don't do to friends. And I do have three little burns where the sparks hit my pants. x3 But yeah, I'm glad we will all be there for her at the funeral. At least I get of school for it. >.<
  15. {Pays Hiro} LOL KAT. I R WANT A LEATHER PANTS. Er, I mean, I'd like some leather pants. Preferably tight. ;D Er, I mean, I'd like an awesome leather jacket. x3
  16. I believe there is a lo-fi version, with a link to get to it at the bottom of the main page...
  17. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    Well, here goes mah update. Might take a while. 'Kay, so, on wednesday last week, I went to my friend Brian's house. Walked the long way to get there, cause it was nice out. As I got to his house, he was pulling out of his court and decided to make it look like he was gonna hit me. xD His sister was all freaking out. kinda funny. xD We went and picked up his friend Greg. After that, we got back to Brian's house and started playing halo. More people showed up, till there were about ten of us there. Including my one friend Taylor. She is one of the rare breed of girls who is a cute geek. Like, listens to geek music, hangs out with my brother and I ('nuff said), plays video games, the whole shebang. xD But after the whole incident with the girl from Brazil, I'd started liking Taylor. Problem: she has a boyfriend. Bigger problem: her boyfriend is a good friend of My brother and I. So I'd hate to steal her from him. D= But anyway, we were all playing super smash bros (domination) and Halo (ph41lur3), or some guitar hero(not too shabby). Then twelve of us piled into a friend's escalade, listening to dragonforce and going to pick up pizza from Pizza Hut. (got one free from an unclaimed order!) On the way there and back, taylor sat in my lap. x3 But we got back, played some more video games, and decided to go to this big playground and chase away the potheads / play around. xD Taylor had me spinning her around on this spinny dealie, and the same on the tire swing. And of course I had to steady her as she got off those, cause she dizzy, and isn't that well balanced to begin with. (She isn't deformed, just not very graceful. x3) As we all got tired out, we went up on this one hill. Taylor was watching stars, and asked me to lay down next to her, cause she was cold. and later again, I was helping her out cause she had gotten on top of this concrete wall, only to realize that she wasn't sure how to get down. x3 (Some people were doing some wall running, cause they're awesome like that. She wasn't as able to get down. And she has to be careful, cause she's a hemophiliac.) Anyway, we headed back to Brian for more gaming and such. As the night wore down, Taylor ended up asleep on my shoulder. And she clings in her sleep. xD As I was about to go to sleep though, she woke up and asked if I was comfy, cause I was more sitting than laying. Ended up with her and I laying next to each other with my head resting on her chest (not me trying to take advantage or anything, just a matter of not much room and comfort) with her legs on top of me. As she slept, she ended up holding me in her arms, essentially. Also, she started holding my hands in her sleep. Like, in the interlocked fingers kind of way, not just blah. Also, at points she was rubbing my shoulder and neck, or (I counted) 3 times I was pretty sure she kissed the top of my head. But, I'm not entirely sure if she really was asleep. Cause at one point I moved my arm, cause it was going kinda numb, and I had to move her all about to get it free. And she should have woken up. And also, the way she held my hands seemed more than coincidental. Cause one hand wasn't in the right position for interlocked fingers, and of course I was trying to hold her hand, cause I think you know why by now. x3 But like, we tried several different ways until it was comfy. x3 Or if I squeezed her arms, she'd hug me tighter. Like, she basically would react to anything I did. Like, I even had to move her legs cause they were slipping off, and she seemed to know what I was doing, and like, I dunno. It's just everything together. Also, she has been collecting can tabs for making this costume for otakon. So I brought in a bunch (49) from my friend's house and from scout camp, and she was really thankful. Grateful enough to plant one on my cheek. And because of my donation, others noticed and have pledged to help collect more, so she kissed the top of my head (this time for sure). And she gives me a hug every day before and after school. So I'm in a huge mental debacle right now, what with how she is acting, how I feel, the whole thing with her current boyfriend, and I'm all like. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Stress. Also, on saturday to sunday, I was on a survival camp in scouts. where we had to make our own shelters. Where it was freezing cold with lots of wind. Where we ended up sleeping on/under picnic tables next to a campfire. xD I now have a bunch of little burn holed in my blanket, jacket, and three in my jeans from flying embers. And I look like my face is sunburned. But we basically burned at least one tree's worth of wood. I managed to pull down a dead tree by myself, basically. I felt pretty beefy. But now I have two scratches, one on each hand. though, if the one of them scars, it'll look pretty cool. x3 But when I got back sunday, I found out that my grandfather had passed away from the cancer on saturday. Kind of a relief, though, cause it is all over now. Except for the funeral, which will be tomorrow. I just hope my grandmother is fine... So, that's all for now. That took a while. >.<
  18. Perhaps your parents, who taught you your morals, are your role models. Nah. I've never really grown up thinking "I want to be like this guy!" I mean, there are people who I respect. My cousin, who got into an Ivy league college and is good at whatever he does; my brother, who is really really smart and is a good brother; my parents for being smart and honest. But I've never wanted to be just like my cousin, my parents, or my brother.
  19. I don't really have any "role models" per se. I just have morals. xD
  20. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    *waits* Sorry it is taking a while, haven't had much time on the compy lately.
  21. What exactly is this Rogers thing?
  22. My grocery store played "never gonna give you up." xD It was pretty awesome.
  23. Cheesus

    The Creamery

    There will be an update later, I'll just need more time to type it all up.
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