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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. 1 n0 h0\/\/. 1 m3+ h1m b4. n 1 sum+1m33z t4k 2 h1m +ro 33m41l. *translation* I know how. I met him b4. And someone (unsure on the "m33z. maybe it is "me") talk to him through email.
  2. *translation* but fo' seriously. Zak is mine.
  3. How phenomenal a trip. It was great you could rent bikes and continue on with your plans. You and your family sound like a really cool family who do great things! I bet you are tired now! well, I got back a week ago, maybe two (time is hard to keep track of during summer,) So I am fine now. But the most tiring part was the trek up to mount rodgers. not an easy walk, but it does have many phenomenal(sp?) panoramic views of mountainscape. Where are your pictures??????????? You have to bring the camera to share your adventures with us!!!! *sends TBFOF to accompany Cheesemaster on all his trips as a documentary photographer* I actually did take one picture! I just have to finish up the roll now, and get it developed. TBFOF would be shocked to hear this. He took six hundred something on his trip to Quebec! I know, i read about that. That would cost a lot to get eveloped, though!
  4. *wonders if Cheesemaster likes eating spinach* No, I hate the stuff. *wonders how the dream interpreters would view this dream* I think i would leave them clueless!
  5. Hey good one! That is a name the American Kennel Club would approve of!!! Or Golden Shepe-with-an-accent-on-the-last-e. I like mine better. I can't pronounce yours. Sheh-TREE-eh(not pronounced "a")-varp
  6. n0 w4iii grLfr3nd. z4k 1z z0 myn33. 1LL fyt33 u 4 h1/\/\. \/\/3 zhUd 4zc h1M n c h00 H333 lyk3z b3++r. I can translate! and not because of all the posts below explaining it. 1 \/\/45|\|'+ 15+ +0 q3+ +0 1+. u 4|| 4r3 50 /\/\334|\|!
  7. Cheesus


    lol, if you have a test tatoo the answers to your arm... horatio seems to like that idea Test tattoos that go away after a semester. This way you can get a new set for the next set of courses. lol. cuz you wouldnt get caught with that or anything. i mite get a heart somewhere. i cant wait to get my lip pierced. i mite have to wait till im 18. but i know people that pierce. and i plan on making a fake id in about a year. so i mite get it before that. i also plan on piercing my 3rd,4th, 5th holes in my ears. i had my 3rd for a while but i took it out cuz it was uneven. i wanna do my nose and tongue too but i dont wanna do them at home. ...maybe my nose, but DEFINATLY not tougue My friend Bri did her own Snakebite, and she did my other friend Amanda's Monroe and she's like, uh, 12. what is a snake bite? and no horatio, not the obvious answer. he is obviously referring to a type of peircing, and not by a snake. You would have commented on that, wouldn't you? How could I not????? It was perfect. *wonders why Toto missed such a golden opportunity* I know you too well. You are so right! That was exactly what I was thinking and decided not to say! LOL And was "golden opportunity" a pun of sorts?
  8. *grabs that wolf by the tail* Oh no you don't! You cannot make a statement like that and think you are escaping so easily! LOL KOALAS DON'T POOP??????????????? *wonders if Jesse is joking or my blonde hairs have gotten the better of my brain* You cannot leave me hanging like this!!!!!!!! LOL *takes the micicle supply as hostage* *lets Horatio take the fall as being the idiot in case it isn't true*
  9. How phenomenal a trip. It was great you could rent bikes and continue on with your plans. You and your family sound like a really cool family who do great things! I bet you are tired now! well, I got back a week ago, maybe two (time is hard to keep track of during summer,) So I am fine now. But the most tiring part was the trek up to mount rodgers. not an easy walk, but it does have many phenomenal(sp?) panoramic views of mountainscape. Where are your pictures??????????? You have to bring the camera to share your adventures with us!!!! *sends TBFOF to accompany Cheesemaster on all his trips as a documentary photographer* I actually did take one picture! I just have to finish up the roll now, and get it developed.
  10. Cheesus


    lol, if you have a test tatoo the answers to your arm... horatio seems to like that idea Test tattoos that go away after a semester. This way you can get a new set for the next set of courses. lol. cuz you wouldnt get caught with that or anything. i mite get a heart somewhere. i cant wait to get my lip pierced. i mite have to wait till im 18. but i know people that pierce. and i plan on making a fake id in about a year. so i mite get it before that. i also plan on piercing my 3rd,4th, 5th holes in my ears. i had my 3rd for a while but i took it out cuz it was uneven. i wanna do my nose and tongue too but i dont wanna do them at home. ...maybe my nose, but DEFINATLY not tougue My friend Bri did her own Snakebite, and she did my other friend Amanda's Monroe and she's like, uh, 12. what is a snake bite? and no horatio, not the obvious answer. he is obviously referring to a type of peircing, and not by a snake. You would have commented on that, wouldn't you? How could I not????? It was perfect. *wonders why Toto missed such a golden opportunity* I know you too well.
  11. lyk33 00 n0 u d1dn+. z4k 4ffr00n 1z z0 myn33 grL. 1 h0p 4zl33 +izdal33 lyk33, b4kkz 0f m11 m4n. =D Translation ... Like. No you didn't. Zak Effron is so mine girl. I hope Ashle Tisdale like. Backs off of my man. My talents never cease to amaze me. Well, i got up to "zak," but then i couldn't get any more. How do you do that? I don't know Toto's trick, but I need to treat it like one of those magic 3D pictures. I move back from the computer, so to speak, and look at the words as a whole, not individual letters. When you do this, it makes more sense to me. For example: 4 = A. When you look at the word b4kkz, don't look letter for letter, but step back, look at the entire word and the 4 resembles a Capital A. bAkkz. Does this help? *waits to hear Toto's tricks on reading this, wants to learn a better method* I know 4=A, 3=E, stuff like that. But why not use a 5 for S instead of Z?
  12. Sounds like a song by the Krupps coffee maker about a Scottish roast. What is the band? And the song? Legacy of King- Hammerfall
  13. *wonders if Cheesemaster likes eating spinach* No, I hate the stuff.
  14. Hey good one! That is a name the American Kennel Club would approve of!!! Or Golden Shepe-with-an-accent-on-the-last-e. I like mine better.
  15. so I need someone silmilar to talk to. I'm not sorry. Please explain how being gay is wrong. I think that the main reason people don't support gay anyting is because they are scared of being accused of being gay themselves,and turn very anti-gay, creating a vicious circle.
  16. Topazia, just because two people disagree on one thing does not mean that they are angry at each other, or hate each other. I don't hate you, not in the least, even though out views on religion are totally seperate.
  17. Cheesus


    lol, if you have a test tatoo the answers to your arm... horatio seems to like that idea Test tattoos that go away after a semester. This way you can get a new set for the next set of courses. lol. cuz you wouldnt get caught with that or anything. i mite get a heart somewhere. i cant wait to get my lip pierced. i mite have to wait till im 18. but i know people that pierce. and i plan on making a fake id in about a year. so i mite get it before that. i also plan on piercing my 3rd,4th, 5th holes in my ears. i had my 3rd for a while but i took it out cuz it was uneven. i wanna do my nose and tongue too but i dont wanna do them at home. ...maybe my nose, but DEFINATLY not tougue My friend Bri did her own Snakebite, and she did my other friend Amanda's Monroe and she's like, uh, 12. what is a snake bite? and no horatio, not the obvious answer. he is obviously referring to a type of peircing, and not by a snake. You would have commented on that, wouldn't you?
  18. I don't dream that much, I think. Maybe I dreamed last night, but then, I might not have. I can't remember. =O But there was this one dream that I had quite often as a small child. In it, me and my dad were about to go flying in an old airplane, which was black and yellow, and I would be putting my very long black and yellow bag in it. This was on a big lawn in front of a brick mansion. Then, this wierd guy in a small plane, we called him the red baron, would shoot missles at me, my dad, and my brother. The only way to stay safe would be to duck behind a straw bale. So, my dad, brother and I would do that. Then my brother would stand up, and get hit. Now, the weirdest part is that he would turn into a two story tall blob of spinach. So I would then run away, and then I would ride up to him on my tricycle (no clue where it came from) and he would touch me, and we would go spiraling off into the sky. All this is viewed from a third person point of view. I know, it is really weird.
  19. lyk33 00 n0 u d1dn+. z4k 4ffr00n 1z z0 myn33 grL. 1 h0p 4zl33 +izdal33 lyk33, b4kkz 0f m11 m4n. =D Translation ... Like. No you didn't. Zak Effron is so mine girl. I hope Ashle Tisdale like. Backs off of my man. My talents never cease to amaze me. Well, i got up to "zak," but then i couldn't get any more. How do you do that?
  20. *is very worried* Goldendoodle???????????????????? dun worry horatio, it is just a poodle bred with a golden retriever. For real?!?!? Or did you photoshop that picture? Soon there will be no real breeds, but a bunch of Heinz 57 varieties. It seems like no one is ever happy with the way things are, they always need to change it. So what is next, a ChiDane?, a Pocket PeekaStiff? I did forget to say... the dog is cute! But wait, didn't you say Golden Retrievers were kind of big? You think this doggie is small? (Just checking your perspective. LOL) well, smaller than an average golden retriever. the next big hit! the poowah! (poodle/chiuaua) So you didn't want a ChiDane or a Pocket PeekaStiff? My Aunt Terri has a dog that's a mutt, but the vet said it's prolly a cross between a Pommeranian and a Rottwieler. x_x There you go............. .............a Potweiler! Yup. And Kris has a dog that's part German Shepard, part Golden Retriever, and part Sharpe. That's a really tough one... GoldGermSharpever? Not a good name... I will have to think on this one. golden Shetrievarpe?
  21. How phenomenal a trip. It was great you could rent bikes and continue on with your plans. You and your family sound like a really cool family who do great things! I bet you are tired now! well, I got back a week ago, maybe two (time is hard to keep track of during summer,) So I am fine now. But the most tiring part was the trek up to mount rodgers. not an easy walk, but it does have many phenomenal(sp?) panoramic views of mountainscape.
  22. Cheesus


    lol, if you have a test tatoo the answers to your arm... horatio seems to like that idea Test tattoos that go away after a semester. This way you can get a new set for the next set of courses. lol. cuz you wouldnt get caught with that or anything. i mite get a heart somewhere. i cant wait to get my lip pierced. i mite have to wait till im 18. but i know people that pierce. and i plan on making a fake id in about a year. so i mite get it before that. i also plan on piercing my 3rd,4th, 5th holes in my ears. i had my 3rd for a while but i took it out cuz it was uneven. i wanna do my nose and tongue too but i dont wanna do them at home. ...maybe my nose, but DEFINATLY not tougue My friend Bri did her own Snakebite, and she did my other friend Amanda's Monroe and she's like, uh, 12. what is a snake bite? and no horatio, not the obvious answer. he is obviously referring to a type of peircing, and not by a snake.
  23. *is very worried* Goldendoodle???????????????????? dun worry horatio, it is just a poodle bred with a golden retriever. For real?!?!? Or did you photoshop that picture? Soon there will be no real breeds, but a bunch of Heinz 57 varieties. It seems like no one is ever happy with the way things are, they always need to change it. So what is next, a ChiDane?, a Pocket PeekaStiff? I did forget to say... the dog is cute! But wait, didn't you say Golden Retrievers were kind of big? You think this doggie is small? (Just checking your perspective. LOL) well, smaller than an average golden retriever. the next big hit! the poowah! (poodle/chiuaua) So you didn't want a ChiDane or a Pocket PeekaStiff? what? pikachu? where?
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