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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Toto! Your post is spectacular!!! You just earned yourself The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and a cheesey award to go with it! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -le gasp- I cannot take those. Even though it's a very nice gesture and all...I took it from a friend who actually made it. So she should get the award. :-D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> okay then, give them to her!
  2. ...YOU, of all people, actually agreed with a politician? yes, i kno. i almost killed myself. okay no, but it felt weird. Most politicians are there just to pretend to be smart. I honestly think that nearly everyone in this world is a moron, with the exception of the smart people who can overlook peoples' faults and think of the fact that everyone has them. And that includes themselves. politions use big words and long sentences so ur forget their liars. people are slow and totally fall for it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, people can't register what the politicians are really saying. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> people are really stupid... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, most people just look for big words or if voting is involved they copy their parents. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> like misunderestimated? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. Fake words like that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That word is something that sounds like it came from Bush as is this; "A Dokumentally expoxing Michael Moore as a weiner" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hehe, dokumentally.
  3. A good example of this catagory is "LOLA" yep, you heard it right. {exerpt deleted to protect impressionable young minds- *~.(lexx's alter ego)} *wants to hear it anyway* I think it's by the Kinks, find your local classic rock station, and give them a call. they might be able to throw it on for you. LOLA by The Kinks is correct. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> gah. too much work.. i will just look it up on google. ^.^
  4. Toto! Your post is spectacular!!! You just earned yourself The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and a cheesey award to go with it!
  5. Cheesus


    what brought this on? Come back, don't leave!
  6. Dear Climber4145, Two questions please... .....1. Why do you think I am dumb? .....2. Why do you hate me? Thank you for your reply. Horatio It's because climber is a moron and wouldn't know a good person if the person hit her in the face. I mean gave her a million moneys, chocolates and complimented her. Really. *shifty eyes* I nearly accidentally reversed the 't' and 'f' so now I'm cracking up. LOL *reverses the 't' and the 'f' and hands Mega Wolf The Gold Star Award* Now that would have been someeeee typo! <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  7. that looks good! cheesey award for you!
  8. eew, sounds nasty, where is it? Everywhere... and I do mean everywhere!!!!!!!!! nasty. Worse than nasty! you know, if i were a mod you could take a break and get that rash taken care of. WHAT?!?!? You aren't moderating? You have my computer and all my passwords!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it musta got lost in the mail.
  9. eew, sounds nasty, where is it? Everywhere... and I do mean everywhere!!!!!!!!! nasty. Worse than nasty! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you know, if i were a mod you could take a break and get that rash taken care of.
  10. but if you don't express yourself, who will? From now on, it's Dr. Wolf, when her shingle is out. when her shingle is out? huh? Dr. Wolf Psychiatry $1000/hour OPEN <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oh. lol.
  11. eew, sounds nasty, where is it? Everywhere... and I do mean everywhere!!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nasty.
  12. And spell at........ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> college, whatever. it is a saturday, i don't have to worry about spelling. but i am a really good speller, don't know what level. But i can't spell words i don't know. like at those spelling bees on t.v. like, icthymungoosceliaprintoshingintholyphobia.
  13. but if you don't express yourself, who will? From now on, it's Dr. Wolf, when her shingle is out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> when her shingle is out? huh?
  14. but if you don't express yourself, who will?
  15. You would be afraid to know what the national reading level is! 3? Seriously... sixth grade. And not an intelligent, reading advanced sixth grade. that disgusts me. It gets worse...... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> how?
  16. You would be afraid to know what the national reading level is! 3? Seriously... sixth grade. And not an intelligent, reading advanced sixth grade. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that disgusts me.
  17. You would be afraid to know what the national reading level is! I dunno, but last time they tried to test mine, it was off the scale. are you getting excused from finding new words in english class texts yet MW? that was kind of fun, so was sitting back in the hall at the end of lunch reading Moby Dick. of course, a teacher had to come and wreck my fun by telling the jocks "white whale" wasn't a euphemism. Teachers can spoil all the fun sometimes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, mine was off the scale when they tested mine too. I had the highest in the school. So of course, i was then considered a complete nerd. evil preps... So i guess i was reading at above colledge levels?
  18. Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> really!
  19. then why were you running? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was nominated by somebody else. Speaking of which, we had the "Most Likely To"s for the yearbook today. It's only for the Freshman, so we got to do it this year. According to most people, I've been mostly nominated for "Most likely to become a superhero", "Most likely to race vaccumes underground", and "Most likely to become an Abercrombe model". I told people to put me for that one because I don't wear Abercrombe. XD <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...most likely to race vaccums underground, isn't that from some stupid commercial?
  20. *out-ninjas kat* seriously, i am, like, a cat. i was sitting on a 3 foot wall outside the school, talking to "Jane," when my friend decided to be stupid and come over and push me off. I landed on my hands and feet. so then i pulled my friend off the wall. he wasn't as graceful. XD You see, i our school, after you eat lunch, there is a place outside where you can go to chat with your friends.
  21. yeah, time for you to get more votes. It true. i think we can safely declare that Kat won. That's Wolfie's job. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> okay then, I think wolfie can safely declare that kat won. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not until the contest is officially over! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Woo yay for Kat! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> out of sheena and kat, GO KAT! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, it would be still nice for Sheena to win, but Kat's great as well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah. I am not saying that sheena is bad, but she is never here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She has given her great reasoning. At least she told us why she did leave. And although she may be gone long, I still believe she shall return. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> me too, but i never found out why. just vaction i heard. but i know she will return someday.
  22. I read at a colledge level, seriously.
  23. You would be afraid to know what the national reading level is! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 3?
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