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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. What happened this week-end??????? NO DR. WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Oh no? whatever shall we do?
  2. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is. Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment. *mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you! O O P S ! ! ! ! hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? 15... are you ready? Yes. What all will I have to do to become one? This is up to HampsterKing. I will let you all know you are interested, and then he will tell you what is next. Do not plan on anything too soon... he is S L O W ! ! ! ! bleah, he needs an assistant. or five.
  3. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is. Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment. *mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you! O O P S ! ! ! ! hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? 15... are you ready? Yes. What all will I have to do to become one?
  4. *head implodes* *watches all the cheese bits fly all over the place* ewww, depending on the cheese that could smell really bad. Not too worry, the cheese of the week month has been provolone! And you think I don't pay attention! I was wondering where the normal complaint-about-the-cheese-not-being-recent from you was!
  5. I think wind could be a bigger percentage. Think about the midwest where the winds are strong, along the coastlines, I wish I could afford a couple of wind generators, because I would have them installed for my cage in Florida. I though about that, but you don't want too much wind-power, because if you have a season with little wind, a big chunk of power would be gone.
  6. On a related note, me and 3 other scouts in my patrol were the colorguard in the Relay for Life. I carried patrol colors, my friends zack and miller carried the state and country colors, respectively. The third friend, Iain, called out the orders and such. We marched around a quarter-mile track, much fun. ^.^ Afterwards, we got pit beef sandwiches. But they didn't have bbq sauce . And in case you didn't know, relay for life is an organization that raises money for cancer patients and stuff like that. it was great. I am glad you participated! Next year make sure you bring some BBQ sauce so you won't be disappointed! I am very familiar with Relay for Life as they train people to run in marathons. A couple of my friends raised money through Relay for Life. That's good, it is a good thing to do. They were talking about how there was one guy, i think he was a gym teacher, who walked for 24 hours. He raised a total of $27,000 dollars. It was CrAzY.
  7. *head implodes* *watches all the cheese bits fly all over the place* ewww, depending on the cheese that could smell really bad.
  8. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is. Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment. *mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you! O O P S ! ! ! ! hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod?
  9. 78 ????? I'm going to live alone, so I might as well aim high. xD LOL I bet you get married and have 78 kids! I'm not a big fan of children. And I don't even like cats. 78 tarantulas! TARANTULAS ?!?!? You won't have to worry about me coming for a visit! Alright. One dog. One tarantula. 76 dust bunnies. I have started collecting the dust bunnies for you. There are a variety of sizes. I have everything from the baby dust bunnies to the overwhelming five foot tall tumbleweed dust rabbit! Nothing bunny-like about this humongous one! So, any preference on size? I have no preference on size, they just have to be dustfree. Since dust is on of the many things I'm allergic to. (: Dust-free dust bunnies? *head implodes*
  10. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is. Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment. *mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you!
  11. On a related note, me and 3 other scouts in my patrol were the colorguard in the Relay for Life. I carried patrol colors, my friends zack and miller carried the state and country colors, respectively. The third friend, Iain, called out the orders and such. We marched around a quarter-mile track, much fun. ^.^ Afterwards, we got pit beef sandwiches. But they didn't have bbq sauce . And in case you didn't know, relay for life is an organization that raises money for cancer patients and stuff like that. it was great.
  12. The reason everyone in the U.S. is scared of nuclear power is they automatically presume anyone who uses it (except ourselves) wants to use them to make bombs to blow us up. I think more nuclear power is a great thing, but we do need something to do with the waste. Perhaps we should start a little bit, such as 20%, so as not to create a huge shock to the people who don't want it, and also that way we wouldn't have as much waste that we would have nothing to do with. After we start, we could slowly increase the nuclear:renewable ratio, and also implement some solar and wind energy along the way, so maybe 40% nuclear, and 20% wind, 20% solar, and 20% renewable?
  13. Okay, new pictures. I made the head taller, I put on a small tail (don't want it to get in the way), and I tried your green/brown combination. You should make the tail a little bigger, it is too small. IMHO.
  14. Glad to hear you have no intention of buying make-up! Unfortunately, people are influenced by the media, adverts and what they think will help them get ahead, be beautiful and be successful. The methods by which young girls are going about this is all wrong. Very few girls have the body to show so much skin, and the magazines make it appear that everyone wants to see this display. Revealing so much skin is not attractive. They still try to though. The sad thing is, their parents buy the clothes a lot of the time.
  15. i would never buy make-up. However, i have noticed that America is turning all it's little girls into ah... how to phrase this... very revealing people, obsessed with how they look, and they tend to show more skin than a sumo wrestler(exaggeration). I'm not sure if this is happening in other countries or not.
  16. Oh No!! Not the ondustrial custard!!! *gets hungry* typo ninja. :ninja:
  17. As a matter of fact, that is exactly where I watched the previous shows. I think I have that basic Cable Cheesemaster has. I've never really known. I remember my Mom getting rid of it in September 2004, So I don't really remember. Either that, or We don't have anything and it's my Grandma who has Basic cable. History isn't basic cable. I think nova is though. might not be.
  18. I have very basic cable. like, 11-27, 71, 74, and 75. So i do get discovery. Did you know doctor who used to be on pbs?
  19. Well, i have nothing to say on the matter, considering I havn't seen it AND I don't even have the channel.
  20. This topic almost has 20,000 views! that be crazy!
  21. I miss the cheese/tghl/squirrel war. and the 100 per day posting was nice.
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