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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. awww, por lonely horation. I hope your lappy gets better! what was wrong with it in the first place?
  2. WHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTT?!?!?!? *thinks up an appropriate method of punishing TBFOF* mass "botha botha botha"ing, maybe? *opens the gate to the hammie herd, watches them head for TBFOF, turning him upside down, hanging him by his toes, letting all his money fall on the ground* Hey, we now have money to spread around the boards! *divides TBFOF's big bucks handing an equal amount to everyone* LOL oooh... money! yay for not being as poor anymore! XD
  3. WHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTT?!?!?!? *thinks up an appropriate method of punishing TBFOF* mass "botha botha botha"ing, maybe?
  4. Agreed. You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!" it is LEEEERRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSs ssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. [sarcasm] I voted yes, but it looks like no is winning. [/sarcasm]
  6. i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____. such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.
  7. I would have no clue if anybody liked me now. I wish a could read minds.
  8. When that frog, croaked his song, he was wearing his hat all wrong so then he grabbed a guitar then ran to the country-time bar. When he sang with-a syrupy twang, The Meat Grinder had hunger pangs. Worm your Honour, you're goin' in, Until Johnny Depp, finds his hairpin. "Get writing Glowurm!!!" Horatio did cry Until The Teacher ate his pie The frog, now yearning for insects Missed his bus, went back to Texas Arkcher, Glowurm, The country-time bar waiting for cheesemaster, who came in his car ( i found the tune for this song!!!! listen to the song with the lyrics "whats a guy gotta do to get a girl in this town" in it! I know it is country, but it still fits better'n most things!)
  9. you see, bob is a song of palindromes, such as "race fast safe car" and "go hang a salami, im a lasangna hog."
  10. When that frog, croaked his song, he was wearing his hat all wrong so then he grabbed a guitar then ran to the country-time bar. When he sang with-a syrupy twang, The Meat Grinder had hunger pangs. Worm your Honour, you're goin' in, Until Johnny Depp, finds his hairpin. "Get writing Glowurm!!!" Horatio did cry Until The Teacher ate his pie The frog, now yearning for insects Missed his bus, went back to
  11. Didn't look at the spamolator... I will check tomorrow or later this evening when I am at Circuit City. It's actually a horrible week for me. A tree on my house (from last week), another branch fell on my beautiful 1974 Orange VW Beetle, the arborist told me that we needed to remove another tree and then my , there were three other major things, but too boring to list. The only bad thing would be a coffee shortage. *runs out to stockpile coffee* Nah, what are they? We will help you, as you have helped us so many times. you are always there for us, let us be here for you!
  12. whip clothing strainer make a quilt mask hat drying things use it to scrub put it down on mud so you can walk there blocking the sun fashion accesory tear it up into a sweat band holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay [adding more. We all shoud try to add more!] Blindfold Tissue/hanky Rope 1337-|-|4}{}{0|2 Boxing gloves Bandages [Oh, and I answered your first question.] ... Leet hahos? People dont make any sense anymore. Its depressing. [i see. And of course, it would be less effective in some areas, but it would be smaller and more.. .portable. on the plus side, see.] leet haxxor... I forget the second x >.< and I can't find a better x... Maybe I'm just unimaginative. Anyways. [Well, true, however larger sizes are only bad when it comes to weight and protability. If you went on a planet with a higher grevitational pull... That would hurt. But otherwise they may be an overall better option.] X= \\// //\\ >< v ^ (<-- Not really, no.) aaaand some even bigger Ascii things. Some letters you just cant do. XD \+/=X i know basic maths! i like doing k's. ]{ /{ |{ l{ J{ 9{. they all seem to use the { thingy though...
  13. holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay XDDDD! Thats fitting hilarious. uh. Yeah, the wording and all. thats hilarious. You get an award. I dunno which, so i'll make one up now. You get... a... ThingThingThinger Award. s'what i'll call it. For humorous statement. yeah. you get it now. SCHWING!!!! *goes to edit siggy*
  14. Well, you gotta get her then. A lot of girls think it is entirely the guys responsibilty to let her know how she feels. AT least, a lot of my female friends believe so.
  15. whip clothing strainer make a quilt mask hat drying things use it to scrub put it down on mud so you can walk there blocking the sun fashion accesory tear it up into a sweat band holding pets on it so if they pee it is okay
  16. I have a duct tape wallet. and i duct-taped my GBAdvanced. and I fixed my dresser with it.
  17. Cheesus

    My place. :)

    You deserve to vent!!! What bothers me, he never had to offer to come visit. Well, I guess he has just shown his true colors. I am sure your feelings are really hurt. *gives Jesusfreak a giant hammie bear huggle* Yeah, I mean he was never reliable, but this is by far the worst he's done. And if for some reason Ian is reading this, he should know how upset I am. However he should also know that if he come clean about it and grows up, I'm willing to give him a second chance, even though he doesn't deserve it. I don't even know why I'm so attached to the guy. i mean, I haven't even seen him in two years! I guess God has a reason for all this happening, but I sure wish I knew what it was. Maybe I can guess. New school, new stage of life, new you and new much better guy. I predict that you will meet so many nice, interesting guys that Ian will be a friend from your past. I don't know. Ian's not my boyfriend or anything (obviously that wouldn't work out) but he's one of those people that is unlike anyone else, for better or for worse (he failed geometry twice, but can speak 10 languages fluently). Although I have already met some interesting people. I wonder what they're up to... That must be one of those right brain - left brain things. I can do math and science but it takes a great deal for me to be able to speak a language. As for how to deal with Ian. Do the "five minute rule". What this means is that you will wait five minutes. Not six, not five and one-quarter. When five minutes after the time he is supposed to show arrives and he has not called or shown, leave and do your own thing. No waiting. I guarantee this will change anyone's behaviour who wishes to be in your company. Of course, if there is a good excuse, and they call before they are supposed to be there, then you can give them a new time and a new five minutes after that time. i know what you mean about the whatever and language thing. I am horrible at language (exept our own. I'm good at it.) but i can't do well at spanish or whatever. But i am really good at said other things.
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