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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Do you think Christianity is the only religion like that? Do you picture all other religions as barbarous and bloodthirsty?
  2. Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> really! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it <{POST_SNAPBACK}> my first day offa school (not including weekends) is next week.
  3. Have a party! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay! BURGER KING PAPER CROWNS FOR EVERYONE! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *readies flame-thrower*
  4. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Indeed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. You sound just a little too familiar. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What do you mean?
  5. *wonders if Lexxscrapham has bugging devices in - Kat - 's house* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *checks for bugs in my house* nope, only ants.
  6. *wonders what Lexxscrapham might be thinking* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My musings exactly.
  7. i am the potter puppet palls. *bother bother bother bother...* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nakie time! >D -does wierd jig- <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *bother*
  8. *sigh* As much as I'd like to let Kep in, she's 75 posts or so short. ;.; But I believe everyone else is approved. Vixen appears to be 20 posts short, but she has 40 posts or so on her account she couldn't get back on. You don't think you could make an exception for Kep. She has been here posting for quite some time. It isn't like she is a newbie who is only posting for a short time and then leaves. i nominate the biggest fan of fuzzy and honey. i would nominate hoops, cheesie and arkcher, but they already nominated. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is the thought that counts, right?
  9. Cheesus

    Marching Band.

    Sounds like fun. [yeah right]
  10. i am the potter puppet palls. *bother bother bother bother...*
  11. Have a party! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And stick it in your siggy!
  12. Becaaaaaauuuuuuuse. <.<;; Because yellow text is hard to read unless its highlighted. (Cheater.) why won't my poison ivy go away? For the same reasons you told me... it takes 10 (or was it 14) days to go away; you keep scratching it and it is poison ivy!!!!!!! *lends Cheesemaster my boxing gloves* Wear these and you will be unable to scratch your poison ivy!!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then i would just end up, like, gnawing on them or something.
  13. very many what? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think she's talking about Animorphs. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> this is the post that posters forgot...***ominous music*** <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dun dun DUUUUN! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Why don't we say today you wins because of the Autumnal Equinox? May I be the first to congratulate the new winner!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS KAT !!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Congrats me matey! wait, today isn't the 19th...
  15. Becaaaaaauuuuuuuse. <.<;; Because yellow text is hard to read unless its highlighted. (Cheater.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> why won't my poison ivy go away?
  16. *refrains from pointing out typographical errors* Okay, TGHL. Let's do that. Let's abolish Judaeism, Islam, Christianity, and Bhuddism. Let's promote such fallacies as Hinduism and the Asian philosophies. Let's just try it for three days. Let's see how you do w/out the basic fundamentals of life. All we need to know, we learned in kindergarten: Be nice, put your mess away when you're done making it, and have a warm cookie with a cold glass of milk before taking a nap @ app 3pm. Problem is, that's perfect, and we don't live in Walgreens. (Horatio's seen the commercials, I'm sure. They are hilarious!!!) Then, when we're through tearing the planet up and ruining it with nukes, let's bring back the Truth, the Way, and the Life. Let's bring back what you have so valiantly, though foolishly, fought since before I returned from my vaykay for school. Let's just try it, just for a little while, and see what happens. Yes, there will be much turmoil at first as people refuse to change, as you have, and yes, there will be much suffering as the ones in power stifle voices like mine and like Richard Wurmbrand's. However, once you figure out how to ignore the physical pains and discomforts of this world, shunning them for the sake of your Lord and Master, life gets a lot easier. In fact, since I finally really gave my life over to Christ, things have gone so much better than they were, you wouldn't believe it. I mean, Satan still throws things at me, but I don't dwell on it. Believe me, in a boy-girl relationship, there is an unbelieveable amount of physical temptation, especially w/ Robert. (He's extremely guapo.[span]) Thing is, I've decided to wait. Rob respects that, and so respects himself, as well. Bonus for me, if we do get married. (Which would be fine by me, if we're still together during college and beyond.) There is the added temptations of teen world that our parents really don't understand, and that is the peer pressure to do drugs. Let's be honest here: how many people my mother's age really get the whole deal w/ drugs? More than we think, but how many actually get the visuals we are pommeled with these days? It ain't easy being a Christian in America, as I've said before, but I'm lovin/ it all the more, kiddo! You're a teenager, TGHL, so you can understand those temptations better than say,...mullaypop, and I'm sure your parents have warned you against the dangers of Cannabis and/or heroin. (I hope. It's a terrible mind-warp.) The thoughts remain, though, don't they? I can easily tell you that it's difficult to put the thoughts away, but God helps me. Trust is a powerful thing. I put my trust in you to be a powerful and well-versed opponent when it comes to religious debating. I put my trust in Horatio to be a good mod. I may not like some of the changes he's made recently in some of my posts, but I know it's for the best. I put trust in a lot of places, but none compare to my trust in the Lord to preserve my soul for the ultimate feast. (Which I could use, seeing as how I'm trying to gain weight. ) Something else that bothers me what I've seen lately, what the heck is wrong w/ my mind? I'm writing more and more poetry to talk to Robert, becaused he knows I communicate best through singing or writing. (Trust me, the last poem I wrote him threw him back a couple steps. That's a lot, knowing my bf.) Long story short, I scare myself w/ the blunt honesty in my writings. *smiles and starts singing Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Listen. It isn't that you're christian, it is just that you try to make EVERYONE else christian. You don't see all the islamis, and jews, and hindus, and buddhists tying to convert eveyone, do you? They probably think their religion is the best thing ever, yet they leave you alone! Try following suit!
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