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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. while i went on my field trip to the musuem of natural history this past tues, a kid in my class who sat in front of me on the bus was writing "dookie" on the fogged - up window...and i had nothing to do with it! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Probably like. Dookie head, or something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. Everybody likes to put stuff they shouldn't on steamy windows.
  2. But its okay... Because Emily the elephant earred octopus... isn't a Metroid. And it sucked... Horatio's brain out. (does that work better for you? ) However, Meta-Ridley swoops.... (hyphens make it one word) like a rock. o_o Onto Kraid who... decides to sing. Everyone went deaf... and danced a... silly little jig. of fatal doom. (or something.) in a runaway... ambulance that was on teh highway, heading towards Luigi's half-way existing mansion, and Mario's house.
  3. come on! im less than 1! grrr... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> simple solution... post more!
  4. remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. ^.^
  5. what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog... randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Go as Zelda. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> results so far: not xmas tree zelda <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You could be... A CARDBOARD BOX! That's cool, huh? I'm being either Homestar or John Linnell. So hard to choose. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ummmm... updated results: not xmas tree zelda cardboard box <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quite an extensive list. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> my friend's little sister, who is 6, who we babysat today, is going to be "a bat that's purple, well actually just a purple outline" and "I'm probably going to be the only girl in my class with a scary costume!" just more random halloween stuff...my friend gina's going to be sally from "the nightmare b4 christmas" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be cool. Sally. Woot. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i think i had a dream hat she changed it...weird <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very. o.O
  6. Well, I don't. Do you like Piers Anthony? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> never heard of him...i will go look him up on my library district's online catalog...brb...152 results, wow, but some of them are repeats...here's a pic of a new one...ummmm idk if it worked, but oh well...lemme guess: sci-fi author...out ofthe less than 10 books i looked at, thats what they seemed to be....im into animorphs (see the chat in jokes riddles & funny stories), which are also sorta sci-fi....i also read the remnants series by the same author (k. a. applegate) but i think animorphs are better...one thing: animorphs have 54 books in the regular series, plus specials, and remnants has 14 total books...{RANDOM INTELLIGENCE FROM THE JOHN TESH SHOW: (im listeningto the radio) The water u boiled ur eggs in would be good to water ur plants with...because of minerals in it....}anyway, i usually like general fiction, harry potter series being my all time fave books...animorphs, series of unfortunate events are good.,....used to be crazy about the babysitters club....the westing game (ellen raskin) the giver (lois lowry) the city of ember (jeanne duprau) and many others...im in this thing at my library called "Battle of the Books" in which contestants read 10 assigned books and then have a jeopardy-style contest about the content...i did the "locals" already at my local library, then on saturay is the "reagionals" in which different libraries compete... (dont all u lazy nonreading people think i have no life!!!!! i do! i just love to read!) the 10 books are: 1. holes (louis sachar) 2. hoot (carl hiaasen) 3. the ghost belonged to me (richard peck) 4. stargirl (jerry spinelli) 5. no more dead dogs (gordon korman) 6. gathering blue (lois lowry) (a companion to The Giver) 7. hatchet (gary paulsen) 8. bud not buddy (christopher paul curtis) 9. witness (karen hesse) 10. among the hidden (margaret peterson haddix) speaking of margaret peterson haddix and among the hidden, among the hidden is the first in a series of books, 6 so far (all titles starting with "among the") and ive read them all...also she wrote "the house on the gulf" which i read, and it is good, and "double identity" which i think is new, which i read and it is good too! ive heard she also wrote "running out of time" which i have not read yet, but hope to soon, next time i go to the library ill look, if i remember....wow this is a long post that should really be in the book club...horatio will u forgive me this once if i copy and paste this post and put it in book club? please! ok...BYE!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would recommend the Xanth (pronounced zanth) series, by Piers. They arfe very comical, but not silly. The characters are well laid out, and the plot twisting and spiffeh. But be warened, there are a LOT of puns. But some are actually funny. o.O <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what age level? (i am 13, but my reading level is a lot higher...although not neccecarily adult content) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You could read it then. I was 13 when i read it. (i was reading in the colledge level though.)
  7. I know a Lauren that joined the GSA in my school. Would "graffiti all over the front against bush" and a smashed truck out front sound familiar to you?
  8. Because Emily the elephant earred octopus... isn't a Metroid. And it sucked... Horatio's brain out. (does that work better for you? ) However, Meta-Ridley swoops.... (hyphens make it one word) like a rock. o_o Onto Kraid who... decides to sing. Everyone went deaf... and danced a...
  9. Yes! God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends! I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take! gotta go, it's bedtime. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway. Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants. Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic. One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again. I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it. But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that; a) God is insane OR God doesn't exist AND c) George Bush is insane. Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But what if we like living by our religious principles? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And what if we like living without religion?
  10. Well, I don't. Do you like Piers Anthony? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> never heard of him...i will go look him up on my library district's online catalog...brb...152 results, wow, but some of them are repeats...here's a pic of a new one...ummmm idk if it worked, but oh well...lemme guess: sci-fi author...out ofthe less than 10 books i looked at, thats what they seemed to be....im into animorphs (see the chat in jokes riddles & funny stories), which are also sorta sci-fi....i also read the remnants series by the same author (k. a. applegate) but i think animorphs are better...one thing: animorphs have 54 books in the regular series, plus specials, and remnants has 14 total books...{RANDOM INTELLIGENCE FROM THE JOHN TESH SHOW: (im listeningto the radio) The water u boiled ur eggs in would be good to water ur plants with...because of minerals in it....}anyway, i usually like general fiction, harry potter series being my all time fave books...animorphs, series of unfortunate events are good.,....used to be crazy about the babysitters club....the westing game (ellen raskin) the giver (lois lowry) the city of ember (jeanne duprau) and many others...im in this thing at my library called "Battle of the Books" in which contestants read 10 assigned books and then have a jeopardy-style contest about the content...i did the "locals" already at my local library, then on saturay is the "reagionals" in which different libraries compete... (dont all u lazy nonreading people think i have no life!!!!! i do! i just love to read!) the 10 books are: 1. holes (louis sachar) 2. hoot (carl hiaasen) 3. the ghost belonged to me (richard peck) 4. stargirl (jerry spinelli) 5. no more dead dogs (gordon korman) 6. gathering blue (lois lowry) (a companion to The Giver) 7. hatchet (gary paulsen) 8. bud not buddy (christopher paul curtis) 9. witness (karen hesse) 10. among the hidden (margaret peterson haddix) speaking of margaret peterson haddix and among the hidden, among the hidden is the first in a series of books, 6 so far (all titles starting with "among the") and ive read them all...also she wrote "the house on the gulf" which i read, and it is good, and "double identity" which i think is new, which i read and it is good too! ive heard she also wrote "running out of time" which i have not read yet, but hope to soon, next time i go to the library ill look, if i remember....wow this is a long post that should really be in the book club...horatio will u forgive me this once if i copy and paste this post and put it in book club? please! ok...BYE!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would recommend the Xanth (pronounced zanth) series, by Piers. They arfe very comical, but not silly. The characters are well laid out, and the plot twisting and spiffeh. But be warened, there are a LOT of puns. But some are actually funny. o.O
  11. Because Emily the elephant earred octopus... isn't a Metroid. And it sucked... Horatio's brain out. (does that work better for you? )
  12. Because Emily the elephant earred octopus... isn't a Metroid. And it sucked...
  13. [Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?] [Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> SWWWOOOOOOTS! There are some spelling errors in there. I will point some out for Kat Points or Awards... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*gives Cheesey 14 points*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mostly just capitalization, but, "nether" is wrong. It is all bolded. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have this horrible habit of writing of always capitalizing stuff after commas. x_O <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So do I!
  14. [Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?] [Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> SWWWOOOOOOTS! There are some spelling errors in there. I will point some out for Kat Points or Awards... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [*gives Cheesey 14 points*] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mostly just capitalization, but, "nether" is wrong. It is all bolded.
  15. Maybe it meant no comment... maybe... The thing is, we may never know. Isn't that sad? the blank-poster cheesemaster strikes again! I don't do it on purpose. I am not sure where it comes from. Will this come? Is Horatio conspiring against me for all those posting sprees in the "this.... is a speciall occaision" topic. You do those all on your own. *evil laugh* I would love to enter a post for you, but........... *looks above to the Horatio angel* [right) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>[/right] strange. o.O
  16. like moldy brie... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> silly horatio, that sucked was supposed to be like, "they sucked their brains out."
  17. I cloned it and left you one. ***wonders how u can clone a book*** If I told you I'd have to kill you. Yes, I'm kidding. good...btw, horatio, i read ur post too....dont think it was forgotten I didn't! With a mother who is a librarian, I am sure you read everything! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I feel sorry for all those peole who don't enjoy reading. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah...my parents have to actually tell me tostop reading when we're all having dinner together, or i have to do something...other than that, its like nonstop reading... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, my parents sometimes tell me to stop reading sometimes too. I would read more if I had good books I havn't read. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i usually go to the public library like once or twice a week... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, I don't. Do you like Piers Anthony?
  18. what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog... randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Go as Zelda. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> results so far: not xmas tree zelda <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You could be... A CARDBOARD BOX! That's cool, huh? I'm being either Homestar or John Linnell. So hard to choose. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ummmm... updated results: not xmas tree zelda cardboard box <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quite an extensive list. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> my friend's little sister, who is 6, who we babysat today, is going to be "a bat that's purple, well actually just a purple outline" and "I'm probably going to be the only girl in my class with a scary costume!" just more random halloween stuff...my friend gina's going to be sally from "the nightmare b4 christmas" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be cool. Sally. Woot.
  19. ummmm...what was the point of the blank space? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe it meant no comment... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> maybe... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The thing is, we may never know. Isn't that sad? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the blank-poster cheesemaster strikes again! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't do it on purpose. I am not sure where it comes from. Will this come? Is Horatio conspiring against me for all those posting sprees in the "this.... is a speciall occaision" topic.
  20. Yes! God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends! I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take! gotta go, it's bedtime. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway. Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants. Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic. One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again. I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True, we are. But humans just have a hard time dropping everything they believe, just based on what someone else says. And we are stubborn, and try to prove that "we are right and you are wrong."
  21. [Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?] [Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ] <{POST_SNAPBACK}> SWWWOOOOOOTS! There are some spelling errors in there. I will point some out for Kat Points or Awards...
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