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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Cheesus


    I saw this cell phone commercial where this woman at a party was showing off her phone that messaged people based on speech, so she said into it "Thanks mike I had fun last night," and the phone said back to her "Thanks mike I have lip fungus" and after several tries she gets so mad she screams at the phone "I DO NOT HAVE LIP FUNGUS!" and everyone stops and looks at her <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that explains a lot.
  2. You made the not a smiley! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Arkcher told me how to do it a while ago. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> by clicking off "enable emoticons." Nobody told me that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> XD Sorry. I thought you either knew or didn't care 'cause you never asked. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wasn't accusing you, I was just showing how I could figure it out myself unlike a certain person. We aren't naming names, are we Kat?
  3. Females named Bert and Ernie? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Roberta and Ernestine.
  4. SUpport the RAN! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> RAN? Random access node? That sounds technical.
  5. Two more people- Ug and beelzebub, or however it was spelled.
  6. *after landing, starts pushing the sunflower seeds out of my pouches* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OooH!! *picks up horatio and jumps back through the hole, then uses him like a machine gun* sey 'ello to my Liittle friend. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oooh, not just little, but liittle! That reminds me of yoshi's Island, for the snes.
  7. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *realizes this is the second post where Cheesemaster has been silent* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So did I. Do you have a sibling or friend to blame it on, Cheeseman? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, technical difficulties!
  8. Last night at 9:00, this store called neptunes den had a sale. 30% off livestock, 10% of tanks, stands, and hoods, and 20% of everything else. So, we got two new guinea pigs and a new cage! The old one was broken. They are two females, Bert and Ernie, and they are so sweet. I will have to get a picture of them up!
  9. Jocks read? well, it was well-illustrated. Looking at the pictures would be much like seeing the plays on the blackboard! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Jocks get far too bad a reputation, you just need to speak their language. Unfortunately their language consists of two "words" which to spell them phonetically; "Hut!" and "Ug!" Another problem is no one except Jocks speak the language and the only reason they speak it is because the steroids have worn away at their brain so much. (are Jocks the ones who play American Football, find only the lowest humour on the planet funny and end up crashing and burning as soon as they get out of High School because the only good thing they could do was American Football?) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> pretty much, exept some of learn to say "hooah" and join the Marines. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah but they don't count as Jocks because they managed to scrape 1 brain cell together. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  10. You made the not a smiley! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Arkcher told me how to do it a while ago. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> by clicking off "enable emoticons." Nobody told me that.
  11. *slaps forehead* Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post. ummmmmmmm....no Ummmmmmmm... would you believe....... *voice trails off* Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?! That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!! I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it... (she doesnt) I seeeeeeeeeeeee. *resorts to Plan B* *whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?* *whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.* *whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.* The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting. You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz! What if I already am? Uuuuummmmmm... *calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore* Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell* I have strong teeth... *whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know. Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah. anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth* *stops running and takes a nap to get up energy to start chewing my way out* You didn't notice that IT NEVER STOOPS TURNING!!!! You stated I was on a sealed off running wheel, not a wheel that was perpetually in motion or a spinning running wheel. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Haha, you misunderstood! The wheel itself was running, you were inside!
  12. Grammar... too... horrible... can't breathe! Suffocating in this... uneducatedness... *faints* <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  13. *slaps forehead* Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post. ummmmmmmm....no Ummmmmmmm... would you believe....... *voice trails off* Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?! That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!! I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it... (she doesnt) I seeeeeeeeeeeee. *resorts to Plan B* *whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?* *whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.* *whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.* The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting. You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz! What if I already am? Uuuuummmmmm... *calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore* Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell* I have strong teeth... *whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know. Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah. anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth* That's okay. I have another set. *pulls open invisible door to get teeth* *chews Horatio out without hurting him* Saved!!! Thank you!!!! *brushes plastic bits off fur* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No problem. *waits for another attack by Cheesie* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Great! Now you can go through the 50-foot thick lead block I put you in! And no, YOu can't dig out, for it is also 50 feet below you! Plus, there are may veins of cinesra going through, so if you do try to gnaw through, you will be fatally poisoned! Muahahahaha! Also, there is an anti - missle system outside, and a small artillary defense sytem outside, all the way around.
  14. *slaps forehead* Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post. ummmmmmmm....no Ummmmmmmm... would you believe....... *voice trails off* Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?! That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!! I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it... (she doesnt) I seeeeeeeeeeeee. *resorts to Plan B* *whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?* *whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.* *whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.* The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting. You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz! What if I already am? Uuuuummmmmm... *calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore* Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell* I have strong teeth... *whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know. Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah. anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth* *stops running and takes a nap to get up energy to start chewing my way out* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You didn't notice that IT NEVER STOOPS TURNING!!!!
  15. Mega Wolf will have to make this decision. I have decided to.... CUT THE BABY IN HALF! Not really. There can't be two winners. Cuz then they'd only get half a trophy each. And that doesn't look good for the future holders of the award. Seeing as there is an evolution of the trophy test with the molds. Different dents and such as there is a new winner resulted from dropping the newest trophy and then using it as the mold still... *cough* Apologies. If November 25th comes with no results, there will be a tie breaking poll with the TOP DECIDED # OF PEOPLE. Not just the tied 2. I just need until the 25th to decide in the case of a longer-term tie. The baby gets to stay whole. We had a deciding vote! *waits for Mega Wolf to return* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Congratulations arkcher!
  16. You have just earned yourself the pentuple cheesey award! And I agree, vaporeon is the best.
  17. Would you like me to make one for you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, but thanks for the gesture. It's just that I thought that the pinning was for stuff that a)Is discussed in(i.e. the Book Club) b)Important stuff(i.e. rules). Are you abusing your powers again? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But personal topics ARE important!
  18. Actually, this is my topic alone and no conspiracy. The idea was given to me by someone else who posts here and I thought it was a fantastic idea. If I say any more than this I would be giving it away. Ah. I think I see what it is. Don't have to post this either, if I'm right. Is it the HD reunion? If it is, I would like half of the profits made. Thank you and good night. Okay, as long as I get the remaining two halves. As long as you get the remaining WHOLE? Deftly avoiding the question about what it is I see Horatio. Yes, Horatio, Why must it reamain so secret, and what is the "it?" Hmmm... Is it a nice suprise or an evil suprise I wonder. Will it be a pie fight with real custard-cream pies or will it be a pie fight with.... rhubarb pie! *hates to see good pies go to waste... eats all the pies before a fight can begin* *rolls the now spherical Horatio onto the treadmill and sets it at 200 kmph* *watches as Horatio is flung off and crashes through several walls before stopping* Hmm... Horatio as possible use as living and reuseable Cannon Ball? *after landing, starts pushing the sunflower seeds out of my pouches* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *horatio sees a plane carrying a sign* "what is the secret horatio," is how it reads.
  19. Does that make you hungry? No, it is pretty annoying. But she is a good cook. It turned out to be chicken with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese on top. Odin owns ye all- Einherjer that just ended. Now it is fallen angels -Edguy Please tell your mother I am coming over for dinner! She sounds like not a good cook, but a phenomenally great cook!!!!!!!! We even have some little plates you could use! Tonight, my dad cooked country style bbq ribs and oven fries. Quite good. How outstanding! Both parents are chefs!!! I may need to move in. Good, I can cook you some really tasty eggs in the morning! Far, Far, North -Einherjer. That's all my dad can cook. Eggs. And, he can burn stuff on his large propane grill. ~.~ I looovvvvvveee eggs! Egg beaters or eggs. Doesn't matter. I love them all! Eggs and pick one... sausage, ham, bacon, steak (sorry Toto), omelettes, hard boiled eggs, egg salad, steak tartare (don't ask Toto... you don't want to know). hows abouts bacon and ham omelettes? Thems good. But why doesn't anybody like egg salad besides us? Almost everybody i know hates it. Valley of the Danged [not really the word]- Dragon force Bacon and ham.. sounds great! I have not had the pleasure yet, but plan to! Thanks!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Y'elcome.
  20. The one that says "edited by the church" on the cover? Mine has a chart in it, with monkeys and humans coming from a common ancestor. About the commandment "though shall love thy neighbor as thyself," What if you hate yourself? Then is hating others okay? If you try to kill yourself, is it okay to kill yourself? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't have time to reply to TGHL's post, but I'll reply to you. No, not edited. I go to public school. We do come from a common ancestor: GOD! As to the commandment, How many people honestly hate themselves? Do they have a violent past, or do the other people at their day-to-day destinations tease them a lot? We tend to believe what others say about us. We should never hate anyone, least of all our peers. I values others' lives over mine, because I feel that God put me here to serve others. So, It is not okay to harm others. Just look at the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Everyone likes to be treated nicely, whether theyhate themselves or not. You know that. It is not okay to kill anyone, especially yourself. There are two things that God will not forgive: Blaspheming the Holy Spirit w/out repenting, and suicide. Both will send you on a one-way trip to ####, and that's that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If god is our common ancestor, are you saying that there was an entire race of gods? You can't mean family-wise, because we all came from Adam and Eve, according to the bible. Which brings up another interesting topic- Are we all mentally slow? Think of All the inbreeding if we all came from tow origianol parents.
  21. Does that make you hungry? No, it is pretty annoying. But she is a good cook. It turned out to be chicken with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese on top. Odin owns ye all- Einherjer that just ended. Now it is fallen angels -Edguy Please tell your mother I am coming over for dinner! She sounds like not a good cook, but a phenomenally great cook!!!!!!!! We even have some little plates you could use! Tonight, my dad cooked country style bbq ribs and oven fries. Quite good. How outstanding! Both parents are chefs!!! I may need to move in. Good, I can cook you some really tasty eggs in the morning! Far, Far, North -Einherjer. That's all my dad can cook. Eggs. And, he can burn stuff on his large propane grill. ~.~ I looovvvvvveee eggs! Egg beaters or eggs. Doesn't matter. I love them all! Eggs and pick one... sausage, ham, bacon, steak (sorry Toto), omelettes, hard boiled eggs, egg salad, steak tartare (don't ask Toto... you don't want to know). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hows abouts bacon and ham omelettes? Thems good. But why doesn't anybody like egg salad besides us? Almost everybody i know hates it. Valley of the Danged [not really the word]- Dragon force
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