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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Actually, this is my topic alone and no conspiracy. The idea was given to me by someone else who posts here and I thought it was a fantastic idea. If I say any more than this I would be giving it away. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah. I think I see what it is. Don't have to post this either, if I'm right. Is it the HD reunion? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My thoughts exactly.
  2. *slaps forehead* Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post. ummmmmmmm....no Ummmmmmmm... would you believe....... *voice trails off* Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?! That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!! I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it... (she doesnt) I seeeeeeeeeeeee. *resorts to Plan B* *whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?* *whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting.
  3. If these are all the lines from finding nemo it must be a short movie.
  4. Please have your parents contact me through a post or use my email and I will explain the safety of this website. Please ask your parents to take a look at this website and if they want to make a post through you and give me their contact email address, I will answer any questions they might have. I try very hard to make sure you all have a very safe, secure place to post and I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with anyone's parents. Hopefully you will return and see this post. Horatio You do it well. Thank you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She is right, you are a wonderful mod. This place wouldn't be the same if you weren't here. It probably wouldn't be near as fun.
  5. Fantasia is Cheetaspspot's pen name, you can't very well expect an artist to have much sucess with a name like Cheetaspot, can you? at least, a name change probably helped Norma Jeane Mortenson's acting career a bit. marilyn monroe? (cant remember) (elton john song "candle in the wind") DON'T type that name into Google images. -Lee So what is the first thing everyone is going to do? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Type failure into Google, hit "I'm feeling Lucky" and discover themselves on the biggest piece of propoganda since the Commandant of Belsen said "We do not exterminate Jews at Belsen" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And it took you the propoganda? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Any comments? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not really. I thought it was pretty funny, but my friends didn't... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lemme guess, they like bush. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wonder how they do it.
  6. The one that says "edited by the church" on the cover? Mine has a chart in it, with monkeys and humans coming from a common ancestor. About the commandment "though shall love thy neighbor as thyself," What if you hate yourself? Then is hating others okay? If you try to kill yourself, is it okay to kill yourself?
  7. Does that make you hungry? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, it is pretty annoying. But she is a good cook. It turned out to be chicken with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese on top. Odin owns ye all- Einherjer that just ended. Now it is fallen angels -Edguy
  8. The sound of my mom beating a chicken with a "tenderizer." (big spikey hammer)
  9. Fantasia is Cheetaspspot's pen name, you can't very well expect an artist to have much sucess with a name like Cheetaspot, can you? at least, a name change probably helped Norma Jeane Mortenson's acting career a bit. marilyn monroe? (cant remember) (elton john song "candle in the wind") DON'T type that name into Google images. -Lee So what is the first thing everyone is going to do? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Type failure into Google, hit "I'm feeling Lucky" and discover themselves on the biggest piece of propoganda since the Commandant of Belsen said "We do not exterminate Jews at Belsen" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And it took you the propoganda? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Any comments? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not really. I thought it was pretty funny, but my friends didn't... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lemme guess, they like bush.
  10. now i have more time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I guess that was a bad example. I don't think little tweens should be doing that. But when they are of an appropriate age, they won't do it because of fear of eternal damnation. How is keeping people from having babies right? Isn't that wrong? There were also things about saying "yes to god and no to kissing."
  11. *tries to remember what food is in the Manwich commercial* *remembers it is something not in a hamster diet* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am pretty sure it is a sandwich made out of man.
  12. Actually, this is my topic alone and no conspiracy. The idea was given to me by someone else who posts here and I thought it was a fantastic idea. If I say any more than this I would be giving it away. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> riiiiiiiiiight.
  13. one more thing- Humans didn't come from monkeys. We both came from a common ancestor.
  14. Worrying more than ever? Did you neglect your History? As far as this period goes, everything is as safe as... something that is extremly safe! The Cold War? Did you miss learning about the constant threat of death looming over our heads? (our in the human race terms) The world was actually due to end on the day the Communists backed off over Cuba! And all the allies have the nukes now, no "enemy of the state" has them, except China, but that is on friendly terms at them minute. You are starting to sound as if you are actually buying into this propoganda Bush is spurting out! Oh I do, and you of all people should understand that you shouldn't question my knowledge on current affairs. Do you know anything at all about the war in Sudan? Do you know about allegations against the CIA about secret terrorism prisons (a load of rubbish, but the Washington Post insists its true)? Do you know about the situation in North Korea and how I can barely get in to visit my Korean connections (friends)? Do you know about Japan's royal family and the problems it now faces? Probably not unless you nipped off to read up on them. Do not try and understand what I have been through because you can't, won't and, if you knew, don't want to. I am being kept alive by my own knowledge and survival instincts, in some cases I have come close to death, the London Bombings being one of two. Nothing is keeping me alive, especially not your God. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Apologies if you get upset, but it's what I think and after some of those comments, in someway you deserved the nastier bits. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was going to type more, but i am being taken off the compy. I am not sucking up to you TGHL, but once again, your views are mine. However, I have nowhere near the knowledge on current affairs. All that is on the new over here is about America "the great."
  15. Now I am!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HIa IM HAPPY <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HI! I am cheesemaster. I see you have already seen this topic, so i don't need to give you a smiley link. Glad you are happy.
  16. I meant that I agree with all of your views on america, at least all the ones mentioned in that post. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Excellent word choice THC, maximum amount of caution combined with maximum amount of expressing your opinion. You should have an award for that. What to call it..... Hmmm... The Political Accuracy Award sounds dull.... Here have the Ignoble prize for speech. Sounds much better doesn't it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes, it does. very eloquent. I worded it that way because I wasn't completely sure of all of your opinions about america, so I didin't want to say something false. However, listing all of the opinions in the post would have taken to much time. Why do that when you can summarize it all in one sentence. You made it sound as if I was trying to please everyone but not diagree with anyone, by utilizing caution and expression together. I dunno, It just sounded like you thought I was playing polotician. I don't want to do that. *goes to edit siggy*
  17. Fantasia is Cheetaspspot's pen name, you can't very well expect an artist to have much sucess with a name like Cheetaspot, can you? at least, a name change probably helped Norma Jeane Mortenson's acting career a bit. marilyn monroe? (cant remember) (elton john song "candle in the wind") DON'T type that name into Google images. -Lee So what is the first thing everyone is going to do? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Type failure into Google, hit "I'm feeling Lucky" and discover themselves on the biggest piece of propoganda since the Commandant of Belsen said "We do not exterminate Jews at Belsen" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Isn't it great?
  18. You probably do. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am clueless.
  19. Outstanding! *hands Lee The Platinum Moon Award* *hints that a 5 min Paint hamster thingy might make someone very happy* Yay! I will draw a little hammie next time -Lee *is soooooooooooo happy!* YES! YES! YES! THANK YOU LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Here you are horatio! -Lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is so cute!
  20. I Went as Hugh Heffner. I probably mangled his name, but, oh well.
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