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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Nobody knows why the pickle likes Emily the Strange. That is because She doesn't like to eat bugs. Anyway, the pickle murdered the cucumber. The cucumber's name was Harry Cubby McBubbbub. He decided to ride his unicyle to the Big Evil Supermart. He bought a money bag. However, the money was Moneylovers wife, And ate pie. But poisoned pie. So, Moneylover died, Then died again. After the continuous dying, he stopped eating the penguins. He disliked innards, Like a lot. But that's okay as he was addicted to the smell of the dancing leprechaun on excess cow poo. When he finished sniffing the poo, He drank Cherry-Coke, and then he died.they buried him in Cow poo.So everyone else slept in the cow poo again. So this ended When we all said bye to cow poo... again. Then TBFOF became the richest boy with two noses and five tongues. and he died. The bugs came, ate his arm, and regurgitated them. TBFOF then revived! now he's puke. MW stepped in some cow poo. So she barfed. And TBFOF lived no more, ever.The poor kid needs a bath Or a shower. No, a coffin. Hygeine is good. That's why I'm taking a shower in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola. More poo... yup. And then we ran to the boobah home base! The crowds went "TAKE A SHOWER!" Then you went to a store with a bathroom and many watermelons. Mushroomking spazzed out when she saw a vampire pickel that danced and sang like a very rabid squirrel named Skwerlhugger Will. The squirrel then danced like pickles in the rain wearing cowboy boots with a fedora. Then the beast started to dance on people's heads Then got keelingyoudead'ed. With a million the people said. So they ouched and fell down. Suddenly, a giant cheesemonster squished them with cow poo And a Hippo. That had much diamond bracelets with unwanted body hair. The hippo's name was Larry King. but it ate my computer's harddrive while doing a headstand on a Hoops' awesome head. Now she has feeling very, very cow poo-like. oopsie poopsie toes. And also very in cowboy boots and a hat that greatly resembled A big pineapple with fluffernutter ears and puppydog eyes and arachnid limbs. then it fell In Cow poo. Then it died. The fecomaniacal zombie had some pie. A cow pie. And then MW barked up the cherry micicle tree till cow poo fell on her ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG! and the hydrogen bomb blew up. Raining giant cupcakes that resembled big orange slippery potatoes. alas, they were slimey, smelly slugs And cow poo that just died. due to a/an lack of some orange flavored jello with double cheese And some pants in its face. then an explosion of pure Phazon which mutated into a marshmellow of sticky, yummy explosions Of much doom. which caused economic skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky of planet SR388. which has thirty-one hunter-class Metroids And they stunk like moldy brie. But its okay Because Emily the elephant earred octopus isn't a Metroid. And it sucked Horatio's brain out. However, Meta-Ridley swoops like a rock Onto Kraid who decides to sing. Everyone went deaf and danced a silly little jig of fatal doom in a runaway ambulance that was on teh highway heading towards Luigi's half-way existing mansion and Mario's house. when all-of-a-sudden Bowser came and ate Mario's very favorite rabid rabbit pie and Cow poo. Causing the ambulance's red siren to make blatting noises. while blood was turned into Soda. That tasted like EXPLOSIONS OF DOOM. this caused economic backfire across the marshmellow jellied cherries and the moon made of cheese. rotten, smelly cheese that has been in outer space for ten minutes. Then the monkey ate a bananana that was poisned. And then he started running in your general direction. So I headed away, over there into a tube, out of danger hidden underneath a steaming heap of roasted sunflower seeds that someone farted into outer space. by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed That killed everyone. Then the aliens Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished an entire bowl of cow poo. I then materialised into our digestive systems.And he exploded. Beware the were-rabbit who just might be your next small chicken pie, with mashed potatoes and purple gravy. So do not consider eating the cinesra with toast and pickled marzipan. Rather eat pickled, pickled marzipan? Yum... Marzipan is delectable. Unlike Horatio's sunflower, which is very purple and chunky with edinayc flavoured, whipped cream covered strawberry flavored clams. In other news, someone tried them with Metroid Sprinkles. They were yummy. So they had a close encounter with some poo. Chocolate marshmallow poo. covered with almonds, pecans, walnuts, peanuts, blueberrys, ants and explosive mushrooms of ancient roman origin. We then put sonic, shadow, knuckles in small plastic bags covered in faux aligator skin. Then TBFOF sang Speed of Sound with a bottle filled with delicious yummy cheese wiz. When he finished designing birthday cakes he exploded over then he sold the excellent cakes to Israeli spies to explode them. The Israeli spies with extreme yumminess of great doom causing small hats in the shape of a sword which prods people to spontaneously combust, to lead a band in pressure points. After cleaning ELE's hairy underarms, she scratched her bum causing temproal destruction and itchless bum syndrome. Toilets flew into Horatio, injuring his only pickle. Pickle was buried in Hot Topic. Robot Bob Barker was then shot In Limetid too by Dr.Watson's hat. Emily the strange and Ruby Gloom sat inside a giant cow "pie" driving pea-shaped cars. The cow gravy was part of a very odorous, Horrid Meat Grinder. An exquisite corpse did a funky and revived itself using a Phoenix with music by anyone but Pink-Floyd and lemon-demon. Yogurt was very Stoopid after the crash made newspaper headlines, but nobody cared, because ZZ Top and the Yogurt were in the tabloids with False Accusations. Summarized, everything is Squeaky Guinea Pigs and RootBeer Floats. Flesh-eating bacteria took over, then aliens from Mars and Trent The Brunette disliked being insulted. Twenty thousand weasles saw Totoro's cat-bus arrive because he's crazy and wanted to eat club crackers, ride around town and drink rootbeer with Vera Lynn. Not to mention Bush was there wearing a makeshift lampshade made of Osama-Bin-Laden's hair and Cow poo. He was attacked and went back to the pickle and Spongbob Squarepants. Vanilla Star Hamster fails to appear in this story but writes her a screaming Howler stating that TGHL, the pesky Phoenix, was also Superman dressed in a flying carpet hat and a hairy giant toupee thingy. On his feet were marshmallow candles surrounded by magenta lightsaber weilding ninjas and invisable, massless objects. Made of balloons and filled with arsenic, TGHL's feet scratched a giant mountain made of puos pin tac and big rubber hamster swimming caps. The Mountain was named 'Mt. Whatthe after the question' and had two scraggley craggely peaks with purple cherries and Evil Teachers. Due to malfunctions roaming the landscape Arkcher The UNPIRATE, glad he wasn't a Smily, was a :ninja: . Andy the Emo wrote a song about crying over life, the universe, and everything. Stupid and worthless Preppies decided murder was afoot. "OMG!!!!!!" They said. Then Jackalope Bob, suddenly felt very dead. The Preppies tried to murder MK's massive signature and smiley. Everyone hates the orange marching mosquitos that drink OJ and like to sing "Body Language" by Invision CodeRed which is not the best song or the smelliest. Some Squashed Flies destroyed the hat of assorted feces and chocolate goodness. Emily the Strange returned with Chickens fried in poo and covered with spam. Looking for a way to poo, they ate her. The beast and Dr. Hoogeywackawoowoo and her little dog too caused volcanic eruptions. Space and time were torn asunder by faceless Children with meat grinders, purple combat wombats and pogo sticks made of rotten, weezing Stick figures which smelled like Dior's Pure Poison. MK's massive signature which occupied three-hundred-eighty-two-million handicapped parking spaces, Gerald Scarfe Animations, MGM studios and Stephen King's imagination, and a monkey,
  2. A new game! not really... but anyways... I didn't feel like making a new topic and this was the place to do vacation things, so here is that vacation info horatio! On sunday two weeks ago, we left for grayson highlands, virginia. We had our Rav-4, bike rack, and camper all hitched up and ready to go. we pull out, and SSCCCCCCCRRRAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEE!!! This was our first time traveling in the new ra-4, and we didn't know that the bike rack made the hitch connecting the car and camper together much two low, so the hitch was scraping the road. we couldn't go like this, so we had to take off the hitch and lug all the bikes and hitch back to the house. we were off to a great start. ^.^ After that, we were good. We started down, a very noneventful trip, thankfully. we listened to books on CD's, whales on stilts this time. And I played DS. WE got there, up high in the muntains, a very pretty wooded area with an open field in the middle, which was great for viewing the fighter planes that fly over often enough. The next day, after seting up and relaxing the previous night, We prepared gorp ultra (good-ole-raisens and peanutes and a bunch of other things, fruit, m&ms, sunflower seeds, prunes) and packed our bags with drinks, aforementioned gorp, and crackers, and set off for massie gap. That is the start to the hike to mount rodgers, which is 8 miles total. You start off by going up this big steep hill, but relatively easy to walk on (but not up .) This leads to a part of a horse trail, which leads through an open plain that has ponies along side of it that sometimes come up to you, and they let you pet them as well. After that, there is a part through a burned forest and up the first mountain, but the trail is pretty much just a bunch of rocks, not easy to walk on at all. not small rocks, ones that are a bout 3 feet across, and a bunch of sharp edges. that leads to a rocky peak, and after that it is a dirt path about 1 foot wide down to a lower part, and back up to another peak. This then goes to rhodedendron gap, which is pretty much a rhodedendron forest. you walk through that to thomas knob, which has a shelter on it for weary travelers. This is part of the appalachian, after all. it merges after the pony field, i believe. From the shelter on, it is a hike up through a steep field into a very thick, mossy, pine forest. At the end of that part, you have reached the top of mount rodgers, the highest point in virginia! then you get to turn around and do it all again! and because it is over several mountains, it is not all downhill on the way back. we finished that at about 7 at night. we went back to camp, and relaxed the rest of the night. The next day, we weren't in much of a "moving" mood, so we drove around the area for a couple of hours, looking at vairous views. we found ourselves right behind a bunch of classic MGs, all from canada. the next day, we decided to do the virginia creeper trail, a 17 mile bikeride down a mountain or two, all around damascus, a nice little town in virginia. Because we couldn't bring our bikes, we had to rent a couple from where we took the shuttle up to the top of the trail. After we finished the trail, we got ice cream at this one place where we always get ice cream at after we finish the trail, i believe it is called "off the beaten path ice cream." Over the ext couple of days, we did a hike up to the twin pinnacles, which are two pinnacles on this one mountain, a nice trail through the woods with some quite steep places, and we did abut 2.5 miles there. Also, we did this one hike down to the bottom of the mountain we were camped on. AT the bottom there is a mountain stream, quite ferocious in a couple p[laces, as in the current easily lifted and pushed away rocks the size of two fists. That was a nice hike. But alas, on saturday we had to go home. We packed up, and started the trip back. Pretty uneventful, stopped at cracker barrel for lunch/dinner, and listened to "blood lure," a mystery novel by nevada barr, or something like that, on CD. However, with about two hours left to get home, It poured. not just raining, but pouring. So we were on an interstate, with low visibility, and a bunch of cars. quite fun. So we had to unpack in the rain, but by then it had let up a bit. ANd that is the end to our vacation. We had perfect weather the whole time, but we get back and look what happens.
  3. *is very worried* Goldendoodle???????????????????? dun worry horatio, it is just a poodle bred with a golden retriever. For real?!?!? Or did you photoshop that picture? Soon there will be no real breeds, but a bunch of Heinz 57 varieties. It seems like no one is ever happy with the way things are, they always need to change it. So what is next, a ChiDane?, a Pocket PeekaStiff? I did forget to say... the dog is cute! But wait, didn't you say Golden Retrievers were kind of big? You think this doggie is small? (Just checking your perspective. LOL) well, smaller than an average golden retriever. the next big hit! the poowah! (poodle/chiuaua)
  4. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Have a nice trip to...um...wherever you're going jesse, didn't you use to be ssj gohan? I can answer for him... SSJ6 Gohan and yes you are so correct. okay.
  5. You bad Cheesie! How could you do that to such a wonderful hammie! That hammie will be forever scarred!!!! tee hee! *giggle* fatalist- front line assembly
  6. *is very worried* Goldendoodle???????????????????? dun worry horatio, it is just a poodle bred with a golden retriever.
  7. 8 miles?! Actually I only managed about 7.2. For some reason it was a bit tougher today than usual. I always try and go around 14H00 when it is the hottest. My thinking is if I can do my mileage at the hottest part of the day, then everything else will be easy. Only, 7.2, I love that. This Sunday I need to do 13. I don't think I will wait until mid-day. This will need to be a morning run. And another thing, this is not the speed of TBFOF, this is the speed of an eighty-nine year old in a walker! Lexxy...... up late I see! this reminds me of my vacation! need to post a topic bout dat. you will see how it relates.... muahahaha...
  8. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    Have a nice trip to...um...wherever you're going jesse, didn't you use to be ssj gohan?
  9. I'm not sure, i like gentle dogs with soft fluffy hair, so i would probably like a golden retriever the ost. but tey are kinda big, so maybe a designer breed, a goldendoodle perhaps?
  10. Nobody knows why the pickle likes Emily the Strange. That is because She doesn't like to eat bugs. Anyway, the pickle murdered the cucumber. The cucumber's name was Harry Cubby McBubbbub. He decided to ride his unicyle to the Big Evil Supermart. He bought a money bag. However, the money was Moneylovers wife, And ate pie. But poisoned pie. So, Moneylover died, Then died again. After the continuous dying, he stopped eating the penguins. He disliked innards, Like a lot. But that's okay as he was addicted to the smell of the dancing leprechaun on excess cow poo. When he finished sniffing the poo, He drank Cherry-Coke, and then he died.they buried him in Cow poo.So everyone else slept in the cow poo again. So this ended When we all said bye to cow poo... again. Then TBFOF became the richest boy with two noses and five tongues. and he died. The bugs came, ate his arm, and regurgitated them. TBFOF then revived! now he's puke. MW stepped in some cow poo. So she barfed. And TBFOF lived no more, ever.The poor kid needs a bath Or a shower. No, a coffin. Hygeine is good. That's why I'm taking a shower in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola. More poo... yup. And then we ran to the boobah home base! The crowds went "TAKE A SHOWER!" Then you went to a store with a bathroom and many watermelons. Mushroomking spazzed out when she saw a vampire pickel that danced and sang like a very rabid squirrel named Skwerlhugger Will. The squirrel then danced like pickles in the rain wearing cowboy boots with a fedora. Then the beast started to dance on people's heads Then got keelingyoudead'ed. With a million the people said. So they ouched and fell down. Suddenly, a giant cheesemonster squished them with cow poo And a Hippo. That had much diamond bracelets with unwanted body hair. The hippo's name was Larry King. but it ate my computer's harddrive while doing a headstand on a Hoops' awesome head. Now she has feeling very, very cow poo-like. oopsie poopsie toes. And also very in cowboy boots and a hat that greatly resembled A big pineapple with fluffernutter ears and puppydog eyes and arachnid limbs. then it fell In Cow poo. Then it died. The fecomaniacal zombie had some pie. A cow pie. And then MW barked up the cherry micicle tree till cow poo fell on her ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG! and the hydrogen bomb blew up. Raining giant cupcakes that resembled big orange slippery potatoes. alas, they were slimey, smelly slugs And cow poo that just died. due to a/an lack of some orange flavored jello with double cheese And some pants in its face. then an explosion of pure Phazon which mutated into a marshmellow of sticky, yummy explosions Of much doom. which caused economic skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky of planet SR388. which has thirty-one hunter-class Metroids And they stunk like moldy brie. But its okay Because Emily the elephant earred octopus isn't a Metroid. And it sucked Horatio's brain out. However, Meta-Ridley swoops like a rock Onto Kraid who decides to sing. Everyone went deaf and danced a silly little jig of fatal doom in a runaway ambulance that was on teh highway heading towards Luigi's half-way existing mansion and Mario's house. when all-of-a-sudden Bowser came and ate Mario's very favorite rabid rabbit pie and Cow poo. Causing the ambulance's red siren to make blatting noises. while blood was turned into Soda. That tasted like EXPLOSIONS OF DOOM. this caused economic backfire across the marshmellow jellied cherries and the moon made of cheese. rotten, smelly cheese that has been in outer space for ten minutes. Then the monkey ate a bananana that was poisned. And then he started running in your general direction. So I headed away, over there into a tube, out of danger hidden underneath a steaming heap of roasted sunflower seeds that someone farted into outer space. by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed That killed everyone. Then the aliens Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished an entire bowl of cow poo. I then materialised into our digestive systems.And he exploded. Beware the were-rabbit who just might be your next small chicken pie, with mashed potatoes and purple gravy. So do not consider eating the cinesra with toast and pickled marzipan. Rather eat pickled, pickled marzipan? Yum... Marzipan is delectable. Unlike Horatio's sunflower, which is very purple and chunky with edinayc flavoured, whipped cream covered strawberry flavored clams. In other news, someone tried them with Metroid Sprinkles. They were yummy. So they had a close encounter with some poo. Chocolate marshmallow poo. covered with almonds, pecans, walnuts, peanuts, blueberrys, ants and explosive mushrooms of ancient roman origin. We then put sonic, shadow, knuckles in small plastic bags covered in faux aligator skin. Then TBFOF sang Speed of Sound with a bottle filled with delicious yummy cheese wiz. When he finished designing birthday cakes he exploded over then he sold the excellent cakes to Israeli spies to explode them. The Israeli spies with extreme yumminess of great doom causing small hats in the shape of a sword which prods people to spontaneously combust, to lead a band in pressure points. After cleaning ELE's hairy underarms, she scratched her bum causing temproal destruction and itchless bum syndrome. Toilets flew into Horatio, injuring his only pickle. Pickle was buried in Hot Topic. Robot Bob Barker was then shot In Limetid too by Dr.Watson's hat. Emily the strange and Ruby Gloom sat inside a giant cow "pie" driving pea-shaped cars. The cow gravy was part of a very odorous, Horrid Meat Grinder. An exquisite corpse did a funky and revived itself using a Phoenix with music by anyone but Pink-Floyd and lemon-demon. Yogurt was very Stoopid after the crash made newspaper headlines, but nobody cared, because ZZ Top and the Yogurt were in the tabloids with False Accusations. Summarized, everything is Squeaky Guinea Pigs and RootBeer Floats. Flesh-eating bacteria took over, then aliens from Mars and Trent The Brunette disliked being insulted. Twenty thousand weasles saw Totoro's cat-bus arrive because he's crazy and wanted to eat club crackers, ride around town and drink rootbeer with Vera Lynn. Not to mention Bush was there wearing a makeshift lampshade made of Osama-Bin-Laden's hair and Cow poo. He was attacked and went back to the pickle and Spongbob Squarepants. Vanilla Star Hamster fails to appear in this story but writes her a screaming Howler stating that TGHL, the pesky Phoenix, was also Superman dressed in a flying carpet hat and a hairy giant toupee thingy. On his feet were marshmallow candles surrounded by magenta lightsaber weilding ninjas and invisable, massless objects. Made of balloons and filled with arsenic, TGHL's feet scratched a giant mountain made of puos pin tac and big rubber hamster swimming caps. The Mountain was named 'Mt. Whatthe after the question' and had two scraggley craggely peaks with purple cherries and Evil Teachers. Due to malfunctions roaming the landscape Arkcher The UNPIRATE, glad he wasn't a Smily, was a :ninja: . Andy the Emo wrote a song about crying over life, the universe, and everything. Stupid and worthless Preppies decided murder was afoot. "OMG!!!!!!" They said. Then Jackalope Bob, suddenly felt very dead. The Preppies tried to murder MK's massive signature and smiley. Everyone hates the orange marching mosquitos that drink OJ and like to sing "Body Language" by Invision CodeRed which is not the best song or the smelliest. Some Squashed Flies destroyed the hat of assorted feces and chocolate goodness. Emily the Strange returned with Chickens fried in poo and covered with spam. Looking for a way to poo, they ate her. The beast and Dr. Hoogeywackawoowoo and her little dog too caused volcanic eruptions. Space and time were torn asunder by faceless Children with meat grinders, purple combat wombats and pogo sticks made of rotten, weezing Stick figures which smelled like Dior's Pure Poison. MK's massive signature which occupied three-hundred-eighty-two-million handicapped parking spaces
  11. That is such a great song!!! Mmhmm. Did you know Scott Ian is going to marry Marvin Aday's daughter? Such juicy gossip, I know. xD No. Have you been spending time in the Supermarket checkout lines again? Bush cheats on Laura with Condi! ... I mean. No. ROFOCLH That's good!!!!! WHat is rofoclh? rolling on face on carpet laughing hysterically? and another one bites the dust, by queen.
  12. I think you accidentally voted for yellow. LOL LOL Leave it to Toto... can't even select the correct vote. *wonders what would happen when she votes for President* I actually didn't even vote. So. There. And then I voted for blue, since Cornflower is the best ever. Yay blue votes!
  13. Could you try and better describe the problem here? What router do you have? the one nintendo sells, the one that only works for ds. it says nintendo wi-fi usb connector on it.
  14. my guinea pigs had skin problems, and we used nizoral shampoo, that really helps.
  15. Cheesus


    I'm not much for lip piercings, myself. But if I had a tatoo, it would probably be a dragon wrapping around my arm, if it was a large one. If it were small, it would be... a dragons head on me shoulder. But I don't plan on getting a tatoo.
  16. You just want to hug the last person who voted for you or all four of them? *knows who voted the last vote* what, can you see who voted for who on you spiffy mod-ness? or was it just that it was you so you know it was you?
  17. arkcher, my ds router will not download again. i had to uninstall it to get the latest version, and now i can't reinstall it. please help me. T.T
  18. chtspking 0f w31rd fuds... i like ketchup on my eggs!! it is funny some people i know find that weird. But i also like super-toast, an invention of my dads- toast with butter, jelly, ketchup, eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon. but all on the toast. =O on rollercoaster tycoon... my brother had a park with about 2000 people in it. SO he saved it first, then put in a whole bunch of those signs that keep people from going somewhere, so that they were all in a single spot. he took out everything around them, and set up a balloon stall. he waited until almost all of them had a balloon, then he put some water under the path, and took out said path! you can figure out the rest... ...lots of flying balloons! wwhhheeee!!!=3
  19. I know what you mean! (about the watch) Nobody wears a watch, so I get asked what time is it at least ten times a day. a lot of the time it is more. It doesn't help that a lot of the clocks in school didn't work or were off by a bit.
  20. I think you accidentally voted for yellow. LOL LOL Leave it to Toto... can't even select the correct vote. *wonders what would happen when she votes for President* *look at 2000/2004*
  21. well, i could look at my one vote positively: it doesn't make it a four-way tie!
  22. My friend is in a band called the suburban pirate orchestra. =O
  23. Nobody knows why the pickle likes Emily the Strange. That is because She doesn't like to eat bugs. Anyway, the pickle murdered the cucumber. The cucumber's name was Harry Cubby McBubbbub. He decided to ride his unicyle to the Big Evil Supermart. He bought a money bag. However, the money was Moneylovers wife, And ate pie. But poisoned pie. So, Moneylover died, Then died again. After the continuous dying, he stopped eating the penguins. He disliked innards, Like a lot. But that's okay as he was addicted to the smell of the dancing leprechaun on excess cow poo. When he finished sniffing the poo, He drank Cherry-Coke, and then he died.they buried him in Cow poo.So everyone else slept in the cow poo again. So this ended When we all said bye to cow poo... again. Then TBFOF became the richest boy with two noses and five tongues. and he died. The bugs came, ate his arm, and regurgitated them. TBFOF then revived! now he's puke. MW stepped in some cow poo. So she barfed. And TBFOF lived no more, ever.The poor kid needs a bath Or a shower. No, a coffin. Hygeine is good. That's why I'm taking a shower in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola. More poo... yup. And then we ran to the boobah home base! The crowds went "TAKE A SHOWER!" Then you went to a store with a bathroom and many watermelons. Mushroomking spazzed out when she saw a vampire pickel that danced and sang like a very rabid squirrel named Skwerlhugger Will. The squirrel then danced like pickles in the rain wearing cowboy boots with a fedora. Then the beast started to dance on people's heads Then got keelingyoudead'ed. With a million the people said. So they ouched and fell down. Suddenly, a giant cheesemonster squished them with cow poo And a Hippo. That had much diamond bracelets with unwanted body hair. The hippo's name was Larry King. but it ate my computer's harddrive while doing a headstand on a Hoops' awesome head. Now she has feeling very, very cow poo-like. oopsie poopsie toes. And also very in cowboy boots and a hat that greatly resembled A big pineapple with fluffernutter ears and puppydog eyes and arachnid limbs. then it fell In Cow poo. Then it died. The fecomaniacal zombie had some pie. A cow pie. And then MW barked up the cherry micicle tree till cow poo fell on her ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG! and the hydrogen bomb blew up. Raining giant cupcakes that resembled big orange slippery potatoes. alas, they were slimey, smelly slugs And cow poo that just died. due to a/an lack of some orange flavored jello with double cheese And some pants in its face. then an explosion of pure Phazon which mutated into a marshmellow of sticky, yummy explosions Of much doom. which caused economic skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky of planet SR388. which has thirty-one hunter-class Metroids And they stunk like moldy brie. But its okay Because Emily the elephant earred octopus isn't a Metroid. And it sucked Horatio's brain out. However, Meta-Ridley swoops like a rock Onto Kraid who decides to sing. Everyone went deaf and danced a silly little jig of fatal doom in a runaway ambulance that was on teh highway heading towards Luigi's half-way existing mansion and Mario's house. when all-of-a-sudden Bowser came and ate Mario's very favorite rabid rabbit pie and Cow poo. Causing the ambulance's red siren to make blatting noises. while blood was turned into Soda. That tasted like EXPLOSIONS OF DOOM. this caused economic backfire across the marshmellow jellied cherries and the moon made of cheese. rotten, smelly cheese that has been in outer space for ten minutes. Then the monkey ate a bananana that was poisned. And then he started running in your general direction. So I headed away, over there into a tube, out of danger hidden underneath a steaming heap of roasted sunflower seeds that someone farted into outer space. by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed That killed everyone. Then the aliens Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished an entire bowl of cow poo. I then materialised into our digestive systems.And he exploded. Beware the were-rabbit who just might be your next small chicken pie, with mashed potatoes and purple gravy. So do not consider eating the cinesra with toast and pickled marzipan. Rather eat pickled, pickled marzipan? Yum... Marzipan is delectable. Unlike Horatio's sunflower, which is very purple and chunky with edinayc flavoured, whipped cream covered strawberry flavored clams. In other news, someone tried them with Metroid Sprinkles. They were yummy. So they had a close encounter with some poo. Chocolate marshmallow poo. covered with almonds, pecans, walnuts, peanuts, blueberrys, ants and explosive mushrooms of ancient roman origin. We then put sonic, shadow, knuckles in small plastic bags covered in faux aligator skin. Then TBFOF sang Speed of Sound with a bottle filled with delicious yummy cheese wiz. When he finished designing birthday cakes he exploded over then he sold the excellent cakes to Israeli spies to explode them. The Israeli spies with extreme yumminess of great doom causing small hats in the shape of a sword which prods people to spontaneously combust, to lead a band in pressure points. After cleaning ELE's hairy underarms, she scratched her bum causing temproal destruction and itchless bum syndrome. Toilets flew into Horatio, injuring his only pickle. Pickle was buried in Hot Topic. Robot Bob Barker was then shot In Limetid too by Dr.Watson's hat. Emily the strange and Ruby Gloom sat inside a giant cow "pie" driving pea-shaped cars. The cow gravy was part of a very odorous, Horrid Meat Grinder. An exquisite corpse did a funky and revived itself using a Phoenix with music by anyone but Pink-Floyd and lemon-demon. Yogurt was very Stoopid after the crash made newspaper headlines, but nobody cared, because ZZ Top and the Yogurt were in the tabloids with False Accusations. Summarized, everything is Squeaky Guinea Pigs and RootBeer Floats. Flesh-eating bacteria took over, then aliens from Mars and Trent The Brunette disliked being insulted. Twenty thousand weasles saw Totoro's cat-bus arrive because he's crazy and wanted to eat club crackers, ride around town and drink rootbeer with Vera Lynn. Not to mention Bush was there wearing a makeshift lampshade made of Osama-Bin-Laden's hair and Cow poo. He was attacked and went back to the pickle and Spongbob Squarepants. Vanilla Star Hamster fails to appear in this story but writes her a screaming Howler stating that TGHL, the pesky Phoenix, was also Superman dressed in a flying carpet hat and a hairy giant toupee thingy. On his feet were marshmallow candles surrounded by magenta lightsaber weilding ninjas and invisable, massless objects. Made of balloons and filled with arsenic, TGHL's feet scratched a giant mountain made of puos pin tac and big rubber hamster swimming caps. The Mountain was named 'Mt. Whatthe after the question' and had two scraggley craggely peaks with purple cherries and Evil Teachers. Due to malfunctions roaming the landscape Arkcher The UNPIRATE, glad he wasn't a Smily, was a :ninja: . Andy the Emo wrote a song about crying over life, the universe, and everything. Stupid and worthless Preppies decided murder was afoot. "OMG!!!!!!" They said. Then Jackalope Bob, suddenly felt very dead. The Preppies tried to murder MK's massive signature and smiley. Everyone hates the orange marching mosquitos that drink OJ and like to sing "Body Language" by Invision CodeRed which is not the best song or the smelliest. Some Squashed Flies destroyed the hat of assorted feces and chocolate goodness. Emily the Strange returned with Chickens fried in poo and covered with spam. Looking for a way to poo, they ate her. The beast and Dr. Hoogeywackawoowoo and her little dog too caused volcanic eruptions. Space and time were torn asunder by faceless Children with meat grinders, purple combat wombats and pogo sticks made of rotten
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