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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Cheesus

  1. Does that mean you don't like Brianrietta anymore? ;_; Aww. It was so cute. Maybe she was just confused on how to tell you she likes you? x_X I dunno. But you should give her another chance. Eh, She lost a whole lot of brownie points, but I think from my... response (mostly just avoiding her uncomfortably and always finding something better to do) she got the message that I wasnt all for her appearance. I hope she knows thats not the way to get my attention. I still like her, but I think some adjustments need to be made. >__>; I agree, i think she just has it wrong how she wants to say she likes me too. and hope so. I think it would be more hilarious to just suddenly reveal that in a very public and awkward situation. Embarassment for all. XD That' be so hilarious. Now that i'm mostly over her stupidness of earlier today, I have another part of this still-unnofficial relationship to tell. ... since i forgot and just remembered. Brianrietta, The Denzel, and two other people, are all in their own little amoeba, of friends and whatever. Since we moved in, they got a liking toward my older sister, and made my sister the fifth member of their little group. Applying madd hacker skillz, I got on my sisters' lappy and got all of this amoeba's IM names. (Im so stealthy.) but I cant tell which one is Brianrietta. D= I can identify two of the four, one is The Denzel, the one that got... a large group of people confused for me having an obsession with her rather than Brianrietta. so, I have The Denzel, and one of the more useless members of that amoeba. I think I found which one is Brianrietta, but I cant be sure without being blatantly obvious that im hacking my sisters computer to find out about her friends. So, I have all their IM names... but only one of them even knows Im a computer nerd, let alone have IM myself. What would be the most strategic move? I dont even know, man. People are confusing. The most sensible thing to do is to ask her if she has a screen name, and find it out, then you can her yours. Duh.
  2. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I don't wear Skirts or shorts. Ever. Unless I'm at a wedding. Or, more commonly, a funeral. O_o I'm pretty sensitive about my legs...I have really muscular legs, and I always wear pants because people make fun of me for it. But when i like someone, I get even more sensitive aout the way I look. Aaaaaanyway. Trent has been pretty depressed lately. People making fun of him and calling him a loser. *~*the Psychedlic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* then this would be an excelent time to be his friend.
  3. hidden message in there, 5 points to he/r who finds it Why? did you find the message?
  4. if you got on at 10:54, how is 11:47 over an hour later?
  5. hidden message in there, 5 points to he/r who finds it
  6. Du Hast- rammstein an awsome heavy metal song of much bad...buttness.
  7. hy der. huw r u 2daii? I'm good! but is there any chance you could write in ENGLISH?! hw menii tymz du i has 2 teLL u. i alwedii am silleee. Translation: How many times to I have to tell you? I already am, silly. ||= +|3||=0|=|= 93+5 +0 +4|_|< ||\| (|-|4+5|>34|<, +|-|4|\| | 93+ +0 +4|_|< ||\| |-|4XX0|2 |_33+ i can pick out a few words, such as talk and than, and haxxor 1337
  8. You should have tried to get one of them on the boards. XD maybe if a had a couple hundred dollers to bribe them with you should have just mentioned it, and said what a wonderful place it is. you know, casually.
  9. well, maybe she thought you weren't getting the point of what she had been trying to say before this outfit, and decided she needed to make it clear to you.
  10. I can't believe i am gonna try to memorize white and nerdy, this will be kinda hard. XD
  11. Hello. Me is Japancat Vera Boomtang Gilmout Van dort Pitch black, supreme ruler of the Universe. Now Gimme something that i can crush in the Meat Grinder. Way to go. Revive another unposted in for almost a month topic. This is Hamsterfireball's guest appearance, I think he would appreciate hearing from Mushroom_king. So Wolfie, how about we let this one slide. Fine, fine. But I was being easy. I could have ranted about pointless posts. I love those rants. Please go ahead and rant away about pointless posts. Okie doke! Pointless posts waste the time of many people. If, for example, a person has to look at ten different pointless posts, they end up wasting around five minutes, from scrolling and loading. These minutes add up. You could be wasting around a week's worth of people's lives eventually. But it is not just the posters who it affects. It also may waste modding time. Patient coffee-spitting Horatio may be here constantly, but I'm sure that at times he gets tired of posts that just say, "bump" or something of the sort. Maybe Horatio's battery goes low. Perhaps he won't finish moderating, and then maybe people will waste more of his time by saying he takes too long or something. Back to the everyday person. They skip along, "Lalalala!", they exclaim. Then... the dreadful moment when (s)he transforms into Godzilla! This is because they were out in the sun before and then the five minutes they needed to go to their coffin was wasted by these posts. Oops. Sorry. I started thinking of the mutants instead near the end. Come pick up your Double Titanium Gold Comet Award! You outdid yourself this time! Shweet! Wow! Double Titanium Gold Comet Award? I've never heard that one before! You have never heard of it because I just invented it, especially for you. Haha, Horatio, how many unique awards have you created? Well, if you prefer, I can exchange this for The Gold Star Award. *avoids the question* No, I'm good, I'll stay with the Double Titanium Gold Comet. I thought you might see things my way. *mumble* Manipulative little hamster... *mumble* *evil laugh is heard from the cage in the distance* *wonders if TGHL has finally taken Horatio's sanity* did horation ever have one in the first place? What ???? *throws Cheesemaster into Mushroom_king's meat grinder and then into the microwave to make fondue* *severe feeling of de-ja-vu*
  12. You should have tried to get one of them on the boards. XD
  13. gandalf the grey and gandalf the white monty python and the holy grails black knight benito mousaline (moo-za-lee-knee) and the blue meany cowboy curtis and giamby the genie robocop, the terminator, captain kirk and darth vadar lo-pan, superman, everysingle power ranger bill S. preston and theodore logan spock, the rock, doc oc and hulk hogan all came outta nowhere, lightning fast.... Yay for lemon demon. But weird al is better, cause i'm white and nerdy.
  14. Hello. Me is Japancat Vera Boomtang Gilmout Van dort Pitch black, supreme ruler of the Universe. Now Gimme something that i can crush in the Meat Grinder. Way to go. Revive another unposted in for almost a month topic. This is Hamsterfireball's guest appearance, I think he would appreciate hearing from Mushroom_king. So Wolfie, how about we let this one slide. Fine, fine. But I was being easy. I could have ranted about pointless posts. I love those rants. Please go ahead and rant away about pointless posts. Okie doke! Pointless posts waste the time of many people. If, for example, a person has to look at ten different pointless posts, they end up wasting around five minutes, from scrolling and loading. These minutes add up. You could be wasting around a week's worth of people's lives eventually. But it is not just the posters who it affects. It also may waste modding time. Patient coffee-spitting Horatio may be here constantly, but I'm sure that at times he gets tired of posts that just say, "bump" or something of the sort. Maybe Horatio's battery goes low. Perhaps he won't finish moderating, and then maybe people will waste more of his time by saying he takes too long or something. Back to the everyday person. They skip along, "Lalalala!", they exclaim. Then... the dreadful moment when (s)he transforms into Godzilla! This is because they were out in the sun before and then the five minutes they needed to go to their coffin was wasted by these posts. Oops. Sorry. I started thinking of the mutants instead near the end. Come pick up your Double Titanium Gold Comet Award! You outdid yourself this time! Shweet! Wow! Double Titanium Gold Comet Award? I've never heard that one before! You have never heard of it because I just invented it, especially for you. Haha, Horatio, how many unique awards have you created? Well, if you prefer, I can exchange this for The Gold Star Award. *avoids the question* No, I'm good, I'll stay with the Double Titanium Gold Comet. I thought you might see things my way. *mumble* Manipulative little hamster... *mumble* *evil laugh is heard from the cage in the distance* *wonders if TGHL has finally taken Horatio's sanity* did horation ever have one in the first place?
  15. Im working to 5000. hopefully by christmas. XD
  16. Now, did she have any revelations about you after she saw clearly? XD just kidding arkcher, you're awsome.
  17. i bolded the ones i like, and i think you can figure out what i meant by all the stuff on weird al. XD
  18. I know about 20 people who would love to beat you up. Iron Maiden (along with the other 14 bands I bolded) does not deserve to even be on the same list as those another bands and artists. D:< well, let her like what she wants to.
  19. Agreed. You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!" it is LEEEERRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSs ssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter* I stand corrected! how can a wurm stand? you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. And wurms can stand on their tail. The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type. likewise. XD
  20. MK, just talk to trent. This girl i knew was my friend (still is) and she found out i liked her, and we kinda didn't talk as much after that. However, i just went up to her between classes and just talked. It is simple really, you just gotta talk. Might be a little akward at first, but you wil gt back to being great friends. :]
  21. Agreed. You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!" it is LEEEERRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSs ssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter* I stand corrected! how can a wurm stand? you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased.
  22. Not at all... we have just been awaiting your return from Amsterdam! How was your trip? Did you get to visit Anne Frank's house? We have missed you soooooo much. Glad you are back. Oh I've been back for a long time now Horatio, popping in from time to time, but the forums seem to be so... empty. How strange it is to remember when it was full of members. As to Amsterdam, it was indeed amazing and I did visit Anne Frank's house. It was strange to be queing up to go into the huge glass and steel limpet that was attached to it. When I was in the house itself, going round (I had to queue behind some delightful person from the USA who was giving a very loud lecture on the war. I bit his head off (metaphorically) when he started insulting Japan.) it was extremely hot and the spice that still lingered was very agitating. Makes you wonder how horrible it must have been for the Frank family and their friends hiding in the small room behind the offices. true, it is emptier now on the boards. We should have recruiting parties to get people on the board.
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