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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. I meant that I agree with all of your views on america, at least all the ones mentioned in that post.
  2. the calm before the storm of delusions...
  3. It is awsome. How big is the drawing, and what does it say?
  4. I forget, Do I have a business? If so, I would Like to pass it on to someone, or just get rid of it because I am new to the system, seeing as it went away when I was still pretty new. And I had an Idea, we keep track of our money In siggies so nobody can really cheat and increase how much moey they have, their employers just watch to make sure that the number is straight.
  5. You aren't selfish, you deserve credit seeing that you are the mother of the system.
  6. oooooo secretivity, suspenseful. You have piqued my curiosity.
  7. remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. True. I respect my elder, Cheesemaster. You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. You're older than me. That makes you old. Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience. Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me. :crazytypesmiliething: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you. *wonders if he will get the subtle hint* It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post. It was subtle for a hamster! Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle. You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding! Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety! *checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* sledgehammer...? wha? Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain. That would just crush your skull, and that wouldn't teach you much, now would it? (insert random smiley here) How about... That's a pretty one. How about... (what would happen after a sledgehammer hit your head) no, that would be <(X.X)> This has been a record night for Gold Star Awards! *hands Cheesemaster The Gold Star Award* Your pic of my face is perfect!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Woot! *goes to edit siggy*
  8. Wait, are we slaughtering something, or being slaughtered? Because I'm firmly oppose things slaughtering me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are being slaughtered by the Zimbabwian killer cheese.
  9. Don't worry, It isn't a saga, you can start with any one and jump right in.
  10. No, they are just providing entertainment for the American public. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Be careful with that phrase Horatio, the American public can be interpreted as many different things as there seems to be a many great different American publics. The American public that is always welcoming and accepting of tourists and then there's the American public that consists of Hillbillys and shotguns that go "get off my land." Anyway, I look forward to the latest installment of Galloway suing the US senate as its always funny to see a senator from the heart of Republican America shrink in his seat as he gets lectured by a mad, "Respect" Party MP with foam at the corners of his mouth. Interestingly enough 5 news (the ones on the terristeal television i.e. non-digital, who seem to have a never ending Nazi documentry series and no one ever watches, except evidently my parents who forgot to change the channel after running away from a soap opera) ran a story on a variation of the Baptist church run by a man who stands everwhere with a placquard in his hand and actually praised the lord for 9/11. The story basically covered a BBC undercover story (yes, notice how the BBC got there first and Channel 5 lag in behind) on the church in which the aforementioned head of church said; "My only regret about the London Bombings was that it did not kill a million people" and of course he later went on to put a giant ceremonial turd on top of the stinking pile of redneck stupidity he said in reply to a question about what his feelings about the victims; "I'm very glad those English people were killed, I hate the lot of them, they've lost their faith and they deserve to be punished, every last one." Stick this through an accent only 200 years on inbreeding could have produced and add on the kind of person who goes on Jerry Springer for the KKK anniversary edition and you get the picture. I'm going to move this up to the Religon forum, but it refers to the US government so I thought I'd mention it. Guess what George Bush had to say; "INVADE IRAN!" Ok, he didn't, but he didn't say anything. At all. SO for all Bush's policy on cracking down on Muslim extremists, he doesn't seem to be cracking down on Christian extremists and instead prefers to cower behind the first ammendment, but considering the constitution doesn't seem to mean much to the government anymore, only to people who like protesting against "those namby-pamby liberals who'd take away my bazooka." And for those who like to go to bed with the second ammendment (i.e. gimmie guns), hasn't it occured to you that if you keep on going this way allowing a crazy person to go ballistic with a Soviet Rifle, that eventually when someone tries to disarm everyone and people want disarming, its going to be impossible because everyone has laser-guided, heat seeking missiles stored in the back of their pick-up truck! Every gang, hillbilly and Texan senator (Bush) is going to have their own personal arnsenal and can probably take down the National Guard with just themselves and the wife. Anything else I can rant about... Oh yes, the constitution itself. Its 200 years old, no updates or changes have been made and it has been abused and mistreated throughout American History. Ok, fine, it was good in the beginning when America was just a fledgling nation and still had internal problems, but now? In the real world where America has changed drasticaly since even the end of the cold war! And also, the senate love abusing the constitution as do the Supreme Court who maybe the ultimate law, but who do they answer to, not each other certainly because they all know each other from Yale and Stansbury and work in each others businesses and with Dick Cherny. Take Roosevelt for example and his work after the Depression. The Alphabet agencies which helped everyone get out of the depression and on its feet again, only to have a largely Republican (for some reason Roosevlet was seen as a Democrat amongst the Republican party) SUpreme COurt force the closure of most of them, sending all the people it helped back into poverty because it was "unconstitutional." HA! The only one that really survived was the TVA (tenessee valley authority) and that was put into the Hillbilly senator's control. Seriously, you need to update the constitution or get rid of it and start a different system. SHould I finish there? Nah, one last thing. This goes for any backers of the Bush administration. STop being Isolationist AND Interfering at the same time! Honestly, you're neither one or the other. When it comes to the rest of the 1st World, i.e. the EU, Russia, Japan etc. you are Isolationist and in Russia and the EU's case you hate us! Russia gets criticised for setting up a government backed broadcaster (we have and it is now the world's most reliable and accurate when it comes to news, unlike CNN and Sky... ooh... how I hate them) and you might as well label the EU part of the Axis of Evil the way you keep attacking it. That leads me onto the second part, stop labelling any countries that speak out against you part of the Axis of Evil. Korea, Axis of Evil. Iran, Axis of Evil. Venezula, axis of evil. China, Axis of Evil. France, Axis of Evil. Belgium, Axis of Evil. Canada, Axis of Evil. Can you not get a grip!?!??! America and France used to be best of allies, but ever since you annoyed them in WWI and WWII (on both counts waiting until most French soldiers were dead and then stepping in and nicking all the glory, although admittedly we may not have survived WWI without those extra troops), they hate you for being so Republican prone and you hate them for being so Anti-American and a voice for the Middle East. Ye chickens. ANd then comes the interfering bit. WHy bother? NONE OF THESE COUNTRIES ARE THREATS TO YOU! The Gulf War 2.0 was illegal by UN law. Korean War, well done you split the country in half. Vietnam, don't get me started. Either join up fully with the UN and then interfer legally or stay the moose's way out of international politics. And congratulations Republicans, you are responsible for the USA getting black listed for the only country not to sign up to the Internation law on the rights of the Child, human beings and ICBM restrictions along with your long time Buddies Syria. How proud you must be. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Long post. And I agree with every word of it. o.O
  11. (to reiterate stuff already said) 1: No infinite cards (some ideas of mine, open to change) 2: Must be active poster with over 500 posts to join system 3: No "benefits" for people you like more than others 4: Everyone starts with H$100 5: Minimum wage- H$5 per day
  12. Yes, I would care to. Does that answer your question? Please stop encouraging Horatio. Why?????? I'll rephrase that, please stop encouraging Horatio to not answer my questions properly! *hands Horatio a Answer Annyoance award for his efforts* Thank you for the award! I will have you note, I am answering your questions properly. You are just not asking the proper questions! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Someone please tell me what the Alt code for the infinity sign is, please. Try getting out of that one without moderating it to change what it says! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The alt code for the infinity sign is a code you put into the computer so that it will make a symbol where you are typing that isn't on the keyboard. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That symbol being the infinity symbol.
  13. that was poinoned. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube, out of danger. hidden underneath a... steaming heap of... [oh no you don't....... Toto's on... must answer quick] roasted sunflower seeds... that someone farted... into outer space, by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed.... That killed everyone.. [how do you do that?] Then the aliens...
  14. remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. True. I respect my elder, Cheesemaster. You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. You're older than me. That makes you old. Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience. Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me. :crazytypesmiliething: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you. *wonders if he will get the subtle hint* It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post. It was subtle for a hamster! Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle. You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding! Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety! *checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* sledgehammer...? wha? Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain. That would just crush your skull, and that wouldn't teach you much, now would it? (insert random smiley here) How about... That's a pretty one. How about... (what would happen after a sledgehammer hit your head) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no, that would be <(X.X)>
  15. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube, out of danger. hidden underneath a... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> steaming heap of...
  16. The Gatorade advert where the guys were hugging each other. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, well, I have never seen it.
  17. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube, <{POST_SNAPBACK}> out of danger.
  18. Yes, I would care to. Does that answer your question? Please stop encouraging Horatio. Why?????? I'll rephrase that, please stop encouraging Horatio to not answer my questions properly! *hands Horatio a Answer Annyoance award for his efforts* Thank you for the award! I will have you note, I am answering your questions properly. You are just not asking the proper questions! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Someone please tell me what the Alt code for the infinity sign is, please. Try getting out of that one without moderating it to change what it says! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The alt code for the infinity sign is a code you put into the computer so that it will make a symbol where you are typing that isn't on the keyboard.
  19. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> away, over there.
  20. Watches the hampster-wolf-dog-kat-whateverlexxyis slaughter. You can't spell slaughter without laughter!
  21. And then he started running in... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> your general direction.
  22. Yeah. We all, Meaning you, me, Taynio, uh..the rest of them should start back up our.."stores" but in a new topic, with new rules. We will put you, Cheesemaster and TGHL in charge of writing the rules. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> swoot.
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