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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Sort of like St. Nicholas, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah.
  2. I don't see the raabbit. at all.
  3. Guessed what? My faorite book has to be DragonHome. It is about this world where some people have powers. Those that do are hated and feared by all the normal people. The main characters have animal speech, and the others isn't found out towards the end. Their parents are killed in a fire, and they set out to their aunts house. They are found by the talent hunters, and the main character screams for help in animal speech. She, being a vegetarian, is disgusted when two wolves appear and tear into their persuers. With their stay with the wolves, she befriends a wolf cub, who comes with them on their journey. By now they are looking for a place to stay. However, her brother is extremely opposed to having the wolf come along. This provides for some anger and harsh feeling between them. One day, they are all captured and go to this special place for talents, which is run by the gov't and everything is kept in order by the one person whose talent is to bring pain. As they flee from there, the find a country house, where they keep their secret hidden. The wolf has to stay away. She becomes great friends with a girl named Yvonne, and she finds her secret out, but doesn't care. The talent hunters get close to the house, so she and her brother must flee. Yvonne tells them of a place called dragon home, a castle not far away that is supposedly abandoned. I will not ruin the ending if you decide to read it yourself. If you can't find dragonhome, it might be dragonkeep. It has been a while since I read it. Thanks! This sounds great!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yur welcome. ^.^ I finally put a book up, after you used to bug me to do that so much.
  4. Spiffeh. you get a cheese wheel award. It is given to pictures that deserve them.
  5. ^^ hee. more to come. nice pic... I agree. Oh, doglover I'm not sure if you knew this but Mike Dirnt from Green Day truly believes that dogs will take over the world one day! If you look at the album cover for Dookie you will see -Lee ok i found a pic..thru google... Sorry, I tried and tried to get the pic to work but it would not. I tried to get it off the website and it wasn't cooperating. I had to delete the link. My apologies. Horatio <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ok...thanx for trying i did, but the link wouldnt work..(see above) i did see it, tho <{POST_SNAPBACK}> there was a lot of stuff on the cover! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah there is, theres lots of dogs... lol. I'll see if i can find a pic of it... -Lee There. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and monkeys.
  6. Not bored at all... you are just making me hungry! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> really! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and now its antoher half day (teachers conference) and im at school rite now but i am going to go home cause the conference is at another school, and i am going to have leftover pizza at home...i would rather wendys, but mom says if we dont eat it soon it will go bad, so there u have it <{POST_SNAPBACK}> my first day offa school (not including weekends) is next week. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i had off today (mon.) and i have off thursday..teachers meetings, and this is not normal for me, dont think i go to some really cool school that gets off all the time....its just luck <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  7. what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog... randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Go as Zelda.
  8. I cloned it and left you one. ***wonders how u can clone a book*** If I told you I'd have to kill you. Yes, I'm kidding. good...btw, horatio, i read ur post too....dont think it was forgotten I didn't! With a mother who is a librarian, I am sure you read everything! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I feel sorry for all those peole who don't enjoy reading.
  9. Guessed what? My faorite book has to be DragonHome. It is about this world where some people have powers. Those that do are hated and feared by all the normal people. The main characters have animal speech, and the others isn't found out towards the end. Their parents are killed in a fire, and they set out to their aunts house. They are found by the talent hunters, and the main character screams for help in animal speech. She, being a vegetarian, is disgusted when two wolves appear and tear into their persuers. With their stay with the wolves, she befriends a wolf cub, who comes with them on their journey. By now they are looking for a place to stay. However, her brother is extremely opposed to having the wolf come along. This provides for some anger and harsh feeling between them. One day, they are all captured and go to this special place for talents, which is run by the gov't and everything is kept in order by the one person whose talent is to bring pain. As they flee from there, the find a country house, where they keep their secret hidden. The wolf has to stay away. She becomes great friends with a girl named Yvonne, and she finds her secret out, but doesn't care. The talent hunters get close to the house, so she and her brother must flee. Yvonne tells them of a place called dragon home, a castle not far away that is supposedly abandoned. I will not ruin the ending if you decide to read it yourself. If you can't find dragonhome, it might be dragonkeep. It has been a while since I read it.
  10. Because it is hard to stay interested in the same thing for so long.
  11. Cheesus

    Marching Band.

    Sounds like Trooping the colour to me. Or alternatively the Cadets on parade. That's alright, better than Cheerleaders. Cheerleaders may have a lower IQ than 1 new research suggests! The latest research carried out the university of Guesswork has revealed that most people who think waving pom-poms and going Yay, in addition to over using the word "like" have suffered from a degenerative brain disorder called "Lack-of-food syndrome", "Brain-dead-moron disorder" and "Future Republican voter syndrome" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What about "ditsy-scatterbrained-airhead syndrome?"
  12. good point. But why would he be like us if he is immortal and all powerful? We are suseptible to maladies and injuries of the flesh. Could we kill him with, let's say, Napalm (sp?)? I'm sure if we were created by him in our image, we would be much different. You know what? He didn't create us in his image, we created him in our image. chew on that.
  13. which mutated into... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> a marshmellow of.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> sticky, yummy explosions.
  14. huh? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think her hamster, Pickles, passed away. (Not sure) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ooo..ok <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that kinda stinks for her.
  15. very many what? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think she's talking about Animorphs. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> this is the post that posters forgot...***ominous music*** <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dun dun DUUUUN! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAHHHH HHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i made ur aaahhhh shorter so it will fit... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> so that you can say what?
  16. yeah...i can tell... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah.
  17. isnt jesus christ superstar considered a rock opera? (i think it says it on some version of the cd...or maybe the record...i have both...) yes, i do have a working record player! although i also have a regular cd player(well, its the family's), karaoke machine, cd player on my computer, portable cd player (that i got at a garage sale for $2) and a portable dvd player that plays cds (no, i did not get that for $2, tho i wish i had!) oh, and also a cd player in my moms car, my dads car,and the van...and our dvd/vcr plays cds...and im babbling & rambling!!!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one with a working record player! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> one more post to 22500!
  18. Cheesus

    Marching Band.

    zomffgg. The baton twirler is the most idiotic person in the world. She constantly does weird things to show off. And she's a cheeleader too. So. We all know what comes out of that. A word that Horatio would not let me say. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i have no idea what it is.
  19. too bad. you can't. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sure I can. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought there were already ten nominations.
  20. Me too!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I Agree!
  21. Everybody loves magical Trevor! Cause the tricks that he does are ever so clever! Look at him now, disappearing a cow! Where is the cow, hidden right now! Taking a bow, it’s magical Trevor! Everybody’s seen that the trick is so clever! Look at him there with his leathery, leathery whip! It’s made of magic and with a little flip, Yeah, yeah, yeah, the cow is back! Yeah, yeah, yeah, the cow is back! Back, back, back from his magical journey! What did he see… in the parallel dimension? He saw beans, lotsa beans lotsa beans lotsa beans, oh Beans, lotsa beans lotsa beans lotsa beans, yeah yeah (endless loop, yay listening to forever!)
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