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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Then the beast (of arrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhh)- monty pyhton movie thing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> started to dance.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... on people's heads.
  2. Cheesus

    Insta Talk

    Hey Hoops!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hey y'all! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey Master of the Cheese! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hey hoops! *pulls self together.*
  3. OMG! Do your parents beat you too? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, Unless being yelled at every Gosh **** Moment bof your life counts. My parents ALWAYS expect me to be PERFECT. *Go faster! You are so slow at Speed Skating Caitlin!" "Why do you wear that Hat, Caitlin? Its Ugly!" "You need to bebetter than a B+ IN mATH!" "Stop G** **** Playing Video games and Pick up the ******* Clothes, Cailtin!" "Why are You Wearing Jeans G** **** it?" Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!......Caitlin!.....Caitlin!...... All of you make this place a safe haven for me. Except TBFOF. Who seems to Dislike me. Not to mention, My Mom Overworks me. Always expecting me to do this, Do that. My Dad used to beat me with a Belt. My Mom once Thretened to beat me, Just because I let Donti Out. Its one of the Worst Lives you can imagine. With School oming up, I can only feel itll get worse. Yo9u see, I have 5 Freinds, all which have never accepted me for Who I am, Except Katie and Meghan. I have been Labeled. Called a Freak Every 2 Seconds. My life is a Deep Inescaplable Hole of Depression. Im not Typing anymore. Tears are welling up in my eyes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I saw this lady on Dr. Phil once like that, always wanting her children to be perfect, the lady even picked out the perfect bride for her son and he is only 14 years old! Turns out it was because her parents never caed about her. As for the freak part there are MUCH more orse things to be, TRUST ME. Do't listen to them I think you're wonderful, you're really funny, i love your siggy! pretty long, but its so funny. And i can tell you're a really great person too. the reason why they call you a freak is because you're not a robot like they are. YOU choose who YOU want to be, don't ever be live evryone else. I'm sure evryone else here thinks you're awesome too! Stay the way you are, its beautiful. -Laura <{POST_SNAPBACK}> laura, everything you said was completely true. Mk, im sory your life is so horrible. What grade are you going into? If you are starting high school There will be many new people, so it would be different. I'm hoping it will be that way for me...
  4. Cheesus

    Insta Talk

    Hey Hoops!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hey y'all!
  5. Here is Skwerlhugger Will's nomination of Mushroom_king. Hmm. Nominees: Cheesemaster - Kat - Arkcher lexxscrapham Honey The Biggest Fan of Hado The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy Sheena Mushroom_King Skwerlhugger Will(to be announced) Hoops(to be announced) So who proposes who should be kicked off of the list? Somebody should, as that would be bending the rules if I allowed 11. Arkcher had a good idea. Remove either Sheena or TBFOH until the next competition. They would never know. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I third that Idea. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i second thirding it.
  6. Then the beast (of arrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhh)- monty pyhton movie thing.
  7. Cheesus

    Insta Talk

    yeah. or each other.
  8. oh , okay. hi ichthus!
  9. Speak! *gets blender, ice cream, milk and vanilla flavoring* Okay, okay. Uh. I usually eyeball it, so I guess I'll have to guess the measurements, okay? I've never made vanilla milkshakes before, but I can guess here. I don't think you need the vanilla flavoring with vanilla ice cream unless you want a little more flavor. I believe that vanilla flavoring is strong, is it not? So only put a little for extra flavor. Like. Little. Anyways, we're talking full blender here. If you want strawberry milkshake, you'll need about 8 of them the size of the CostCo frozen strawberries. Or the equivalent. Chopped. I think that's about 2 cups... For the milk, you need about... 2 cups. Ice cream you will need around 4-6 scoops. Lower end with added fruits and higher end for already flavored ice cream or vanilla shakes. First you should put in the added fruit. Then the ice cream. Then the milk. If there's too much fruit, add more ice cream and/or milk. If the drink is too thick, add more milk. Too this is when it won't pour smoothly or blend smoothly enough after completely blended. If it is too runny for you, add ice cream. Not enough fruit? Feel free to add more. I talk too much. Okay, who here has messed up their blender attempting this? Are the measurements off? If so, I'm glad I don't have a blender to mess up... I've never attempted measuring the ingredients. I always eyeball it and put in the amount I think is right. It always works for me. So I guessed the measurements. They could be off. Okay... you are in major big trouble!!!!!!!!!! It works, and IT WORKS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The problem is, it works so great that I have eaten about two gallons of ice cream in the last two days. Ice cream with blueberries, ice cream with strawberries, ice cream with Georgia peaches, ice cream with maple syrup and walnuts... should I continue????? *is off on a sugar and fat binge* So my measurements weren't too far off? Cool! Heh. Maybe you should at least slow down a little bit. Maybe I shouldn't tell you how to make a great smoothie. Today's Vocabulary: Vagrant: Someone who wanders from place to place without any one place to stay. *gets blender all ready for smoothie instructions* *hint, hint* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, my family went on a smothie making rampage all last summer. But then again, just eyeballing works well for the ingrediants. 2-3 big scoops of vanilla or fruit ice cream a banana (peeled) a heaping cup of two types of fruit, frozen(more if you have a big enough blender) apple juice any other fruit juices you want. put everything into a blender. Put all the solid ingrediants in first, and then fill the blender up most of the way with the juices. Blend on high until smooth.
  10. Cheesus

    Name Your Phobias!

    Ah, yes, and it's hippopotomonstrousquipedaliophobia. and hippopotomonstrousquipedalianism is the LOVE of long words. Many phobias are spawned early in life, when a traumatic event occurs, and your primal mind retains the horror you experienced. A phobia is defined as an irrational fear of something most people are not nearly as uncomfortable around, such as long words, fractions, and the number thirteen, as Topazia has kindly mentioned. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My friends mom has arachnaphobia, she even admits it is irrational, but she just flips when she sees one.
  11. The thought was great! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and it got me more post.
  12. That's why I'm taking a shower. in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola More poo. ... yup. And then we ran to the... boobah home base! The crowds went... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "TAKE A SHOWER!"
  13. That's why I'm taking a shower. in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola <{POST_SNAPBACK}> More poo. ... yup. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And then we <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ran to the... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> boobah home base!
  14. oops never mind, i didn't realize he had won before. Sorry!
  15. Who is this "Sturm" you speak of? And Arkcher, what are some tips for fighting the boost gaurdian in metroid prime 2 on hard mode? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To quote the commentary on one of my friends whom plays MP2 all the friggin time, "If I had a quarter for every time someone got owned by the Boost Guardian... I'd buy a **** load of gumballs." I promptly whacked him for cursing. If you can beat him in Normal mode, use the same tactics. Just get more Energy tanks (You can have like... six at that point. seriously.) and get high on caffeine or ginseng and mash the A button like theres no tomorrow. Charged Light Beam shots work real well, I forgot if you get Supa-Missiles around then, if you do, use those too. I can give you a list of Beam Ammo Expansions and Energy Tanks if you need. Cheap gaming websites tell you where every single one is. O_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> my problem is i keep getting hit by him when he is boosting around.
  16. I was about to ask if i could nominate myself, remembvering what happened las t time till i read this.
  17. Who is this "Sturm" you speak of? And Arkcher, what are some tips for fighting the boost gaurdian in metroid prime 2 on hard mode?
  18. That's why I'm taking a shower. in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola <{POST_SNAPBACK}> More poo. ... yup. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And then we
  19. i think the order you labeled them is wrong.
  20. That's why I'm taking a shower. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> in some poo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So i smelled
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